7,347 research outputs found

    Proof equivalence in MLL is PSPACE-complete

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    MLL proof equivalence is the problem of deciding whether two proofs in multiplicative linear logic are related by a series of inference permutations. It is also known as the word problem for star-autonomous categories. Previous work has shown the problem to be equivalent to a rewiring problem on proof nets, which are not canonical for full MLL due to the presence of the two units. Drawing from recent work on reconfiguration problems, in this paper it is shown that MLL proof equivalence is PSPACE-complete, using a reduction from Nondeterministic Constraint Logic. An important consequence of the result is that the existence of a satisfactory notion of proof nets for MLL with units is ruled out (under current complexity assumptions). The PSPACE-hardness result extends to equivalence of normal forms in MELL without units, where the weakening rule for the exponentials induces a similar rewiring problem.Comment: Journal version of: Willem Heijltjes and Robin Houston. No proof nets for MLL with units: Proof equivalence in MLL is PSPACE-complete. In Proc. Joint Meeting of the 23rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic and the 29th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 201

    Rainbow Graphs and Switching Classes

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    A rainbow graph is a graph that admits a vertex-coloring such that every color appears exactly once in the neighborhood of each vertex. We investigate some properties of rainbow graphs. In particular, we show that there is a bijection between the isomorphism classes of n-rainbow graphs on 2n vertices and the switching classes of graphs on n vertices.Comment: Added more reference, fixed some typos (revision for journal submission

    On the hardness of switching to a small number of edges

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    Seidel's switching is a graph operation which makes a given vertex adjacent to precisely those vertices to which it was non-adjacent before, while keeping the rest of the graph unchanged. Two graphs are called switching-equivalent if one can be made isomorphic to the other one by a sequence of switches. Jel\'inkov\'a et al. [DMTCS 13, no. 2, 2011] presented a proof that it is NP-complete to decide if the input graph can be switched to contain at most a given number of edges. There turns out to be a flaw in their proof. We present a correct proof. Furthermore, we prove that the problem remains NP-complete even when restricted to graphs whose density is bounded from above by an arbitrary fixed constant. This partially answers a question of Matou\v{s}ek and Wagner [Discrete Comput. Geom. 52, no. 1, 2014].Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. An extended abstract submitted to COCOON 201

    On the Minimum Degree up to Local Complementation: Bounds and Complexity

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    The local minimum degree of a graph is the minimum degree reached by means of a series of local complementations. In this paper, we investigate on this quantity which plays an important role in quantum computation and quantum error correcting codes. First, we show that the local minimum degree of the Paley graph of order p is greater than sqrt{p} - 3/2, which is, up to our knowledge, the highest known bound on an explicit family of graphs. Probabilistic methods allows us to derive the existence of an infinite number of graphs whose local minimum degree is linear in their order with constant 0.189 for graphs in general and 0.110 for bipartite graphs. As regards the computational complexity of the decision problem associated with the local minimum degree, we show that it is NP-complete and that there exists no k-approximation algorithm for this problem for any constant k unless P = NP.Comment: 11 page

    Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces

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    We obtain several new results contributing to the theory of real equiangular line systems. Among other things, we present a new general lower bound on the maximum number of equiangular lines in d dimensional Euclidean space; we describe the two-graphs on 12 vertices; and we investigate Seidel matrices with exactly three distinct eigenvalues. As a result, we improve on two long-standing upper bounds regarding the maximum number of equiangular lines in dimensions d=14, and d=16. Additionally, we prove the nonexistence of certain regular graphs with four eigenvalues, and correct some tables from the literature.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in JCTA. Corrected an entry in Table
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