2 research outputs found

    Generalized Measures of Fault Tolerance in Exchanged Hypercubes

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    The exchanged hypercube EH(s,t)EH(s,t), proposed by Loh {\it et al.} [The exchanged hypercube, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 16 (9) (2005) 866-874], is obtained by removing edges from a hypercube Qs+t+1Q_{s+t+1}. This paper considers a kind of generalized measures κ(h)\kappa^{(h)} and λ(h)\lambda^{(h)} of fault tolerance in EH(s,t)EH(s,t) with 1⩽s⩽t1\leqslant s\leqslant t and determines κ(h)(EH(s,t))=λ(h)(EH(s,t))=2h(s+1−h)\kappa^{(h)}(EH(s,t))=\lambda^{(h)}(EH(s,t))= 2^h(s+1-h) for any hh with 0⩽h⩽s0\leqslant h\leqslant s. The results show that at least 2h(s+1−h)2^h(s+1-h) vertices (resp. 2h(s+1−h)2^h(s+1-h) edges) of EH(s,t)EH(s,t) have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no vertices of degree less than hh, and generalizes some known results

    Two kinds of generalized connectivity of dual cubes

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    Let S⊆V(G)S\subseteq V(G) and κG(S)\kappa_{G}(S) denote the maximum number kk of edge-disjoint trees T1,T2,⋯ ,TkT_{1}, T_{2}, \cdots, T_{k} in GG such that V(Ti)⋂V(Tj)=SV(T_{i})\bigcap V(T_{j})=S for any i,j∈{1,2,⋯ ,k}i, j \in \{1, 2, \cdots, k\} and i≠ji\neq j. For an integer rr with 2≤r≤n2\leq r\leq n, the {\em generalized rr-connectivity} of a graph GG is defined as κr(G)=min{κG(S)∣S⊆V(G)\kappa_{r}(G)= min\{\kappa_{G}(S)|S\subseteq V(G) and ∣S∣=r}|S|=r\}. The rr-component connectivity cκr(G)c\kappa_{r}(G) of a non-complete graph GG is the minimum number of vertices whose deletion results in a graph with at least rr components. These two parameters are both generalizations of traditional connectivity. Except hypercubes and complete bipartite graphs, almost all known κr(G)\kappa_{r}(G) are about r=3r=3. In this paper, we focus on κ4(Dn)\kappa_{4}(D_{n}) of dual cube DnD_{n}. We first show that κ4(Dn)=n−1\kappa_{4}(D_{n})=n-1 for n≥4n\geq 4. As a corollary, we obtain κ3(Dn)=n−1\kappa_{3}(D_{n})=n-1 for n≥4n\geq 4. Furthermore, we show that cκr+1(Dn)=rn−r(r+1)2+1c\kappa_{r+1}(D_{n})=rn-\frac{r(r+1)}{2}+1 for n≥2n\geq 2 and 1≤r≤n−11\leq r \leq n-1