4 research outputs found

    On Panchromatic Patterns

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    Given D and H two digraphs, D is H-coloured iff the arcs of D are coloured with the vertices of H. After defining what do we mean by an H-walk in the coloured D, we characterise those H, which we call panchromatic patterns, for which all D and all H-colourings of D admit a kernel by H-walks. This solves a problem of Arpin and Linek from 2007

    A dichotomy for the kernel by HH-walks problem in digraphs

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    Let H=(VH,AH)H = (V_H, A_H) be a digraph which may contain loops, and let D=(VD,AD)D = (V_D, A_D) be a loopless digraph with a coloring of its arcs c:AD→VHc: A_D \to V_H. An HH-walk of DD is a walk (v0,…,vn)(v_0, \dots, v_n) of DD such that (c(vi−1,vi),c(vi,vi+1))(c(v_{i-1}, v_i), c(v_i, v_{i+1})) is an arc of HH, for every 1≤i≤n−11 \le i \le n-1. For u,v∈VDu, v \in V_D, we say that uu reaches vv by HH-walks if there exists an HH-walk from uu to vv in DD. A subset S⊆VDS \subseteq V_D is a kernel by HH-walks of DD if every vertex in VD∖SV_D \setminus S reaches by HH-walks some vertex in SS, and no vertex in SS can reach another vertex in SS by HH-walks. A panchromatic pattern is a digraph HH such that every arc-colored digraph DD has a kernel by HH-walks. In this work, we prove that every digraph HH is either a panchromatic pattern, or the problem of determining whether an arc-colored digraph DD has a kernel by HH-walks is NPNP-complete.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Panchromatic patterns by paths

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    Let H=(VH,AH)H=(V_H,A_H) be a digraph, possibly with loops, and let D=(VD,AD)D=(V_D, A_D) be a loopless multidigraph with a colouring of its arcs c:AD→VHc: A_D \rightarrow V_H. An HH-path of DD is a path (v0,…,vn)(v_0, \dots, v_n) of DD such that (c(vi−1,vi),c(vi,vi+1))(c(v_{i-1}, v_i), c(v_i,v_{i+1})) is an arc of HH for every 1≤i≤n−11 \le i \le n-1. For u,v∈VDu, v \in V_D, we say that uu reaches vv by HH-paths if there exists an HH-path from uu to vv in DD. A subset S⊆VDS \subseteq V_D is HH-absorbent of DD if every vertex in VD−SV_D-S reaches by HH-paths some vertex in SS, and it is HH-independent if no vertex in SS can reach another (different) vertex in SS by HH-pahts. An HH-kernel is an independent by HH-paths and absorbent by HH-paths subset of VDV_D. We define B~1\tilde{\mathscr{B}}_1 as the set of digraphs HH such that any HH-arc-coloured tournament has an HH-absorbent by paths vertex; the set B~2\tilde{\mathscr{B}}_2 consists of the digraphs HH such that any HH-arc-coloured digraph DD has an independent, HH-absorbent by paths set; analogously, the set B~3\tilde{\mathscr{B}}_3 is the set of digraphs HH such that every HH-arc-coloured digraph DD contains an HH-kernel by paths. In this work, we present a characterization of B~2\tilde{\mathscr{B}}_2, and provide structural properties of the digraphs in B~3\tilde{\mathscr{B}}_3 which settle up its characterization except for the analysis of a single digraph on three vertices.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    H-Kernels by Walks

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    We prove that, if every cycle of DD is an HH-cycle, then DD has an HH-kernel by walks