13 research outputs found


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    Ad-hoc networks maintain routing among any pair of nodes while sensor networks encompass an additional dedicated communication prototype. Security concerns in ad-hoc networks are comparable to those within sensor networks and were enumerated in literature; however the defence method developed in support of ad-hoc networks is not unswervingly appropriate towards sensor networks. Because of restriction in bandwidth as well as buffer space, delay tolerant networks are susceptible to flood attacks. Although numerous schemes were projected to protect against flood attacks on Internet as well as in wireless networks, they believe constant connectivity moreover cannot be unswervingly applied to delay tolerant networks that have irregular connectivity. Networks of disruption tolerant consist of mobile nodes approved by human beings and networks facilitate data transport when mobile nodes are simply occasionally associated, making them suitable for functions where no communication transportation is accessible. We make use of rate limiting to protect against flood attacks within delay tolerant networks. Each node has an edge above packets that it, like a source node, can transmit towards network in every time period. Our fundamental idea of discovery is claim-carry-and-check. Proposed system works in a dispersed manner, does not depend on any online central authority or else infrastructure, which well suits environment of delay tolerant networks and employs well-organized constructions to maintain computation, communication as well as storage cost small

    Enhancing Performance of Data Access by using Cooperative Caching in Disruption Tolerant Networks

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    An interruption tolerant system (DTN) is a system outlined so that transitory or irregular correspondences issues, restrictions and peculiarities have the slightest conceivable antagonistic effect Disruption tolerant systems (DTNs) are described by low hub thickness, flighty hub portability, and absence of worldwide system data. The vast majority of ebb and flow research endeavors in DTNs concentrate on information sending, however just work constrained has been done on giving productive information access to portable clients. In this paper, we propose a novel way to deal with bolster agreeable reserving in DTNs, which empowers the sharing and coordination of stored information among different hubs and decreases information access delay. Our fundamental thought is to purposefully reserve information at an arrangement of system focal areas (NCLs), which can be effectively gotten to by different hubs in the system. We propose an effective plan that guarantees fitting NCL choice taking into account a probabilistic choice metric and directions numerous storing hubs to upgrade the tradeoff between information availability and reserving overhead. Broad follow driven recreations demonstrate that our methodology altogether enhances information access execution contrasted with existing plans

    User-centric data dissemination in disruption tolerant networks

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    Optimal Caching Policy of Stochastic Updating Information in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    To increase the speed of information retrieval, one message may have multiple replicas in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN). In this paper, we adopt a discrete time model and focus on the caching policy of stochastic updating information. In particular, the source creates new version in every time slot with certain probability. New version is usually more useful than the older one. We use a utility function to denote the availability of different versions. To constrain the number of replicas, we propose a probabilistic management policy and nodes to discard information with certain probability determined by the version of the information. Our objective is to find the best value of the probability to maximize the total utility value. Because new version is created with certain probability, nodes other than the source may not know whether the information stored in them is the latest version. Therefore, they can make decisions only according to the local state and decisions based on the local state can be seen as local-policy. We also explore the global-policy, that is, nodes understand the real state. We prove that the optimal policies in both cases conform to the threshold form. Simulations based on both synthetic and real motion traces show the accuracy of our theoretical model. Surprisingly, numerical results show that local-policy is better than the global-policy in some cases

    Forwarding redundancy in opportunistic mobile networks: Investigation and elimination

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    Abstract—Opportunistic mobile networks consist of mobile devices which are intermittently connected via short-range radios. Forwarding in such networks relies on selecting relays to carry and deliver data to destinations upon opportunistic contacts. Due to the intermittent network connectivity, relays in current for-warding schemes are selected separately in a distributed manner. The contact capabilities of relays hence may overlap when they contact the same nodes and cause forwarding redundancy. This redundancy reduces the efficiency of resource utilization in the network, and may impair the forwarding performance if being ignored. In this paper, based on experimental investigations on the characteristics of forwarding redundancy in realistic mobile networks, we propose methods to eliminate unnecessary for-warding redundancy and ensure efficient utilization of network resources. We first develop techniques to eliminate forwarding redundancy with global network information, and then improve these techniques to be operable in a fully distributed manner with limited network information. I

    Supporting Cooperative Caching in Disruption Tolerant Networks

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    On Exploiting Transient Social Contact Patterns for Data Forwarding in Delay-Tolerant Networks

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    Social-Aware Multicast in Disruption-Tolerant Networks

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