2 research outputs found

    On the Linear Algebraic Monoids Associated to Congruence of Matrices

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    This paper discusses the generalized congruence equation XtAX=BX^tAX=B, for X∈Mn(k)X \in M_n(k) over any field kk, through the action of monoid SolAΓ—SolB:={X ∣ XtAX=A}Γ—{X ∣ XtBX=B}Sol_A \times Sol_B := \{X \ | \ X^tAX = A\} \times \{X \ | \ X^tBX = B\}. We have completely characterized for what matrices AA, the monoid SolASol_A is a Lie group. We have given the structure of the Lie group SolASol_A and SolA2Sol_{A^2}, and their Lie algebras when AA is nΓ—nn \times n nilpotent matrix of nilpotency nn. In this case, we have also proved that the invariants of SolASol_A for any nn, and SolA2Sol_{A^2} for nn even, are finitely generated

    On perturbations of matrix pencils with real spectra. II

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    A well-known result on spectral variation of a Hermitian matrix due to Mirsky is the following: Let A and à be two nxn Hermitian matrices, and let λ1,...,λn and λ1,...,λn be their eigenvalues arranged in ascending order. Then diag |||(λ1-λ1,...,λn-λn) ≤|||A-Ã||| for any unitarily invariant norm ||| .|||. In this paper, we generalize this to the perturbation theory for diagonalizable matrix pencils with real spectra. The much studied case of definite pencils is included in this