7 research outputs found

    On Catastrophic Forgetting and Mode Collapse in Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In this paper, we show that Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) suffer from catastrophic forgetting even when they are trained to approximate a single target distribution. We show that GAN training is a continual learning problem in which the sequence of changing model distributions is the sequence of tasks to the discriminator. The level of mismatch between tasks in the sequence determines the level of forgetting. Catastrophic forgetting is interrelated to mode collapse and can make the training of GANs non-convergent. We investigate the landscape of the discriminator's output in different variants of GANs and find that when a GAN converges to a good equilibrium, real training datapoints are wide local maxima of the discriminator. We empirically show the relationship between the sharpness of local maxima and mode collapse and generalization in GANs. We show how catastrophic forgetting prevents the discriminator from making real datapoints local maxima, and thus causes non-convergence. Finally, we study methods for preventing catastrophic forgetting in GANs.Comment: This is an extended version of our paper in ICML'18 Workshop on Theoretical Foundation and Applications of Deep Generative Models. Accepted to IJCNN 202

    Self-Supervised GAN to Counter Forgetting

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    GANs involve training two networks in an adversarial game, where each network's task depends on its adversary. Recently, several works have framed GAN training as an online or continual learning problem. We focus on the discriminator, which must perform classification under an (adversarially) shifting data distribution. When trained on sequential tasks, neural networks exhibit \emph{forgetting}. For GANs, discriminator forgetting leads to training instability. To counter forgetting, we encourage the discriminator to maintain useful representations by adding a self-supervision. Conditional GANs have a similar effect using labels. However, our self-supervised GAN does not require labels, and closes the performance gap between conditional and unconditional models. We show that, in doing so, the self-supervised discriminator learns better representations than regular GANs.Comment: NeurIPS'18 Continual Learning worksho

    Autoencoding Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In the years since Goodfellow et al. introduced Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), there has been an explosion in the breadth and quality of generative model applications. Despite this work, GANs still have a long way to go before they see mainstream adoption, owing largely to their infamous training instability. Here I propose the Autoencoding Generative Adversarial Network (AEGAN), a four-network model which learns a bijective mapping between a specified latent space and a given sample space by applying an adversarial loss and a reconstruction loss to both the generated images and the generated latent vectors. The AEGAN technique offers several improvements to typical GAN training, including training stabilization, mode-collapse prevention, and permitting the direct interpolation between real samples. The effectiveness of the technique is illustrated using an anime face dataset.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Blind Image Deconvolution using Deep Generative Priors

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to regularize the \textit{ill-posed} and \textit{non-linear} blind image deconvolution (blind deblurring) using deep generative networks as priors. We employ two separate generative models --- one trained to produce sharp images while the other trained to generate blur kernels from lower-dimensional parameters. To deblur, we propose an alternating gradient descent scheme operating in the latent lower-dimensional space of each of the pretrained generative models. Our experiments show promising deblurring results on images even under large blurs, and heavy noise. To address the shortcomings of generative models such as mode collapse, we augment our generative priors with classical image priors and report improved performance on complex image datasets. The deblurring performance depends on how well the range of the generator spans the image class. Interestingly, our experiments show that even an untrained structured (convolutional) generative networks acts as an image prior in the image deblurring context allowing us to extend our results to more diverse natural image datasets

    Generative Adversarial Network Training is a Continual Learning Problem

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have proven to be a powerful framework for learning to draw samples from complex distributions. However, GANs are also notoriously difficult to train, with mode collapse and oscillations a common problem. We hypothesize that this is at least in part due to the evolution of the generator distribution and the catastrophic forgetting tendency of neural networks, which leads to the discriminator losing the ability to remember synthesized samples from previous instantiations of the generator. Recognizing this, our contributions are twofold. First, we show that GAN training makes for a more interesting and realistic benchmark for continual learning methods evaluation than some of the more canonical datasets. Second, we propose leveraging continual learning techniques to augment the discriminator, preserving its ability to recognize previous generator samples. We show that the resulting methods add only a light amount of computation, involve minimal changes to the model, and result in better overall performance on the examined image and text generation tasks

    Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes with Fixed-Point Updates

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    Background: Catastrophic forgetting is the notorious vulnerability of neural networks to the changes in the data distribution during learning. This phenomenon has long been considered a major obstacle for using learning agents in realistic continual learning settings. A large body of continual learning research assumes that task boundaries are known during training. However, only a few works consider scenarios in which task boundaries are unknown or not well defined -- task agnostic scenarios. The optimal Bayesian solution for this requires an intractable online Bayes update to the weights posterior. Contributions: We aim to approximate the online Bayes update as accurately as possible. To do so, we derive novel fixed-point equations for the online variational Bayes optimization problem, for multivariate Gaussian parametric distributions. By iterating the posterior through these fixed-point equations, we obtain an algorithm (FOO-VB) for continual learning which can handle non-stationary data distribution using a fixed architecture and without using external memory (i.e. without access to previous data). We demonstrate that our method (FOO-VB) outperforms existing methods in task agnostic scenarios. FOO-VB Pytorch implementation will be available online.Comment: The arXiv paper "Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes" is a preliminary pre-print of this paper. The main differences between the versions are: 1. We develop new algorithmic framework (FOO-VB). 2. We add multivariate Gaussian and matrix variate Gaussian versions of the algorithm. 3. We demonstrate the new algorithm performance in task agnostic scenario

    Sample weighting as an explanation for mode collapse in generative adversarial networks

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    Generative adversarial networks were introduced with a logistic MiniMax cost formulation, which normally fails to train due to saturation, and a Non-Saturating reformulation. While addressing the saturation problem, NS-GAN also inverts the generator's sample weighting, implicitly shifting emphasis from higher-scoring to lower-scoring samples when updating parameters. We present both theory and empirical results suggesting that this makes NS-GAN prone to mode dropping. We design MM-nsat, which preserves MM-GAN sample weighting while avoiding saturation by rescaling the MM-GAN minibatch gradient such that its magnitude approximates NS-GAN's gradient magnitude. MM-nsat has qualitatively different training dynamics, and on MNIST and CIFAR-10 it is stronger in terms of mode coverage, stability and FID. While the empirical results for MM-nsat are promising and favorable also in comparison with the LS-GAN and Hinge-GAN formulations, our main contribution is to show how and why NS-GAN's sample weighting causes mode dropping and training collapse.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures, preprin