25,201 research outputs found

    A Framework for Demonstrating Practical Quantum Advantage: Racing Quantum against Classical Generative Models

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    Generative modeling has seen a rising interest in both classical and quantum machine learning, and it represents a promising candidate to obtain a practical quantum advantage in the near term. In this study, we build over a proposed framework for evaluating the generalization performance of generative models, and we establish the first quantitative comparative race towards practical quantum advantage (PQA) between classical and quantum generative models, namely Quantum Circuit Born Machines (QCBMs), Transformers (TFs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGANs). After defining four types of PQAs scenarios, we focus on what we refer to as potential PQA, aiming to compare quantum models with the best-known classical algorithms for the task at hand. We let the models race on a well-defined and application-relevant competition setting, where we illustrate and demonstrate our framework on 20 variables (qubits) generative modeling task. Our results suggest that QCBMs are more efficient in the data-limited regime than the other state-of-the-art classical generative models. Such a feature is highly desirable in a wide range of real-world applications where the available data is scarce.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Introducing Non-Linear Activations into Quantum Generative Models

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    Due to the linearity of quantum mechanics, it remains a challenge to design quantum generative machine learning models that embed non-linear activations into the evolution of the statevector. However, some of the most successful classical generative models, such as those based on neural networks, involve highly non-linear dynamics for quality training. In this paper, we explore the effect of these dynamics in quantum generative modeling by introducing a model that adds non-linear activations via a neural network structure onto the standard Born Machine framework - the Quantum Neuron Born Machine (QNBM). To achieve this, we utilize a previously introduced Quantum Neuron subroutine, which is a repeat-until-success circuit with mid-circuit measurements and classical control. After introducing the QNBM, we investigate how its performance depends on network size, by training a 3-layer QNBM with 4 output neurons and various input and hidden layer sizes. We then compare our non-linear QNBM to the linear Quantum Circuit Born Machine (QCBM). We allocate similar time and memory resources to each model, such that the only major difference is the qubit overhead required by the QNBM. With gradient-based training, we show that while both models can easily learn a trivial uniform probability distribution, on a more challenging class of distributions, the QNBM achieves an almost 3x smaller error rate than a QCBM with a similar number of tunable parameters. We therefore provide evidence that suggests that non-linearity is a useful resource in quantum generative models, and we put forth the QNBM as a new model with good generative performance and potential for quantum advantage

    A performance characterization of quantum generative models

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    Quantum generative modeling is a growing area of interest for industry-relevant applications. With the field still in its infancy, there are many competing techniques. This work is an attempt to systematically compare a broad range of these techniques to guide quantum computing practitioners when deciding which models and techniques to use in their applications. We compare fundamentally different architectural ansatzes of parametric quantum circuits used for quantum generative modeling: 1. A continuous architecture, which produces continuous-valued data samples, and 2. a discrete architecture, which samples on a discrete grid. We compare the performance of different data transformations: normalization by the min-max transform or by the probability integral transform. We learn the underlying probability distribution of the data sets via two popular training methods: 1. quantum circuit Born machines (QCBM), and 2. quantum generative adversarial networks (QGAN). We study their performance and trade-offs as the number of model parameters increases, with the baseline of similarly trained classical neural networks. The study is performed on six low-dimensional synthetic and two real financial data sets. Our two key findings are that: 1. For all data sets, our quantum models require similar or fewer parameters than their classical counterparts. In the extreme case, the quantum models require two of orders of magnitude less parameters. 2. We empirically find that a variant of the discrete architecture, which learns the copula of the probability distribution, outperforms all other methods

    Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Channel Supervised Learning

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    As the rapidly evolving field of machine learning continues to produce incredibly useful tools and models, the potential for quantum computing to provide speed up for machine learning algorithms is becoming increasingly desirable. In particular, quantum circuits in place of classical convolutional filters for image detection-based tasks are being investigated for the ability to exploit quantum advantage. However, these attempts, referred to as quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs), lack the ability to efficiently process data with multiple channels and therefore are limited to relatively simple inputs. In this work, we present a variety of hardware-adaptable quantum circuit ansatzes for use as convolutional kernels, and demonstrate that the quantum neural networks we report outperform existing QCNNs on classification tasks involving multi-channel data. We envision that the ability of these implementations to effectively learn inter-channel information will allow quantum machine learning methods to operate with more complex data. This work is available as open source at https://github.com/anthonysmaldone/QCNN-Multi-Channel-Supervised-Learning

    Quantum HyperNetworks: Training Binary Neural Networks in Quantum Superposition

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    Binary neural networks, i.e., neural networks whose parameters and activations are constrained to only two possible values, offer a compelling avenue for the deployment of deep learning models on energy- and memory-limited devices. However, their training, architectural design, and hyperparameter tuning remain challenging as these involve multiple computationally expensive combinatorial optimization problems. Here we introduce quantum hypernetworks as a mechanism to train binary neural networks on quantum computers, which unify the search over parameters, hyperparameters, and architectures in a single optimization loop. Through classical simulations, we demonstrate that of our approach effectively finds optimal parameters, hyperparameters and architectural choices with high probability on classification problems including a two-dimensional Gaussian dataset and a scaled-down version of the MNIST handwritten digits. We represent our quantum hypernetworks as variational quantum circuits, and find that an optimal circuit depth maximizes the probability of finding performant binary neural networks. Our unified approach provides an immense scope for other applications in the field of machine learning.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Minimal implementation: https://github.com/carrasqu/binncod

    Reservoir Computing via Quantum Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recent developments in quantum computing and machine learning have propelled the interdisciplinary study of quantum machine learning. Sequential modeling is an important task with high scientific and commercial value. Existing VQC or QNN-based methods require significant computational resources to perform the gradient-based optimization of a larger number of quantum circuit parameters. The major drawback is that such quantum gradient calculation requires a large amount of circuit evaluation, posing challenges in current near-term quantum hardware and simulation software. In this work, we approach sequential modeling by applying a reservoir computing (RC) framework to quantum recurrent neural networks (QRNN-RC) that are based on classical RNN, LSTM and GRU. The main idea to this RC approach is that the QRNN with randomly initialized weights is treated as a dynamical system and only the final classical linear layer is trained. Our numerical simulations show that the QRNN-RC can reach results comparable to fully trained QRNN models for several function approximation and time series prediction tasks. Since the QRNN training complexity is significantly reduced, the proposed model trains notably faster. In this work we also compare to corresponding classical RNN-based RC implementations and show that the quantum version learns faster by requiring fewer training epochs in most cases. Our results demonstrate a new possibility to utilize quantum neural network for sequential modeling with greater quantum hardware efficiency, an important design consideration for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers

    Variational Quantum Neural Networks (VQNNS) in Image Classification

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    Quantum machine learning has established as an interdisciplinary field to overcome limitations of classical machine learning and neural networks. This is a field of research which can prove that quantum computers are able to solve problems with complex correlations between inputs that can be hard for classical computers. This suggests that learning models made on quantum computers may be more powerful for applications, potentially faster computation and better generalization on less data. The objective of this paper is to investigate how training of quantum neural network (QNNs) can be done using quantum optimization algorithms for improving the performance and time complexity of QNNs. A classical neural network can be partially quantized to create a hybrid quantum-classical neural network which is used mainly in classification and image recognition. In this paper, a QNN structure is made where a variational parameterized circuit is incorporated as an input layer named as Variational Quantum Neural Network (VQNNs). We encode the cost function of QNNs onto relative phases of a superposition state in the Hilbert space of the network parameters. The parameters are tuned with an iterative quantum approximate optimisation (QAOA) mixer and problem hamiltonians. VQNNs is experimented with MNIST digit recognition (less complex) and crack image classification datasets (more complex) which converges the computation in lesser time than QNN with decent training accuracy