6 research outputs found

    On the Axiomatizability of Quantitative Algebras

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    Quantitative algebras (QAs) are algebras over metric spaces defined by quantitative equational theories as introduced by the same authors in a related paper presented at LICS 2016. These algebras provide the mathematical foundation for metric semantics of probabilistic, stochastic and other quantitative systems. This paper considers the issue of axiomatizability of QAs. We investigate the entire spectrum of types of quantitative equations that can be used to axiomatize theories: (i) simple quantitative equations; (ii) Horn clauses with no more than cc equations between variables as hypotheses, where cc is a cardinal and (iii) the most general case of Horn clauses. In each case we characterize the class of QAs and prove variety/quasivariety theorems that extend and generalize classical results from model theory for algebras and first-order structures.Comment: 34 pages, this is an extended version of the paper with the same title presented at LICS 201

    Discrete equational theories

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    We introduce discrete equational theories where operations are induced by those having discrete arities. We characterize the corresponding monads as monads preserving surjections. Using it, we prove Birkhoff type theorems for categories of algebras of discrete theories. This extends known results from metric spaces to general symmetric monoidal closed categories.Comment: 13 page

    Quantum channels as a categorical completion

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    We propose a categorical foundation for the connection between pure and mixed states in quantum information and quantum computation. The foundation is based on distributive monoidal categories. First, we prove that the category of all quantum channels is a canonical completion of the category of pure quantum operations (with ancilla preparations). More precisely, we prove that the category of completely positive trace-preserving maps between finite-dimensional C*-algebras is a canonical completion of the category of finite-dimensional vector spaces and isometries. Second, we extend our result to give a foundation to the topological relationships between quantum channels. We do this by generalizing our categorical foundation to the topologically-enriched setting. In particular, we show that the operator norm topology on quantum channels is the canonical topology induced by the norm topology on isometries.Comment: 12 pages + ref, accepted at LICS 201

    Enriched universal algebra

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    Following the classical approach of Birkhoff, we introduce enriched universal algebra. Given a suitable base of enrichment V\mathcal V, we define a language L\mathbb L to be a collection of (X,Y)(X,Y)-ary function symbols whose arities are taken among the objects of V\mathcal V. The class of L\mathbb L-terms is constructed recursively from the symbols of L\mathbb L, the morphisms in V\mathcal V, and by incorporating the monoidal structure of V\mathcal V. Then, L\mathbb L-structures and interpretations of terms are defined, leading to enriched equational theories. In this framework we prove several fundamental theorems of universal algebra, including the characterization of algebras for finitary monads on V\mathcal V as models of an equational theories, and several Birkhoff-type theorems