29 research outputs found

    Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Forests

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    We investigate a graph parameter called the total vertex irregularity strength (tvs(G)tvs(G)), i.e. the minimal ss such that there is a labeling w:E(G)V(G){1,2,..,s}w: E(G)\cup V(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,..,s\} of the edges and vertices of GG giving distinct weighted degrees wtG(v):=w(v)+veE(G)w(e)wt_G(v):=w(v)+\sum_{v\in e \in E(G)}w(e) for every pair of vertices of GG. We prove that tvs(F)=(n1+1)/2tvs(F)=\lceil (n_1+1)/2 \rceil for every forest FF with no vertices of degree 2 and no isolated vertices, where n1n_1 is the number of pendant vertices in FF. Stronger results for trees were recently proved by Nurdin et al.Comment: The stronger results for trees were recently proved by Nurdin et al. (Nurdin, Baskoro E.T., Salman A.N.M., Gaos N.N., On the Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Trees, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 3043-3048.). However we decided to publish our paper for two reasons. Firstly, we consider more general case of forests, not only trees. Secondly, we use different proof techniqu

    Distant total irregularity strength of graphs via random vertex ordering

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    Let c:VE{1,2,,k}c:V\cup E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\} be a (not necessarily proper) total colouring of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with maximum degree Δ\Delta. Two vertices u,vVu,v\in V are sum distinguished if they differ with respect to sums of their incident colours, i.e. c(u)+euc(e)c(v)+evc(e)c(u)+\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq c(v)+\sum_{e\ni v}c(e). The least integer kk admitting such colouring cc under which every u,vVu,v\in V at distance 1d(u,v)r1\leq d(u,v)\leq r in GG are sum distinguished is denoted by tsr(G){\rm ts}_r(G). Such graph invariants link the concept of the total vertex irregularity strength of graphs with so called 1-2-Conjecture, whose concern is the case of r=1r=1. Within this paper we combine probabilistic approach with purely combinatorial one in order to prove that tsr(G)(2+o(1))Δr1{\rm ts}_r(G)\leq (2+o(1))\Delta^{r-1} for every integer r2r\geq 2 and each graph GG, thus improving the previously best result: tsr(G)3Δr1{\rm ts}_r(G)\leq 3\Delta^{r-1}.Comment: 8 page

    Distant total sum distinguishing index of graphs

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    Let c:VE{1,2,,k}c:V\cup E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\} be a proper total colouring of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with maximum degree Δ\Delta. We say vertices u,vVu,v\in V are sum distinguished if c(u)+euc(e)c(v)+evc(e)c(u)+\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq c(v)+\sum_{e\ni v}c(e). By χ"Σ,r(G)\chi"_{\Sigma,r}(G) we denote the least integer kk admitting such a colouring cc for which every u,vVu,v\in V, uvu\neq v, at distance at most rr from each other are sum distinguished in GG. For every positive integer rr an infinite family of examples is known with χ"Σ,r(G)=Ω(Δr1)\chi"_{\Sigma,r}(G)=\Omega(\Delta^{r-1}). In this paper we prove that χ"Σ,r(G)(2+o(1))Δr1\chi"_{\Sigma,r}(G)\leq (2+o(1))\Delta^{r-1} for every integer r3r\geq 3 and each graph GG, while χ"Σ,2(G)(18+o(1))Δ\chi"_{\Sigma,2}(G)\leq (18+o(1))\Delta.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.0037

    A note on asymptotically optimal neighbour sum distinguishing colourings

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    The least kk admitting a proper edge colouring c:E{1,2,,k}c:E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\} of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) without isolated edges such that euc(e)evc(e)\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq \sum_{e\ni v}c(e) for every uvEuv\in E is denoted by χΣ(G)\chi'_{\Sigma}(G). It has been conjectured that χΣ(G)Δ+2\chi'_{\Sigma}(G)\leq \Delta + 2 for every connected graph of order at least three different from the cycle C5C_5, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. It is known that χΣ(G)=Δ+O(Δ56ln16Δ)\chi'_{\Sigma}(G) = \Delta + O(\Delta^\frac{5}{6}\ln^\frac{1}{6}\Delta) for a graph GG without isolated edges. We improve this upper bound to χΣ(G)=Δ+O(Δ12)\chi'_{\Sigma}(G) = \Delta + O(\Delta^\frac{1}{2}) using a simpler approach involving a combinatorial algorithm enhanced by the probabilistic method. The same upper bound is provided for the total version of this problem as well.Comment: 9 page

