6 research outputs found

    Recognizing Surgically Altered Face Images and 3D Facial Expression Recognition

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    AbstractAltering Facial appearances using surgical procedures are common now days. But it raised challenges for face recognition algorithms. Plastic surgery introduces non linear variations. Because of these variations it is difficult to be modeled by the existing face recognition system. Here presents a multi objective evolutionary granular algorithm. It operates on several granules extracted from a face images at multiple level of granularity. This granular information is unified in an evolutionary manner using multi objective genetic approach. Then identify the facial expression from the face images. For that 3D facial shapes are considering here. A novel automatic feature selection method is proposed based on maximizing the average relative entropy of marginalized class-conditional feature distributions and apply it to a complete pool of candidate features composed of normalized Euclidian distances between 83 facial feature points in the 3D space. A regularized multi-class AdaBoost classification algorithm is used here to get the highest average recognition rate

    Texture Segmentation by Evidence Gathering

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    A new approach to texture segmentation is presented which uses Local Binary Pattern data to provide evidence from which pixels can be classified into texture classes. The proposed algorithm, which we contend to be the first use of evidence gathering in the field of texture classification, uses Generalised Hough Transform style R-tables as unique descriptors for each texture class and an accumulator is used to store votes for each texture class. Tests on the Brodatz database and Berkeley Segmentation Dataset have shown that our algorithm provides excellent results; an average of 86.9% was achieved over 50 tests on 27 Brodatz textures compared with 80.3% achieved by segmentation by histogram comparison centred on each pixel. In addition, our results provide noticeably smoother texture boundaries and reduced noise within texture regions. The concept is also a "higher order" texture descriptor, whereby the arrangement of texture elements is used for classification as well as the frequency of occurrence that is featured in standard texture operators. This results in a unique descriptor for each texture class based on the structure of texture elements within the image, which leads to a homogeneous segmentation, in boundary and area, of texture by this new technique

    Heterogeneous Face Recognition Using Kernel Prototype Similarities

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    On matching sketches with digital face images

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    Abstract — This paper presents an efficient algorithm for matching sketches with digital face images. The algorithm extracts discriminating information present in local facial regions at different levels of granularity. Both sketches and digital images are decomposed into multi-resolution pyramid to conserve high frequency information which forms the dis-criminating facial patterns. Extended uniform circular local binary pattern based descriptors use these patterns to form a unique signature of the face image. Further, for matching, a genetic optimization based approach is proposed to find the optimum weights corresponding to each facial region. The information obtained from different levels of Laplacian pyramid are combined to improve the identification accuracy. Experimental results on sketch-digital image pairs from the CUHK and IIIT-D databases show that the proposed algorithm can provide better identification performance compared to existing algorithms. I