17 research outputs found

    Statistical Deformation Model for Handwritten Character Recognition

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    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Template Based Recognition of On-Line Handwriting

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    Software for recognition of handwriting has been available for several decades now and research on the subject have produced several different strategies for producing competitive recognition accuracies, especially in the case of isolated single characters. The problem of recognizing samples of handwriting with arbitrary connections between constituent characters (emph{unconstrained handwriting}) adds considerable complexity in form of the segmentation problem. In other words a recognition system, not constrained to the isolated single character case, needs to be able to recognize where in the sample one letter ends and another begins. In the research community and probably also in commercial systems the most common technique for recognizing unconstrained handwriting compromise Neural Networks for partial character matching along with Hidden Markov Modeling for combining partial results to string hypothesis. Neural Networks are often favored by the research community since the recognition functions are more or less automatically inferred from a training set of handwritten samples. From a commercial perspective a downside to this property is the lack of control, since there is no explicit information on the types of samples that can be correctly recognized by the system. In a template based system, each style of writing a particular character is explicitly modeled, and thus provides some intuition regarding the types of errors (confusions) that the system is prone to make. Most template based recognition methods today only work for the isolated single character recognition problem and extensions to unconstrained recognition is usually not straightforward. This thesis presents a step-by-step recipe for producing a template based recognition system which extends naturally to unconstrained handwriting recognition through simple graph techniques. A system based on this construction has been implemented and tested for the difficult case of unconstrained online Arabic handwriting recognition with good results

    Adaptive combinations of classifiers with application to on-line handwritten character recognition

