5 research outputs found

    Pseudorandom generators and the BQP vs. PH problem

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    It is a longstanding open problem to devise an oracle relative to which BQP does not lie in the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy (PH). We advance a natural conjecture about the capacity of the Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generator [NW94] to fool AC_0, with MAJORITY as its hard function. Our conjecture is essentially that the loss due to the hybrid argument (which is a component of the standard proof from [NW94]) can be avoided in this setting. This is a question that has been asked previously in the pseudorandomness literature [BSW03]. We then make three main contributions: (1) We show that our conjecture implies the existence of an oracle relative to which BQP is not in the PH. This entails giving an explicit construction of unitary matrices, realizable by small quantum circuits, whose row-supports are "nearly-disjoint." (2) We give a simple framework (generalizing the setting of Aaronson [A10]) in which any efficiently quantumly computable unitary gives rise to a distribution that can be distinguished from the uniform distribution by an efficient quantum algorithm. When applied to the unitaries we construct, this framework yields a problem that can be solved quantumly, and which forms the basis for the desired oracle. (3) We prove that Aaronson's "GLN conjecture" [A10] implies our conjecture; our conjecture is thus formally easier to prove. The GLN conjecture was recently proved false for depth greater than 2 [A10a], but it remains open for depth 2. If true, the depth-2 version of either conjecture would imply an oracle relative to which BQP is not in AM, which is itself an outstanding open problem. Taken together, our results have the following interesting interpretation: they give an instantiation of the Nisan-Wigderson generator that can be broken by quantum computers, but not by the relevant modes of classical computation, if our conjecture is true.Comment: Updated in light of counterexample to the GLN conjectur

    Short PCPs with projection queries

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    We construct a PCP for NTIME(2 n) with constant soundness, 2 n poly(n) proof length, and poly(n) queries where the verifier’s computation is simple: the queries are a projection of the input randomness, and the computation on the prover’s answers is a 3CNF. The previous upper bound for these two computations was polynomial-size circuits. Composing this verifier with a proof oracle increases the circuit-depth of the latter by 2. Our PCP is a simple variant of the PCP by Ben-Sasson, Goldreich, Harsha, Sudan, and Vadhan (CCC 2005). We also give a more modular exposition of the latter, separating the combinatorial from the algebraic arguments. If our PCP is taken as a black box, we obtain a more direct proof of the result by Williams, later with Santhanam (CCC 2013) that derandomizing circuits on n bits from a class C in time 2 n /n ω(1) yields that NEXP is not in a related circuit class C ′. Our proof yields a tighter connection: C is an And-Or of circuits from C ′. Along the way we show that the same lower bound follows if the satisfiability of the And of any 3 circuits from C ′ can be solved in time 2 n /n ω(1). ∗The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’

    On beating the hybrid argument

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    The hybrid argument allows one to relate the distinguishability of a distribution (from uniform) to the predictability of individual bits given a prefix. The argument incurs a loss of a factor k equal to the bit-length of the distributions: ɛ-distinguishability implies ɛ/k-predictability. This paper studies the consequences of avoiding this loss – what we call “beating the hybrid argument ” – and develops new proof techniques that circumvent the loss in certain natural settings. Our main results are: 1. We give an instantiation of the Nisan-Wigderson generator (JCSS ’94) that can be broken by quantum computers, and that is o(1)-unpredictable against AC 0. We conjecture that this generator indeed fools AC 0. Our conjecture implies the existence of an oracle relative to which BQP is not in the PH, a longstanding open problem. 2. We show that the “INW ” generator by Impagliazzo, Nisan, and Wigderson (STOC ’94) with seed length O(log n log log n) produces a distribution that is 1 / log n-unpredictable against poly-logarithmic width (general) read-once oblivious branching programs. (This was also observed by other researchers.) Obtaining such generators where the output is indistinguishable from uniform is a longstanding open problem. 3. We identify a property of functions f, “resamplability, ” that allows us to beat the hybrid argument when arguing indistinguishability of G ⊗k