1,174 research outputs found

    Stripe: Tensor Compilation via the Nested Polyhedral Model

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    Hardware architectures and machine learning (ML) libraries evolve rapidly. Traditional compilers often fail to generate high-performance code across the spectrum of new hardware offerings. To mitigate, engineers develop hand-tuned kernels for each ML library update and hardware upgrade. Unfortunately, this approach requires excessive engineering effort to scale or maintain with any degree of state-of-the-art performance. Here we present a Nested Polyhedral Model for representing highly parallelizable computations with limited dependencies between iterations. This model provides an underlying framework for an intermediate representation (IR) called Stripe, amenable to standard compiler techniques while naturally modeling key aspects of modern ML computing. Stripe represents parallelism, efficient memory layout, and multiple compute units at a level of abstraction amenable to automatic optimization. We describe how Stripe enables a compiler for ML in the style of LLVM that allows independent development of algorithms, optimizations, and hardware accelerators. We also discuss the design exploration advantages of Stripe over kernel libraries and schedule-based or schedule-space-based code generation

    FusionStitching: Deep Fusion and Code Generation for Tensorflow Computations on GPUs

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    In recent years, there is a surge on machine learning applications in industry. Many of them are based on popular AI frameworks like Tensorflow, Torch, Caffe, or MxNet, etc, and are enpowered by accelerator platforms such as GPUs. One important challenge of running Tensorflow computations on GPUs is the fine granularity problem, namely, FLOPS of individual ops are far from enough to fully exploit the computing power of underlying accelerators. The XLA framework provides a solid foundation to explore this problem further. In this paper, we propose FusionStitching, a novel, comprehensive Op fusion and code generation system to stitch computations into large GPU kernels. Experimental results on four public models and two of our large inhouse applications show another 55% (geometric mean) reduction of GPU kernel launches, compared to the XLA fusion baseline. This increases the E2E performance of both of our latency critical inhouse applications up to 20%.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Relay: A High-Level Compiler for Deep Learning

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    Frameworks for writing, compiling, and optimizing deep learning (DL) models have recently enabled progress in areas like computer vision and natural language processing. Extending these frameworks to accommodate the rapidly diversifying landscape of DL models and hardware platforms presents challenging tradeoffs between expressivity, composability, and portability. We present Relay, a new compiler framework for DL. Relay's functional, statically typed intermediate representation (IR) unifies and generalizes existing DL IRs to express state-of-the-art models. The introduction of Relay's expressive IR requires careful design of domain-specific optimizations, addressed via Relay's extension mechanisms. Using these extension mechanisms, Relay supports a unified compiler that can target a variety of hardware platforms. Our evaluation demonstrates Relay's competitive performance for a broad class of models and devices (CPUs, GPUs, and emerging accelerators). Relay's design demonstrates how a unified IR can provide expressivity, composability, and portability without compromising performance

    A Hardware-Software Blueprint for Flexible Deep Learning Specialization

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    Specialized Deep Learning (DL) acceleration stacks, designed for a specific set of frameworks, model architectures, operators, and data types, offer the allure of high performance while sacrificing flexibility. Changes in algorithms, models, operators, or numerical systems threaten the viability of specialized hardware accelerators. We propose VTA, a programmable deep learning architecture template designed to be extensible in the face of evolving workloads. VTA achieves this flexibility via a parametrizable architecture, two-level ISA, and a JIT compiler. The two-level ISA is based on (1) a task-ISA that explicitly orchestrates concurrent compute and memory tasks and (2) a microcode-ISA which implements a wide variety of operators with single-cycle tensor-tensor operations. Next, we propose a runtime system equipped with a JIT compiler for flexible code-generation and heterogeneous execution that enables effective use of the VTA architecture. VTA is integrated and open-sourced into Apache TVM, a state-of-the-art deep learning compilation stack that provides flexibility for diverse models and divergent hardware backends. We propose a flow that performs design space exploration to generate a customized hardware architecture and software operator library that can be leveraged by mainstream learning frameworks. We demonstrate our approach by deploying optimized deep learning models used for object classification and style transfer on edge-class FPGAs.Comment: 6 pages plus references, 8 figure

    FusionStitching: Boosting Execution Efficiency of Memory Intensive Computations for DL Workloads

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    Performance optimization is the art of continuous seeking a harmonious mapping between the application domain and hardware. Recent years have witnessed a surge of deep learning (DL) applications in industry. Conventional wisdom for optimizing such workloads mainly focus on compute intensive ops (GEMM, Convolution, etc). Yet we show in this work, that the performance of memory intensive computations is vital to E2E performance in practical DL models. We propose \emph{FusionStitching}, a optimization framework capable of fusing memory intensive \emph{elementwise}, \emph{reduction} and fine grained \emph{GEMM/Batched-GEMM} ops, with or without data dependences, into large computation units, then mapping and transforming them into efficient GPU kernels. We formulate the fusion plan optimization as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem, and propose a set of empirical heuristics to reduce the combinatorial search space. In order to map optimized fusion plans to hardware, we propose a technique to effectively compose various groups of computations into a single GPU kernel, by fully leveraging on chip resources like scratchpads or registers. Experimental results on six benchmarks and four industry scale practical models are encouraging. Overall, \emph{FusionStitching} can reach up to 5.7x speedup compared to Tensorflow baseline, and achieves 1.25x to 1.85x performance speedups compared to current state of the art, with 1.4x on average (geometric mean).Comment: 11+ page

    DNNVM : End-to-End Compiler Leveraging Heterogeneous Optimizations on FPGA-based CNN Accelerators

