3 research outputs found

    Constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s over the Galois ring GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m)

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    For prime pp, GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m) represents the Galois ring of order pamp^{am} and characterise pp, where aa is any positive integer. In this article, we study the Type (1) λ\lambda-constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s over the ring GR(pa,m)GR(p^a,m), where λ=ξ0+pξ1+p2z\lambda=\xi_0+p\xi_1+p^2z, ξ0,ξ1∈T(p,m)\xi_0,\xi_1\in T(p,m) are nonzero elements and z∈GR(pa,m)z\in GR(p^a,m). In first case, when λ\lambda is a square, we show that any ideal of Rp(a,m,λ)=GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x4ps−λ⟩\mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda)=\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{4p^s}-\lambda\rangle} is the direct sum of the ideals of GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x2ps−δ⟩\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{2p^s}-\delta\rangle} and GR(pa,m)[x]⟨x2ps+δ⟩\frac{GR(p^a,m)[x]}{\langle x^{2p^s}+\delta\rangle}. In second, when λ\lambda is not a square, we show that Rp(a,m,λ)\mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda) is a chain ring whose ideals are ⟨(x4−α)i⟩⊆Rp(a,m,λ)\langle (x^4-\alpha)^i\rangle\subseteq \mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda), for 0≤i≤aps0\leq i\leq ap^s where αps=ξ0\alpha^{p^s}=\xi_0. Also, we prove the dual of the above code is ⟨(x4−α−1)aps−i⟩⊆Rp(a,m,λ−1)\langle (x^4-\alpha^{-1})^{ap^s-i}\rangle\subseteq \mathcal{R}_p(a,m,\lambda^{-1}) and present the necessary and sufficient condition for these codes to be self-orthogonal and self-dual, respectively. Moreover, the Rosenbloom-Tsfasman (RT) distance, Hamming distance and weight distribution of Type (1) λ\lambda-constacyclic codes of length 4ps4p^s are obtained when λ\lambda is not a square.Comment: This article has 18 pages and ready to submit in a journa

    Imágenes de Gray de códigos consta-cíclicos sobre anillos de Galois R de índice de nilpotencia 3.

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    We will state necessary and sufficient conditions for the image under the Gray map of a R-constacyclic code to be Fpm-quasi-cyclic code. We study the Witt vectors to get a way to operate the µ-reduction of padic components of the elements of the Galois rings of nilpotency index 3, R = GR(p3, m). We analyze Galois rings, its mostly relevant properties, and we focus in the p-adic representation of their elements. Later on, we examine construction of the Witt vectors rings and its operations, in particular, we get explicit expressions for operations of addition and product of the elements in the truncated Witt vectors ring of length 3, W3(Fpm). Finally, we will use these operations and an isomorphism between GR(p3, m) and W3(Fpm) to get a way to operate the µ-reductions described above.Estableceremos condiciones necesarias y suficientes para que la imagen bajo la función de Gray de un R-código consta-cíclico sea un Fpmcódigo cuasi-cíclico. Estudiamos el anillo de vectores de Witt para obtener una manera de operar las µ-reducciones de las componentes p-ádicas de los elementos de los anillos de Galois de índice de nilpotencia 3, R = GR(p3, m). Analizamos a los anillos de Galois, sus propiedades más relevantes, y en particular la representación p-ádica de sus elementos. Más adelante, examinamos la construcción del anillo de vectores de Witt y sus operaciones, en particular, obtenemos expresiones explícitas para las operaciones de suma y producto de los elementos en el anillo truncado de vectores de Witt de longitud 3, W3(Fpm). Finalmente, utilizamos las operaciones de éstos últimos y un isomorfismo entre GR(p3, m) y W3(Fpm) para operar las µ-reducciones antes descritas