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    Classifier combining is an effective way of improving classification performance. User adaptation is clearly another valid approach for improving performance in a user-dependent system, and even though adaptation is usually performed on the classifier level, also adaptive committees can be very effective. Adaptive committees have the distinct ability of performing adaptation without detailed knowledge of the classifiers. Adaptation can therefore be used even with classification systems that intrinsically are not suited for adaptation, whether that be due to lack of access to the workings of the classifier or simply a classification scheme not suitable for continuous learning. This thesis proposes methods for adaptive combination of classifiers in the setting of on-line handwritten character recognition. The focal part of the work introduces adaptive classifier combination schemes, of which the two most prominent ones are the Dynamically Expanding Context (DEC) committee and the Class-Confidence Critic Combining (CCCC) committee. Both have been shown to be capable of successful adaptation to the user in the task of on-line handwritten character recognition. Particularly the highly modular CCCC framework has shown impressive performance also in a doubly-adaptive setting of combining adaptive classifiers by using an adaptive committee. In support of this main topic of the thesis, some discussion on a methodology for deducing correct character labeling from user actions is presented. Proper labeling is paramount for effective adaptation, and deducing the labels from the user's actions is necessary to perform adaptation transparently to the user. In that way, the user does not need to give explicit feedback on the correctness of the recognition results. Also, an overview is presented of adaptive classification methods for single-classifier adaptation in handwritten character recognition developed at the Laboratory of Computer and Information Science of the Helsinki University of Technology, CIS-HCR. Classifiers based on the CIS-HCR system have been used in the adaptive committee experiments as both member classifiers and to provide a reference level. Finally, two distinct approaches for improving the performance of committee classifiers further are discussed. Firstly, methods for committee rejection are presented and evaluated. Secondly, measures of classifier diversity for classifier selection, based on the concept of diversity of errors, are presented and evaluated. The topic of this thesis hence covers three important aspects of pattern recognition: on-line adaptation, combining classifiers, and a practical evaluation setting of handwritten character recognition. A novel approach combining these three core ideas has been developed and is presented in the introductory text and the included publications. To reiterate, the main contributions of this thesis are: 1) introduction of novel adaptive committee classification methods, 2) introduction of novel methods for measuring classifier diversity, 3) presentation of some methods for implementing committee rejection, 4) discussion and introduction of a method for effective label deduction from on-line user actions, and as a side-product, 5) an overview of the CIS-HCR adaptive on-line handwritten character recognition system.Luokittimien yhdistäminen komitealuokittimella on tehokas keino luokitustarkkuuden parantamiseen. Laskentatehon jatkuva kasvu tekee myös useiden luokittimien yhtäaikaisesta käytöstä yhä varteenotettavamman vaihtoehdon. Järjestelmän adaptoituminen (mukautuminen) käyttäjään on toinen hyvä keino käyttäjäriippumattoman järjestelmän tarkkuuden parantantamiseksi. Vaikka adaptaatio yleensä toteutetaan luokittimen tasolla, myös adaptiiviset komitealuokittimet voivat olla hyvin tehokkaita. Adaptiiviset komiteat voivat adaptoitua ilman yksityiskohtaista tietoa jäsenluokittimista. Adaptaatiota voidaan näin käyttää myös luokittelujärjestelmissä, jotka eivät ole itsessään sopivia adaptaatioon. Adaptaatioon sopimattomuus voi johtua esimerkiksi siitä, että luokittimen totetutusta ei voida muuttaa, tai siitä, että käytetään luokittelumenetelmää, joka ei sovellu jatkuvaan oppimiseen. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee menetelmiä luokittimien adaptiiviseen yhdistämiseen käyttäen sovelluskohteena käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien on-line-tunnistusta. Keskeisin osa työtä esittelee uusia adaptiivisia luokittimien yhdistämismenetelmiä, joista kaksi huomattavinta ovat Dynamically Expanding Context (DEC) -komitea sekä Class-Confidence Critic Combining (CCCC) -komitea. Molemmat näistä ovat osoittautuneet kykeneviksi tehokkaaseen käyttäjä-adaptaatioon käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien on-line-tunnistuksessa. Erityisesti hyvin modulaarisella CCCC järjestelmällä on saatu hyviä tuloksia myös kaksinkertaisesti adaptiivisessa asetelmassa, jossa yhdistetään adaptiivisia jäsenluokittimia adaptiivisen komitean avulla. Väitöskirjan pääteeman tukena esitetään myös malli ja käytännön esimerkki siitä, miten käyttäjän toimista merkeille voidaan päätellä oikeat luokat. Merkkien todellisen luokan onnistunut päättely on elintärkeää tehokkaalle adaptaatiolle. Jotta adaptaatio voitaisiin suorittaa käyttäjälle läpinäkyvästi, merkkien todelliset luokat on kyettävä päättelemään käyttäjän toimista. Tällä tavalla käyttäjän ei tarvitse antaa suoraa palautetta tunnistustuloksen oikeellisuudesta. Työssä esitetään myös yleiskatsaus Teknillisen korkeakoulun Informaatiotekniikan laboratoriossa kehitettyyn adaptiiviseen käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistusjärjestelmään. Tähän järjestelmään perustuvia luokittimia on käytetty adaptiivisten komitealuokittimien kokeissa sekä jäsenluokittimina että vertailutasona. Lopuksi esitellään kaksi erillistä menetelmää komitealuokittimen tarkkuuden edelleen parantamiseksi. Näistä ensimmäinen on joukko menetelmiä komitealuokittimen rejektion (hylkäyksen) toteuttamiseksi. Toinen esiteltävä menetelmä on käyttää luokittimien erilaisuuden mittoja jäsenluokittimien valintaa varten. Ehdotetut uudet erilaisuusmitat perustuvat käsitteeseen, jota kutsumme virheiden erilaisuudeksi. Väitöskirjan aihe kattaa kolme hahmontunnistuksen tärkeää osa-aluetta: online-adaptaation, luokittimien yhdistämisen ja käytännön sovellusalana käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistuksen. Näistä kolmesta lähtökohdasta on kehitetty uudenlainen synteesi, joka esitetään johdantotekstissä sekä liitteenä olevissa julkaisuissa. Tämän väitöskirjan oleellisimmat kontribuutiot ovat siten: 1) uusien adaptiivisten komitealuokittimien esittely, 2) uudenlaisten menetelmien esittely luokittimien erilaisuuden mittaamiseksi, 3) joidenkin komitearejektiomenetelmien esittely, 4) pohdinnan ja erään toteutustavan esittely syötettyjen merkkien todellisen luokan päättelemiseksi käyttäjän toimista, sekä sivutuotteena 5) kattava yleiskatsaus CIS-HCR adaptiiviseen on-line käsinkirjoitettujen merkkien tunnistusjärjestelmään.reviewe

    Graphonomics and your Brain on Art, Creativity and Innovation : Proceedings of the 19th International Graphonomics Conference (IGS 2019 – Your Brain on Art)

