2 research outputs found

    Strongly light subgraphs in the 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 7

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    A graph is {\em 11-planar} if it can be drawn in the plane such that every edge crosses at most one other edge. A connected graph HH is {\em strongly light} in a family of graphs G\mathfrak{G}, if there exists a constant λ\lambda, such that every graph GG in G\mathfrak{G} contains a subgraph KK isomorphic to HH with degG(v)λ\deg_{G}(v) \leq \lambda for all vV(K)v \in V(K). In this paper, we present some strongly light subgraphs in the family of 11-planar graphs with minimum degree~77.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, http://amc-journal.eu/index.php/amc/article/view/564. in Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 201

    A note on 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 7

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    It is well-known that 1-planar graphs have minimum degree at most 7, and not hard to see that some 1-planar graphs have minimum degree exactly 7. In this note we show that any such 1-planar graph has at least 24 vertices, and this is tight.Comment: 4 page