20,553 research outputs found

    Efficient Learning and Planning with Compressed Predictive States

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    Predictive state representations (PSRs) offer an expressive framework for modelling partially observable systems. By compactly representing systems as functions of observable quantities, the PSR learning approach avoids using local-minima prone expectation-maximization and instead employs a globally optimal moment-based algorithm. Moreover, since PSRs do not require a predetermined latent state structure as an input, they offer an attractive framework for model-based reinforcement learning when agents must plan without a priori access to a system model. Unfortunately, the expressiveness of PSRs comes with significant computational cost, and this cost is a major factor inhibiting the use of PSRs in applications. In order to alleviate this shortcoming, we introduce the notion of compressed PSRs (CPSRs). The CPSR learning approach combines recent advancements in dimensionality reduction, incremental matrix decomposition, and compressed sensing. We show how this approach provides a principled avenue for learning accurate approximations of PSRs, drastically reducing the computational costs associated with learning while also providing effective regularization. Going further, we propose a planning framework which exploits these learned models. And we show that this approach facilitates model-learning and planning in large complex partially observable domains, a task that is infeasible without the principled use of compression.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, submitted to the Journal of Machine Learning Researc

    Temporal-Difference Networks for Dynamical Systems with Continuous Observations and Actions

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    Temporal-difference (TD) networks are a class of predictive state representations that use well-established TD methods to learn models of partially observable dynamical systems. Previous research with TD networks has dealt only with dynamical systems with finite sets of observations and actions. We present an algorithm for learning TD network representations of dynamical systems with continuous observations and actions. Our results show that the algorithm is capable of learning accurate and robust models of several noisy continuous dynamical systems. The algorithm presented here is the first fully incremental method for learning a predictive representation of a continuous dynamical system.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2009

    COBRA: Data-Efficient Model-Based RL through Unsupervised Object Discovery and Curiosity-Driven Exploration

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    Data efficiency and robustness to task-irrelevant perturbations are long-standing challenges for deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Here we introduce a modular approach to addressing these challenges in a continuous control environment, without using hand-crafted or supervised information. Our Curious Object-Based seaRch Agent (COBRA) uses task-free intrinsically motivated exploration and unsupervised learning to build object-based models of its environment and action space. Subsequently, it can learn a variety of tasks through model-based search in very few steps and excel on structured hold-out tests of policy robustness

    General Value Function Networks

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    State construction is important for learning in partially observable environments. A general purpose strategy for state construction is to learn the state update using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), which updates the internal state using the current internal state and the most recent observation. This internal state provides a summary of the observed sequence, to facilitate accurate predictions and decision-making. At the same time, RNNs can be hard to specify and train for non-experts. Training RNNs is notoriously tricky, particularly as the common strategy to approximate gradients back in time, called truncated Back-prop Through Time (BPTT), can be sensitive to the truncation window. Further, domain-expertise---which can usually help constrain the function class and so improve trainability---can be difficult to incorporate into complex recurrent units used within RNNs. In this work, we explore how to use multi-step predictions, as a simple and general approach to inject prior knowledge, while retaining much of the generality and learning power behind RNNs. In particular, we revisit the idea of using predictions to construct state and ask: does constraining (parts of) the state to consist of predictions about the future improve RNN trainability? We formulate a novel RNN architecture, called a General Value Function Network (GVFN), where each internal state component corresponds to a prediction about the future represented as a value function. We first provide an objective for optimizing GVFNs, and derive several algorithms to optimize this objective. We then show that GVFNs are more robust to the truncation level, in many cases only requiring one-step gradient updates

    Keyframing the Future: Keyframe Discovery for Visual Prediction and Planning

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    Temporal observations such as videos contain essential information about the dynamics of the underlying scene, but they are often interleaved with inessential, predictable details. One way of dealing with this problem is by focusing on the most informative moments in a sequence. We propose a model that learns to discover these important events and the times when they occur and uses them to represent the full sequence. We do so using a hierarchical Keyframe-Inpainter (KeyIn) model that first generates a video's keyframes and then inpaints the rest by generating the frames at the intervening times. We propose a fully differentiable formulation to efficiently learn this procedure. We show that KeyIn finds informative keyframes in several datasets with different dynamics and visual properties. KeyIn outperforms other recent hierarchical predictive models for planning. For more details, please see the project website at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/keyin}.Comment: Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, 2020. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/keyin/hom

    Efficient Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Variational State Tabulation