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    The convolutional neural network (CNN) has become a state-of-the-art method for several artificial intelligence domains in recent years. The increasingly complex CNN models are both computation-bound and I/O-bound. FPGA-based accelerators driven by custom instruction set architecture (ISA) achieve a balance between generality and efficiency, but there is much on them left to be optimized. We propose the full-stack compiler DNNVM, which is an integration of optimizers for graphs, loops and data layouts, and an assembler, a runtime supporter and a validation environment. The DNNVM works in the context of deep learning frameworks and transforms CNN models into the directed acyclic graph: XGraph. Based on XGraph, we transform the optimization challenges for both the data layout and pipeline into graph-level problems. DNNVM enumerates all potentially profitable fusion opportunities by a heuristic subgraph isomorphism algorithm to leverage pipeline and data layout optimizations, and searches for the best choice of execution strategies of the whole computing graph. On the Xilinx ZU2 @330 MHz and ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve equivalently state-of-the-art performance on our benchmarks by na\"ive implementations without optimizations, and the throughput is further improved up to 1.26x by leveraging heterogeneous optimizations in DNNVM. Finally, with ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for VGG and ResNet50. We achieve a throughput of 2.82 TOPs/s and an energy efficiency of 123.7 GOPs/s/W for VGG. Additionally, we achieve 1.38 TOPs/s for ResNet50 and 1.41 TOPs/s for GoogleNet.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Optimizing Data-Intensive Computations in Existing Libraries with Split Annotations

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    Data movement between main memory and the CPU is a major bottleneck in parallel data-intensive applications. In response, researchers have proposed using compilers and intermediate representations (IRs) that apply optimizations such as loop fusion under existing high-level APIs such as NumPy and TensorFlow. Even though these techniques generally do not require changes to user applications, they require intrusive changes to the library itself: often, library developers must rewrite each function using a new IR. In this paper, we propose a new technique called split annotations (SAs) that enables key data movement optimizations over unmodified library functions. SAs only require developers to annotate functions and implement an API that specifies how to partition data in the library. The annotation and API describe how to enable cross-function data pipelining and parallelization, while respecting each function's correctness constraints. We implement a parallel runtime for SAs in a system called Mozart. We show that Mozart can accelerate workloads in libraries such as Intel MKL and Pandas by up to 15x, with no library modifications. Mozart also provides performance gains competitive with solutions that require rewriting libraries, and can sometimes outperform these systems by up to 2x by leveraging existing hand-optimized code.Comment: Appearing in SOSP 2019, Huntsville, ON, C

    Automatic Full Compilation of Julia Programs and ML Models to Cloud TPUs

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    Google's Cloud TPUs are a promising new hardware architecture for machine learning workloads. They have powered many of Google's milestone machine learning achievements in recent years. Google has now made TPUs available for general use on their cloud platform and as of very recently has opened them up further to allow use by non-TensorFlow frontends. We describe a method and implementation for offloading suitable sections of Julia programs to TPUs via this new API and the Google XLA compiler. Our method is able to completely fuse the forward pass of a VGG19 model expressed as a Julia program into a single TPU executable to be offloaded to the device. Our method composes well with existing compiler-based automatic differentiation techniques on Julia code, and we are thus able to also automatically obtain the VGG19 backwards pass and similarly offload it to the TPU. Targeting TPUs using our compiler, we are able to evaluate the VGG19 forward pass on a batch of 100 images in 0.23s which compares favorably to the 52.4s required for the original model on the CPU. Our implementation is less than 1000 lines of Julia, with no TPU specific changes made to the core Julia compiler or any other Julia packages.Comment: Submitted to SysML 201

    Project Beehive: A Hardware/Software Co-designed Stack for Runtime and Architectural Research

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    The end of Dennard scaling combined with stagnation in architectural and compiler optimizations makes it challenging to achieve significant performance deltas. Solutions based solely in hardware or software are no longer sufficient to maintain the pace of improvements seen during the past few decades. In hardware, the end of single-core scaling resulted in the proliferation of multi-core system architectures, however this has forced complex parallel programming techniques into the mainstream. To further exploit physical resources, systems are becoming increasingly heterogeneous with specialized computing elements and accelerators. Programming across a range of disparate architectures requires a new level of abstraction that programming languages will have to adapt to. In software, emerging complex applications, from domains such as Big Data and computer vision, run on multi-layered software stacks targeting hardware with a variety of constraints and resources. Hence, optimizing for the power-performance (and resiliency) space requires experimentation platforms that offer quick and easy prototyping of hardware/software co-designed techniques. To that end, we present Project Beehive: A Hardware/Software co-designed stack for runtime and architectural research. Project Beehive utilizes various state-of-the-art software and hardware components along with novel and extensible co-design techniques. The objective of Project Beehive is to provide a modern platform for experimentation on emerging applications, programming languages, compilers, runtimes, and low-power heterogeneous many-core architectures in a full-system co-designed manner.Comment: New version of this pape

    DLVM: A modern compiler infrastructure for deep learning systems

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    Deep learning software demands reliability and performance. However, many of the existing deep learning frameworks are software libraries that act as an unsafe DSL in Python and a computation graph interpreter. We present DLVM, a design and implementation of a compiler infrastructure with a linear algebra intermediate representation, algorithmic differentiation by adjoint code generation, domain-specific optimizations and a code generator targeting GPU via LLVM. Designed as a modern compiler infrastructure inspired by LLVM, DLVM is more modular and more generic than existing deep learning compiler frameworks, and supports tensor DSLs with high expressivity. With our prototypical staged DSL embedded in Swift, we argue that the DLVM system enables a form of modular, safe and performant frameworks for deep learning
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