    Distant irregularity strength of graphs with bounded minimum degree

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    Consider a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) without isolated edges and with maximum degree Δ\Delta. Given a colouring c:E{1,2,,k}c:E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\}, the weighted degree of a vertex vVv\in V is the sum of its incident colours, i.e., evc(e)\sum_{e\ni v}c(e). For any integer r2r\geq 2, the least kk admitting the existence of such cc attributing distinct weighted degrees to any two different vertices at distance at most rr in GG is called the rr-distant irregularity strength of GG and denoted by sr(G)s_r(G). This graph invariant provides a natural link between the well known 1--2--3 Conjecture and irregularity strength of graphs. In this paper we apply the probabilistic method in order to prove an upper bound sr(G)(4+o(1))Δr1s_r(G)\leq (4+o(1))\Delta^{r-1} for graphs with minimum degree δln8Δ\delta\geq \ln^8\Delta, improving thus far best upper bound sr(G)6Δr1s_r(G)\leq 6\Delta^{r-1}.Comment: 11 page

    Distant sum distinguishing index of graphs

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    Consider a positive integer rr and a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with maximum degree Δ\Delta and without isolated edges. The least kk so that a proper edge colouring c:E{1,2,,k}c:E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\} exists such that euc(e)evc(e)\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq \sum_{e\ni v}c(e) for every pair of distinct vertices u,vu,v at distance at most rr in GG is denoted by χΣ,r(G)\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G). For r=1r=1 it has been proved that χΣ,1(G)=(1+o(1))Δ\chi'_{\Sigma,1}(G)=(1+o(1))\Delta. For any r2r\geq 2 in turn an infinite family of graphs is known with χΣ,r(G)=Ω(Δr1)\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)=\Omega(\Delta^{r-1}). We prove that on the other hand, χΣ,r(G)=O(Δr1)\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)=O(\Delta^{r-1}) for r2r\geq 2. In particular we show that χΣ,r(G)6Δr1\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)\leq 6\Delta^{r-1} if r4r\geq 4.Comment: 10 page

    Product irregularity strength of graphs with small clique cover number

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    For a graph XX without isolated vertices and without isolated edges, a product-irregular labelling ω:E(X){1,2,,s}\omega:E(X)\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots,s\}, first defined by Anholcer in 2009, is a labelling of the edges of XX such that for any two distinct vertices uu and vv of XX the product of labels of the edges incident with uu is different from the product of labels of the edges incident with vv. The minimal ss for which there exist a product irregular labeling is called the product irregularity strength of XX and is denoted by ps(X)ps(X). Clique cover number of a graph is the minimum number of cliques that partition its vertex-set. In this paper we prove that connected graphs with clique cover number 22 or 33 have the product-irregularity strength equal to 33, with some small exceptions

    Asymptotically optimal bound on the adjacent vertex distinguishing edge choice number

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    An adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colouring of a graph GG without isolated edges is its proper edge colouring such that no pair of adjacent vertices meets the same set of colours in GG. We show that such colouring can be chosen from any set of lists associated to the edges of GG as long as the size of every list is at least Δ+CΔ12(logΔ)4\Delta+C\Delta^{\frac{1}{2}}(\log\Delta)^4, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of GG and CC is a constant. The proof is probabilistic. The same is true in the environment of total colourings.Comment: 12 page

    On the neighbour sum distinguishing index of graphs with bounded maximum average degree

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    A proper edge kk-colouring of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is an assignment c:E{1,2,,k}c:E\to \{1,2,\ldots,k\} of colours to the edges of the graph such that no two adjacent edges are associated with the same colour. A neighbour sum distinguishing edge kk-colouring, or nsd kk-colouring for short, is a proper edge kk-colouring such that euc(e)evc(e)\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq \sum_{e\ni v}c(e) for every edge uvuv of GG. We denote by χ(G)\chi'_{\sum}(G) the neighbour sum distinguishing index of GG, which is the least integer kk such that an nsd kk-colouring of GG exists. By definition at least maximum degree, Δ(G)\Delta(G) colours are needed for this goal. In this paper we prove that χΣ(G)Δ(G)+1\chi'_\Sigma(G) \leq \Delta(G)+1 for any graph GG without isolated edges and with mad(G)<3{\rm mad}(G)<3, Δ(G)6\Delta(G) \geq 6.Comment: 10 page

    Distant sum distinguishing index of graphs with bounded minimum degree

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    For any graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with maximum degree Δ\Delta and without isolated edges, and a positive integer rr, by χΣ,r(G)\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G) we denote the rr-distant sum distinguishing index of GG. This is the least integer kk for which a proper edge colouring c:E{1,2,,k}c:E\to\{1,2,\ldots,k\} exists such that euc(e)evc(e)\sum_{e\ni u}c(e)\neq \sum_{e\ni v}c(e) for every pair of distinct vertices u,vu,v at distance at most rr in GG. It was conjectured that χΣ,r(G)(1+o(1))Δr1\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)\leq (1+o(1))\Delta^{r-1} for every r3r\geq 3. Thus far it has been in particular proved that χΣ,r(G)6Δr1\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)\leq 6\Delta^{r-1} if r4r\geq 4. Combining probabilistic and constructive approach, we show that this can be improved to χΣ,r(G)(4+o(1))Δr1\chi'_{\Sigma,r}(G)\leq (4+o(1))\Delta^{r-1} if the minimum degree of GG equals at least ln8Δ\ln^8\Delta.Comment: 12 page