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    Modern reinforcement learning algorithms reach super-human performance on many board and video games, but they are sample inefficient, i.e. they typically require significantly more playing experience than humans to reach an equal performance level. To improve sample efficiency, an agent may build a model of the environment and use planning methods to update its policy. In this article we introduce Variational State Tabulation (VaST), which maps an environment with a high-dimensional state space (e.g. the space of visual inputs) to an abstract tabular model. Prioritized sweeping with small backups, a highly efficient planning method, can then be used to update state-action values. We show how VaST can rapidly learn to maximize reward in tasks like 3D navigation and efficiently adapt to sudden changes in rewards or transition probabilities.Comment: Accepted at ICML 2018; camera-ready versio

    Learning to Make Predictions In Partially Observable Environments Without a Generative Model

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    When faced with the problem of learning a model of a high-dimensional environment, a common approach is to limit the model to make only a restricted set of predictions, thereby simplifying the learning problem. These partial models may be directly useful for making decisions or may be combined together to form a more complete, structured model. However, in partially observable (non-Markov) environments, standard model-learning methods learn generative models, i.e. models that provide a probability distribution over all possible futures (such as POMDPs). It is not straightforward to restrict such models to make only certain predictions, and doing so does not always simplify the learning problem. In this paper we present prediction profile models: non-generative partial models for partially observable systems that make only a given set of predictions, and are therefore far simpler than generative models in some cases. We formalize the problem of learning a prediction profile model as a transformation of the original model-learning problem, and show empirically that one can learn prediction profile models that make a small set of important predictions even in systems that are too complex for standard generative models

    Entity Abstraction in Visual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper tests the hypothesis that modeling a scene in terms of entities and their local interactions, as opposed to modeling the scene globally, provides a significant benefit in generalizing to physical tasks in a combinatorial space the learner has not encountered before. We present object-centric perception, prediction, and planning (OP3), which to the best of our knowledge is the first fully probabilistic entity-centric dynamic latent variable framework for model-based reinforcement learning that acquires entity representations from raw visual observations without supervision and uses them to predict and plan. OP3 enforces entity-abstraction -- symmetric processing of each entity representation with the same locally-scoped function -- which enables it to scale to model different numbers and configurations of objects from those in training. Our approach to solving the key technical challenge of grounding these entity representations to actual objects in the environment is to frame this variable binding problem as an inference problem, and we develop an interactive inference algorithm that uses temporal continuity and interactive feedback to bind information about object properties to the entity variables. On block-stacking tasks, OP3 generalizes to novel block configurations and more objects than observed during training, outperforming an oracle model that assumes access to object supervision and achieving two to three times better accuracy than a state-of-the-art video prediction model that does not exhibit entity abstraction.Comment: Accepted at CoRL 201

    Plan2Vec: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Latent Plans

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    In this paper we introduce plan2vec, an unsupervised representation learning approach that is inspired by reinforcement learning. Plan2vec constructs a weighted graph on an image dataset using near-neighbor distances, and then extrapolates this local metric to a global embedding by distilling path-integral over planned path. When applied to control, plan2vec offers a way to learn goal-conditioned value estimates that are accurate over long horizons that is both compute and sample efficient. We demonstrate the effectiveness of plan2vec on one simulated and two challenging real-world image datasets. Experimental results show that plan2vec successfully amortizes the planning cost, enabling reactive planning that is linear in memory and computation complexity rather than exhaustive over the entire state space.Comment: code available at https://geyang.github.io/plan2ve

    On Learning to Think: Algorithmic Information Theory for Novel Combinations of Reinforcement Learning Controllers and Recurrent Neural World Models

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    This paper addresses the general problem of reinforcement learning (RL) in partially observable environments. In 2013, our large RL recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learned from scratch to drive simulated cars from high-dimensional video input. However, real brains are more powerful in many ways. In particular, they learn a predictive model of their initially unknown environment, and somehow use it for abstract (e.g., hierarchical) planning and reasoning. Guided by algorithmic information theory, we describe RNN-based AIs (RNNAIs) designed to do the same. Such an RNNAI can be trained on never-ending sequences of tasks, some of them provided by the user, others invented by the RNNAI itself in a curious, playful fashion, to improve its RNN-based world model. Unlike our previous model-building RNN-based RL machines dating back to 1990, the RNNAI learns to actively query its model for abstract reasoning and planning and decision making, essentially "learning to think." The basic ideas of this report can be applied to many other cases where one RNN-like system exploits the algorithmic information content of another. They are taken from a grant proposal submitted in Fall 2014, and also explain concepts such as "mirror neurons." Experimental results will be described in separate papers.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.782