1 research outputs found

    Image-based procedural texture matching and transformation

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    In this thesis, we present an approach to finding a procedural representation of a texture to replicate a given texture image which we call image-based procedural texture matching. Procedural representations are frequently used for many aspects of computer generated imagery, however, the ability to use procedural textures is limited by the difficulty inherent in finding a suitable procedural representation to match a desired texture. More importantly, the process of determining an appropriate set of parameters necessary to approximate the sample texture is a difficult task for a graphic artist.The textural characteristics of many real world objects change over time, so we are therefore interested in how textured objects in a graphical animation could also be made to change automatically. We would like this automatic texture transformation to be based on different texture samples in a time-dependant manner. This notion, which is a natural extension of procedural texture matching, involves the creation of a smoothly varying sequence of texture images, while allowing the graphic artist to control various characteristics of the texture sequence.Given a library of procedural textures, our approach uses a perceptually motivated texture similarity measure to identify which procedural textures in the library may produce a suitable match. Our work assumes that at least one procedural texture in the library is capable of approximating the desired texture. Because exhaustive search of all of the parameter combinations for each procedural texture is not computationally feasible, we perform a two-stage search on the candidate procedural textures. First, a global search is performed over pre-computed samples from the given procedural texture to locate promising parameter settings. Secondly, these parameter settings are optimised using a local search method to refine the match to the desired texture.The characteristics of a procedural texture generally do not vary uniformly for uniform parameter changes. That is, in some areas of the parameter domain of a procedural texture (the set of all valid parameter settings for the given procedural texture) small changes may produce large variations in the resulting texture, while in other areas the same changes may produce no variation at all. In this thesis, we present an adaptive random sampling algorithm which captures the texture range (the set of all images a procedural texture can produce) of a procedural texture by maintaining a sampling density which is consistent with the amount of change occurring in that region of the parameter domain.Texture transformations may not always be contained to a single procedural texture, and we therefore describe an approach to finding transitional points from one procedural texture to another. We present an algorithm for finding a path through the texture space formed from combining the texture range of the relevant procedural textures and their transitional points.Several examples of image-based texture matching, and texture transformations are shown. Finally, potential limitations of this work as well as future directions are discussed