27,873 research outputs found

    The Takagi problem on the disk and bidisk

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    We give a new proof on the disk that a Pick problem can be solved by a rational function that is unimodular on the unit circle and for which the number of poles inside the disk is no more than the number of non-positive eigenvalues of the Pick matrix. We use this method to find rational solutions to Pick problems on the bidisk

    Local interpolation schemes for landmark-based image registration: a comparison

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    In this paper we focus, from a mathematical point of view, on properties and performances of some local interpolation schemes for landmark-based image registration. Precisely, we consider modified Shepard's interpolants, Wendland's functions, and Lobachevsky splines. They are quite unlike each other, but all of them are compactly supported and enjoy interesting theoretical and computational properties. In particular, we point out some unusual forms of the considered functions. Finally, detailed numerical comparisons are given, considering also Gaussians and thin plate splines, which are really globally supported but widely used in applications

    Reproducing Kernels of Generalized Sobolev Spaces via a Green Function Approach with Distributional Operators

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    In this paper we introduce a generalized Sobolev space by defining a semi-inner product formulated in terms of a vector distributional operator P\mathbf{P} consisting of finitely or countably many distributional operators PnP_n, which are defined on the dual space of the Schwartz space. The types of operators we consider include not only differential operators, but also more general distributional operators such as pseudo-differential operators. We deduce that a certain appropriate full-space Green function GG with respect to L:=PTPL:=\mathbf{P}^{\ast T}\mathbf{P} now becomes a conditionally positive definite function. In order to support this claim we ensure that the distributional adjoint operator P\mathbf{P}^{\ast} of P\mathbf{P} is well-defined in the distributional sense. Under sufficient conditions, the native space (reproducing-kernel Hilbert space) associated with the Green function GG can be isometrically embedded into or even be isometrically equivalent to a generalized Sobolev space. As an application, we take linear combinations of translates of the Green function with possibly added polynomial terms and construct a multivariate minimum-norm interpolant sf,Xs_{f,X} to data values sampled from an unknown generalized Sobolev function ff at data sites located in some set XRdX \subset \mathbb{R}^d. We provide several examples, such as Mat\'ern kernels or Gaussian kernels, that illustrate how many reproducing-kernel Hilbert spaces of well-known reproducing kernels are isometrically equivalent to a generalized Sobolev space. These examples further illustrate how we can rescale the Sobolev spaces by the vector distributional operator P\mathbf{P}. Introducing the notion of scale as part of the definition of a generalized Sobolev space may help us to choose the "best" kernel function for kernel-based approximation methods.Comment: Update version of the publish at Num. Math. closed to Qi Ye's Ph.D. thesis (\url{http://mypages.iit.edu/~qye3/PhdThesis-2012-AMS-QiYe-IIT.pdf}

    The Gaussian core model in high dimensions

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    We prove lower bounds for energy in the Gaussian core model, in which point particles interact via a Gaussian potential. Under the potential function teαt2t \mapsto e^{-\alpha t^2} with 0<α<4π/e0 < \alpha < 4\pi/e, we show that no point configuration in Rn\mathbf{R}^n of density ρ\rho can have energy less than (ρ+o(1))(π/α)n/2(\rho+o(1))(\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} as nn \to \infty with α\alpha and ρ\rho fixed. This lower bound asymptotically matches the upper bound of ρ(π/α)n/2\rho (\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} obtained as the expectation in the Siegel mean value theorem, and it is attained by random lattices. The proof is based on the linear programming bound, and it uses an interpolation construction analogous to those used for the Beurling-Selberg extremal problem in analytic number theory. In the other direction, we prove that the upper bound of ρ(π/α)n/2\rho (\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} is no longer asymptotically sharp when α>πe\alpha > \pi e. As a consequence of our results, we obtain bounds in Rn\mathbf{R}^n for the minimal energy under inverse power laws t1/tn+st \mapsto 1/t^{n+s} with s>0s>0, and these bounds are sharp to within a constant factor as nn \to \infty with ss fixed.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur