206 research outputs found

    Advanced channel coding for space mission telecommand links

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    We investigate and compare different options for updating the error correcting code currently used in space mission telecommand links. Taking as a reference the solutions recently emerged as the most promising ones, based on Low-Density Parity-Check codes, we explore the behavior of alternative schemes, based on parallel concatenated turbo codes and soft-decision decoded BCH codes. Our analysis shows that these further options can offer similar or even better performance.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, presented at IEEE VTC 2013 Fall, Las Vegas, USA, Sep. 2013 Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2013 Fall), ISBN 978-1-6185-9, Las Vegas, USA, Sep. 201

    Further Results on Quadratic Permutation Polynomial-Based Interleavers for Turbo Codes

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    An interleaver is a critical component for the channel coding performance of turbo codes. Algebraic constructions are of particular interest because they admit analytical designs and simple, practical hardware implementation. Also, the recently proposed quadratic permutation polynomial (QPP) based interleavers by Sun and Takeshita (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Jan. 2005) provide excellent performance for short-to-medium block lengths, and have been selected for the 3GPP LTE standard. In this work, we derive some upper bounds on the best achievable minimum distance dmin of QPP-based conventional binary turbo codes (with tailbiting termination, or dual termination when the interleaver length N is sufficiently large) that are tight for larger block sizes. In particular, we show that the minimum distance is at most 2(2^{\nu +1}+9), independent of the interleaver length, when the QPP has a QPP inverse, where {\nu} is the degree of the primitive feedback and monic feedforward polynomials. However, allowing the QPP to have a larger degree inverse may give strictly larger minimum distances (and lower multiplicities). In particular, we provide several QPPs with an inverse degree of at least three for some of the 3GPP LTE interleaver lengths giving a dmin with the 3GPP LTE constituent encoders which is strictly larger than 50. For instance, we have found a QPP for N=6016 which gives an estimated dmin of 57. Furthermore, we provide the exact minimum distance and the corresponding multiplicity for all 3GPP LTE turbo codes (with dual termination) which shows that the best minimum distance is 51. Finally, we compute the best achievable minimum distance with QPP interleavers for all 3GPP LTE interleaver lengths N <= 4096, and compare the minimum distance with the one we get when using the 3GPP LTE polynomials.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor

    A Vision for 5G Channel Coding

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    Channel coding is a vital but complex component of cellular communication systems, which is used for correcting the communication errors that are caused by noise, interference and poor signal strength. The turbo code was selected as the main channel code in 3G and 4G cellular systems, but the 3GPP standardization group is currently debating whether it should be replaced by the Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code in 5G. This debate is being driven by the requirements for 5G, which include throughputs of up to 20 Gbps in the downlink to user devices, ultra-low latencies, as well as much greater flexibility to support diverse use-cases, including broadband data, Internet of Things (IoT), vehicular communications and cloud computing. In our previous white paper, we demonstrated that flexible turbo codes can achieve these requirements with superior hardware- and energy-efficiencies than flexible LDPC decoders. However, the proponents of LDPC codes have highlighted that inflexible LDPC decoders can achieve throughputs of 20 Gbps with particularly attractive hardware- and energy- efficiencies. This white paper outlines a vision for 5G, in which channel coding is provided by a flexible turbo code for most use-cases, but which is supported by an inflexible LDPC code for 20 Gbps downlink use-cases, such as fixed wireless broadband. We demonstrate that this approach can meet all of the 5G requirements, while offering hardware- and energy-efficiencies that are significantly better than those of an LDPC-only solution. Furthermore, the proposed approach benefits from synergy with the 3G and 4G turbo code, as well as a significantly faster time-to-market for 5G. These benefits translate to a 5G that is significantly more capable, significantly easier to deploy and significantly lower cost
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