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    [Italiano]: “Grafonomia e cervello su arte, creatività e innovazione”. Un forum internazionale per discutere sui recenti progressi nell'interazione tra arti creative, neuroscienze, ingegneria, comunicazione, tecnologia, industria, istruzione, design, applicazioni forensi e mediche. I contributi hanno esaminato lo stato dell'arte, identificando sfide e opportunità, e hanno delineato le possibili linee di sviluppo di questo settore di ricerca. I temi affrontati includono: strategie integrate per la comprensione dei sistemi neurali, affettivi e cognitivi in ambienti realistici e complessi; individualità e differenziazione dal punto di vista neurale e comportamentale; neuroaesthetics (uso delle neuroscienze per spiegare e comprendere le esperienze estetiche a livello neurologico); creatività e innovazione; neuro-ingegneria e arte ispirata dal cervello, creatività e uso di dispositivi di mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) indossabili; terapia basata su arte creativa; apprendimento informale; formazione; applicazioni forensi. / [English]: “Graphonomics and your brain on art, creativity and innovation”. A single track, international forum for discussion on recent advances at the intersection of the creative arts, neuroscience, engineering, media, technology, industry, education, design, forensics, and medicine. The contributions reviewed the state of the art, identified challenges and opportunities and created a roadmap for the field of graphonomics and your brain on art. The topics addressed include: integrative strategies for understanding neural, affective and cognitive systems in realistic, complex environments; neural and behavioral individuality and variation; neuroaesthetics (the use of neuroscience to explain and understand the aesthetic experiences at the neurological level); creativity and innovation; neuroengineering and brain-inspired art, creative concepts and wearable mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) designs; creative art therapy; informal learning; education; forensics

    Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition

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    Content Recognition and Context Modeling for Document Analysis and Retrieval

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    The nature and scope of available documents are changing significantly in many areas of document analysis and retrieval as complex, heterogeneous collections become accessible to virtually everyone via the web. The increasing level of diversity presents a great challenge for document image content categorization, indexing, and retrieval. Meanwhile, the processing of documents with unconstrained layouts and complex formatting often requires effective leveraging of broad contextual knowledge. In this dissertation, we first present a novel approach for document image content categorization, using a lexicon of shape features. Each lexical word corresponds to a scale and rotation invariant local shape feature that is generic enough to be detected repeatably and is segmentation free. A concise, structurally indexed shape lexicon is learned by clustering and partitioning feature types through graph cuts. Our idea finds successful application in several challenging tasks, including content recognition of diverse web images and language identification on documents composed of mixed machine printed text and handwriting. Second, we address two fundamental problems in signature-based document image retrieval. Facing continually increasing volumes of documents, detecting and recognizing unique, evidentiary visual entities (\eg, signatures and logos) provides a practical and reliable supplement to the OCR recognition of printed text. We propose a novel multi-scale framework to detect and segment signatures jointly from document images, based on the structural saliency under a signature production model. We formulate the problem of signature retrieval in the unconstrained setting of geometry-invariant deformable shape matching and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in signature matching and verification. Third, we present a model-based approach for extracting relevant named entities from unstructured documents. In a wide range of applications that require structured information from diverse, unstructured document images, processing OCR text does not give satisfactory results due to the absence of linguistic context. Our approach enables learning of inference rules collectively based on contextual information from both page layout and text features. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of mining general web user behavior data for improving document ranking and other web search experience. The context of web user activities reveals their preferences and intents, and we emphasize the analysis of individual user sessions for creating aggregate models. We introduce a novel algorithm for estimating web page and web site importance, and discuss its theoretical foundation based on an intentional surfer model. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves large-scale document retrieval performance

    The Nature of Writing – A Theory of Grapholinguistics [book cover]

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    Cover illustration: Purgatory: Canto VII – The Rule of the Mountain from A Typographic Dante (2008) by Barrie Tullett (also displayed in Barrie Tullett, Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology, London: Laurence King Publishing, 2014, p. 167). With kind permission by Barrie Tullett. The text is taken from Dante. The Divine Comedy, translated by Dorothy L. Sayers, Harmondsworth­Middlesex: The Penguin Classics, 1949. On the lower part of the illustration, one can read the concluding verses of the Canto: But now the poet was going on before; “Forward!” said he; “look how the sun doth stand Meridian­high, while on the Western shore Night sets her foot upon Morocco’s strand.