6 research outputs found

    Aspects of 2D-Adaptive Fourier Decompositions

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    As a new type of series expansion, the so-called one-dimensional adaptive Fourier decomposition (AFD) and its variations (1D-AFDs) have effective applications in signal analysis and system identification. The 1D-AFDs have considerable influence to the rational approximation of one complex variable and phase retrieving problems, etc. In a recent paper, Qian developed 2D-AFDs for treating square images as the essential boundary of the 2-torus embedded into the space of two complex variables. This paper studies the numerical aspects of multi-dimensional AFDs, and in particular 2D-AFDs, which mainly include (i) Numerical algorithms of several types of 2D-AFDs in relation to image representation; (ii) Perform experiments for the algorithms with comparisons between 5 types of image reconstruction methods in the Fourier category; and (iii) New and sharper estimations for convergence rates of orthogonal greedy algorithm and pre-orthogonal greedy algorithm. The comparison shows that the 2D-AFD methods achieve optimal results among the others.Comment: 12 pages, 51 figure

    Rational Approximation in the Bergman Spaces

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    It is known that adaptive Fourier decomposition (AFD) offers efficient rational approxima- tions to functions in the classical Hardy H2 spaces with significant applications. This study aims at rational approximation in Bergman, and more widely, in weighted Bergman spaces, the functions of which have more singularity than those in the Hardy spaces. Due to lack of an effective inner function theory, direct adaptation of the Hardy-space AFD is not performable. We, however, show that a pre-orthogonal method, being equivalent to AFD in the classical cases, is available for all weighted Bergman spaces. The theory in the Bergman spaces has equal force as AFD in the Hardy spaces. The methodology of approximation is via constructing the rational orthogonal systems of the Bergman type spaces, called Bergman space rational orthog- onal (BRO) system, that have the same role as the Takennaka-Malmquist (TM) system in the Hardy spaces. Subsequently, we prove a certain type direct sum decomposition of the Bergman spaces that reveals the orthogonal complement relation between the span of the BRO system and the zero-based invariant spaces. We provide a sequence of examples with different and ex- plicit singularities at the boundary along with a study on the inclusion relations of the weighted Bergman spaces. We finally present illustrative examples for effectiveness of the approximation

    Two-Dimensional Adaptive Fourier Decomposition

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    One-dimensional adaptive Fourier decomposition, abbreviated as 1-D AFD, or AFD, is an adaptive representation of a physically realizable signal into a linear combination of parameterized Szeg\"o and higher order Szeg\"o kernels of the context. In the present paper we study multi-dimensional AFDs based on multivariate complex Hardy spaces theory. We proceed with two approaches of which one uses Product-TM Systems; and the other uses Product-Szeg\"o Dictionaries. With the Product-TM Systems approach we prove that at each selection of a pair of parameters the maximal energy may be attained, and, accordingly, we prove the convergence. With the Product-Szeg\"o dictionary approach we show that Pure Greedy Algorithm is applicable. We next introduce a new type of greedy algorithm, called Pre-Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm (P-OGA). We prove its convergence and convergence rate estimation, allowing a weak type version of P-OGA as well. The convergence rate estimation of the proposed P-OGA evidences its advantage over Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm (OGA). In the last part we analyze P-OGA in depth and introduce the concept P-OGA-Induced Complete Dictionary, abbreviated as Complete Dictionary . We show that with the Complete Dictionary P-OGA is applicable to the Hardy H2H^2 space on 22-torus.Comment: 24 page

    Sparse Approximation to the Dirac-{\delta} Distribution

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    The Dirac-{\delta} distribution may be realized through sequences of convlutions, the latter being also regarded as approximation to the identity. The present study proposes the so called pre-orthogonal adaptive Fourier decomposition (POAFD) method to realize fast approximation to the identity. The type of sparse representation method has potential applications in signal and image analysis, as well as in system identification.Comment: 17 page

    A Sparse Representation of Random Signals

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    Studies of sparse representation of deterministic signals have been well developed. Amongst there exists one called adaptive Fourier decomposition (AFD) established through adaptive selections of the parameters defining a Takenaka-Malmquist system in one-complex variable. The AFD type algorithms give rise to sparse representations of signals of finite energy. The multivariate generalization of AFD is one called pre-orthogonal AFD (POAFD), the latter being established with the context Hilbert space possessing a dictionary. The purpose of the present study is to generalize both AFD and POAFD to random signals. We work on two types of random signals. One is those expressible as the sum of a deterministic signal with an error term such as a white noise; and the other is, in general, as mixture of several classes of random signals obeying certain distributive law. In the first part of the paper we develop an AFD type sparse representation for one-dimensional random signals by making use analysis of one complex variable. In the second part, without complex analysis, we treat multivariate random signals in the context of stochastic Hilbert space with a dictionary. Like in the deterministic signal case the established random sparse representations are powerful tools in practical signal analysis.Comment: 28 page

    Noncommutative analysis, Multivariable spectral theory for operators in Hilbert space, Probability, and Unitary Representations

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    Over the decades, Functional Analysis has been enriched and inspired on account of demands from neighboring fields, within mathematics, harmonic analysis (wavelets and signal processing), numerical analysis (finite element methods, discretization), PDEs (diffusion equations, scattering theory), representation theory; iterated function systems (fractals, Julia sets, chaotic dynamical systems), ergodic theory, operator algebras, and many more. And neighboring areas, probability/statistics (for example stochastic processes, Ito and Malliavin calculus), physics (representation of Lie groups, quantum field theory), and spectral theory for Schr\"odinger operators. We have strived for a more accessible book, and yet aimed squarely at applications; -- we have been serious about motivation: Rather than beginning with the four big theorems in Functional Analysis, our point of departure is an initial choice of topics from applications. And we have aimed for flexibility of use; acknowledging that students and instructors will invariably have a host of diverse goals in teaching beginning analysis courses. And students come to the course with a varied background. Indeed, over the years we found that students have come to the Functional Analysis sequence from other and different areas of math, and even from other departments; and so we have presented the material in a way that minimizes the need for prerequisites. We also found that well motivated students are easily able to fill in what is needed from measure theory, or from a facility with the four big theorems of Functional Analysis. And we found that the approach "learn-by-using" has a comparative advantage.Comment: 442 pages, 62 figure