204 research outputs found

    Some Smooth Compactly Supported Tight Wavelet Frames with Vanishing Moments

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    Let A∈Rd×d, d≥1 be a dilation matrix with integer entries and |detA|=2. We construct several families of compactly supported Parseval framelets associated to A having any desired number of vanishing moments. The first family has a single generator and its construction is based on refinable functions associated to Daubechies low pass filters and a theorem of Bownik. For the construction of the second family we adapt methods employed by Chui and He and Petukhov for dyadic dilations to any dilation matrix A. The third family of Parseval framelets has the additional property that we can find members of that family having any desired degree of regularity. The number of generators is 2d+d and its construction involves some compactly supported refinable functions, the Oblique Extension Principle and a slight generalization of a theorem of Lai and Stöckler. For the particular case d=2 and based on the previous construction, we present two families of compactly supported Parseval framelets with any desired number of vanishing moments and degree of regularity. None of these framelet families have been obtained by means of tensor products of lower-dimensional functions. One of the families has only two generators, whereas the other family has only three generators. Some of the generators associated with these constructions are even and therefore symmetric. All have even absolute values.The first author was partially supported by MEC/MICINN Grant #MTM2011-27998 (Spain)

    Density order of Parseval wavelet frames from extension principles

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    We characterize approximation order and density order of those Parseval wavelet frames obtained from Oblique Extension Principle. These notions are closely related to approximation order and density order by a quasi-projection operator. To give our characterizations, we shall explain the behavior on a neighborhood of the origin of the Fourier transform of a refinable function. In particular, we invoke the classical notion of approximate continuity. We write our results in the multivariate context of Parseval wavelet frames associated to A, an expansive linear map preserving the integer lattice

    ShearLab 3D: Faithful Digital Shearlet Transforms based on Compactly Supported Shearlets

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    Wavelets and their associated transforms are highly efficient when approximating and analyzing one-dimensional signals. However, multivariate signals such as images or videos typically exhibit curvilinear singularities, which wavelets are provably deficient of sparsely approximating and also of analyzing in the sense of, for instance, detecting their direction. Shearlets are a directional representation system extending the wavelet framework, which overcomes those deficiencies. Similar to wavelets, shearlets allow a faithful implementation and fast associated transforms. In this paper, we will introduce a comprehensive carefully documented software package coined ShearLab 3D (www.ShearLab.org) and discuss its algorithmic details. This package provides MATLAB code for a novel faithful algorithmic realization of the 2D and 3D shearlet transform (and their inverses) associated with compactly supported universal shearlet systems incorporating the option of using CUDA. We will present extensive numerical experiments in 2D and 3D concerning denoising, inpainting, and feature extraction, comparing the performance of ShearLab 3D with similar transform-based algorithms such as curvelets, contourlets, or surfacelets. In the spirit of reproducible reseaerch, all scripts are accessible on www.ShearLab.org.Comment: There is another shearlet software package (http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/imagepro/members/haeuser/ffst/) by S. H\"auser and G. Steidl. We will include this in a revisio

    Shearlets: an overview

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    The aim of this report is a self-contained overview on shearlets, a new multiscale method emerged in the last decade to overcome some of the limitation of traditional multiscale methods, like wavelets. Shearlets are obtained by translating, dilating and shearing a single mother function. Thus, the elements of a shearlet system are distributed not only at various scales and locations – as in classical wavelet theory – but also at various orientations. Thanks to this directional sensitivity property, shearlets are able to capture anisotropic features, like edges, that frequently dominate multidimensional phenomena, and to obtain optimally sparse approximations. Moreover, the simple mathematical structure of shearlets allows for the generalization to higher dimensions and to treat uniformly the continuum and the discrete realms, as well as fast algorithmic implementation. For all these reasons, shearlets are one of the most successful tool for the efficient representation of multidimensional data and they are being employed in several numerical applications