1,126 research outputs found

    Central limit theorem for Fourier transforms of stationary processes

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    We consider asymptotic behavior of Fourier transforms of stationary ergodic sequences with finite second moments. We establish a central limit theorem (CLT) for almost all frequencies and also an annealed CLT. The theorems hold for all regular sequences. Our results shed new light on the foundation of spectral analysis and on the asymptotic distribution of periodogram, and it provides a nice blend of harmonic analysis, theory of stationary processes and theory of martingales.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP530 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A generalization of the central limit theorem consistent with nonextensive statistical mechanics

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    The standard central limit theorem plays a fundamental role in Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics. This important physical theory has been generalized \cite{Tsallis1988} in 1988 by using the entropy Sq=1βˆ’βˆ‘ipiqqβˆ’1S_q = \frac{1-\sum_i p_i^q}{q-1} (with q∈Rq \in \mathcal{R}) instead of its particular BG case S1=SBG=βˆ’βˆ‘ipiln⁑piS_1=S_{BG}= -\sum_i p_i \ln p_i. The theory which emerges is usually referred to as {\it nonextensive statistical mechanics} and recovers the standard theory for q=1q=1. During the last two decades, this qq-generalized statistical mechanics has been successfully applied to a considerable amount of physically interesting complex phenomena. A conjecture\cite{Tsallis2005} and numerical indications available in the literature have been, for a few years, suggesting the possibility of qq-versions of the standard central limit theorem by allowing the random variables that are being summed to be strongly correlated in some special manner, the case q=1q=1 corresponding to standard probabilistic independence. This is what we prove in the present paper for 1≀q<31 \leq q<3. The attractor, in the usual sense of a central limit theorem, is given by a distribution of the form p(x)=Cq[1βˆ’(1βˆ’q)Ξ²x2]1/(1βˆ’q)p(x) =C_q [1-(1-q) \beta x^2]^{1/(1-q)} with Ξ²>0\beta>0, and normalizing constant CqC_q. These distributions, sometimes referred to as qq-Gaussians, are known to make, under appropriate constraints, extremal the functional SqS_q (in its continuous version). Their q=1q=1 and q=2q=2 particular cases recover respectively Gaussian and Cauchy distributions.Comment: 19 pages (the new version contains further simplifications and precisions with regard to the previous one

    General expression for the component size distribution in infinite configuration networks

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    In the infinite configuration network the links between nodes are assigned randomly with the only restriction that the degree distribution has to match a predefined function. This work presents a simple equation that gives for an arbitrary degree distribution the corresponding size distribution of connected components. This equation is suitable for fast and stable numerical computations up to the machine precision. The analytical analysis reveals that the asymptote of the component size distribution is completely defined by only a few parameters of the degree distribution: the first three moments, scale and exponent (if applicable). When the degree distribution features a heavy tail, multiple asymptotic modes are observed in the component size distribution that, in turn, may or may not feature a heavy tail

    Functional Limit Theorems for Toeplitz Quadratic Functionals of Continuous time Gaussian Stationary Processes

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    \noindent The paper establishes weak convergence in C[0,1]C[0,1] of normalized stochastic processes, generated by Toeplitz type quadratic functionals of a continuous time Gaussian stationary process, exhibiting long-range dependence. Both central and non-central functional limit theorems are obtained
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