7 research outputs found

    A periodic review inventory model with stock dependent demand, permissible delay in payment and price discount on backorders

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    In this paper we study a periodic review inventory model with stock dependent demand. When stock on hand is zero, the inventory manager offers a price discount to customers who are willing to backorder their demand. Permissible delay in payments allowed to the inventory manager is also taken into account. Numerical examples are cited to illustrate the model

    An EPLS model for a variable production rate with stock-price sensitive demand and deterioration

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    It is observed that large piles of consumer goods displayed in supermarkets lead consumers to buy more, which generates more profit to sellers. But a large number of on-hand display of stock leaves a negative impression on the buyer. Also, the amount of shelf or display space is limited. Due to this reason, we impose a restriction on the number of on-hand display of stock and also on initial and ending on-hand stock levels. We introduce an economic production lot size model, where production rate depends on stock and selling price per unit. A constant fraction deterioration rate is considered in this model. To illustrate the results of the model, four numerical examples are established. Sensitivity analysis of the changes of parameter values is also given

    Two-warehouse Inventory Model with Multivariate Demand and K-release Rule

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    AbstractIn this paper, we’ve projected a two-warehouse inventory model for deteriorating things beneath the impact of inflation and continuance of cash, wherever demand follows a rare combination of the linear time variable and on-hand inventory level. In one in the entire warehouse (OW), time-varying linear deterioration was thought-about and within the different (RW) weibull distributed deterioration was studied. Here, shortages were allowed and part backlogged. The stock is transferred from the RW to the OW following a bulk unharness rule. The target here is to seek out the optimum amount to that ought to be ordered and also the optimum variety of cycles during which the number from RW should be transferred to OW to maximize world wide web profit per unit time. The model has additionally been exemplified with the many numerical examples. The results have additionally been understood diagrammatically

    An Optimum Inventory Policy for Exponentially Deteriorating Items, Considering Multi Variate Consumption Rate with Partial Backlogging

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    Customer purchasing deeds may be affected by factors such as selling price and inventory level instead of demand which is considered either constant or function of a single variable which is not feasible. Consequently, in the present study, we have considered the demand rate as a function of stock-level and selling price both. In the present study, in order to develop this model, it has been assumed that items are exponentially decaying and shortages are partially backlogged and the most realistic backlogging rate is considered. In this research, we proposed a partial backlogging inventory model for exponentially decaying items considering stock and selling price dependent demand rate in fuzzy environment. In developing the model demand rate, ordering cost, purchasing cost, holding cost, back ordering cost and opportunity cost are considered as triangular fuzzy numbers. Graded mean integration representation method is used for defuzzification. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the problem. Sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution with respect to the changes in the value of system parameters is also discussed