1 research outputs found

    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume 51 (2011), Pages 157–173 On automorphisms of Cayley graphs and irregular groups

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    Let G be a group and CayP (G) < Sym(G) be the subgroup of all permutations that induce graph automorphisms on every Cayley graph of G. The group G is graphically abelian if the map Ξ½: g β†’ g βˆ’1 belongs to CayP (G); these groups have been classified. Also G is irregular if there exists Οƒ ∈ CayP (G) such that Οƒ = 1G, Οƒ(1) = 1 and Οƒ = Ξ½. We show G is irregular if and only if G =Dic(A, I); every non-abelian graphically abelian group is irregular; and if G is irregular but not graphically abelian, Οƒ ∈ CayP (G) andΟƒ(1) = 1, then Οƒ ∈ Aut(G). No irregular group has a GRR. If an irregular group G is not graphically abelian then there is exactly one irregular map Οƒ and CayP (G) ∼ = Gβ‹ŠβŒ©ΟƒβŒͺ, orotherwise CayP (G) ∼ = (G β‹Š Inn(G)) β‹Š 〈νβŒͺ. 1 Basic Definitions A non-empty subset S of a group G is called a Cayley subset of G provided 1 / ∈ S and for all s ∈ G, ifs ∈ S then s βˆ’1 ∈ S. The Cayley graph, Cay(G, S), may b