2,389 research outputs found

    Intersections of multiplicative translates of 3-adic Cantor sets

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    Motivated by a question of Erd\H{o}s, this paper considers questions concerning the discrete dynamical system on the 3-adic integers given by multiplication by 2. Let the 3-adic Cantor set consist of all 3-adic integers whose expansions use only the digits 0 and 1. The exception set is the set of 3-adic integers whose forward orbits under this action intersects the 3-adic Cantor set infinitely many times. It has been shown that this set has Hausdorff dimension 0. Approaches to upper bounds on the Hausdorff dimensions of these sets leads to study of intersections of multiplicative translates of Cantor sets by powers of 2. More generally, this paper studies the structure of finite intersections of general multiplicative translates of the 3-adic Cantor set by integers 1 < M_1 < M_2 < ...< M_n. These sets are describable as sets of 3-adic integers whose 3-adic expansions have one-sided symbolic dynamics given by a finite automaton. As a consequence, the Hausdorff dimension of such a set is always of the form log(\beta) for an algebraic integer \beta. This paper gives a method to determine the automaton for given data (M_1, ..., M_n). Experimental results indicate that the Hausdorff dimension of such sets depends in a very complicated way on the integers M_1,...,M_n.Comment: v1, 31 pages, 6 figure

    Accelerated Gossip in Networks of Given Dimension using Jacobi Polynomial Iterations

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    Consider a network of agents connected by communication links, where each agent holds a real value. The gossip problem consists in estimating the average of the values diffused in the network in a distributed manner. We develop a method solving the gossip problem that depends only on the spectral dimension of the network, that is, in the communication network set-up, the dimension of the space in which the agents live. This contrasts with previous work that required the spectral gap of the network as a parameter, or suffered from slow mixing. Our method shows an important improvement over existing algorithms in the non-asymptotic regime, i.e., when the values are far from being fully mixed in the network. Our approach stems from a polynomial-based point of view on gossip algorithms, as well as an approximation of the spectral measure of the graphs with a Jacobi measure. We show the power of the approach with simulations on various graphs, and with performance guarantees on graphs of known spectral dimension, such as grids and random percolation bonds. An extension of this work to distributed Laplacian solvers is discussed. As a side result, we also use the polynomial-based point of view to show the convergence of the message passing algorithm for gossip of Moallemi \& Van Roy on regular graphs. The explicit computation of the rate of the convergence shows that message passing has a slow rate of convergence on graphs with small spectral gap

    Space-time random walk loop measures

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    In this work, we investigate a novel setting of Markovian loop measures and introduce a new class of loop measures called Bosonic loop measures. Namely, we consider loop soups with varying intensity μ0 \mu\le 0 (chemical potential in physics terms), and secondly, we study Markovian loop measures on graphs with an additional "time" dimension leading to so-called space-time random walks and their loop measures and Poisson point loop processes. Interesting phenomena appear when the additional coordinate of the space-time process is on a discrete torus with non-symmetric jump rates. The projection of these space-time random walk loop measures onto the space dimensions is loop measures on the spatial graph, and in the scaling limit of the discrete torus, these loop measures converge to the so-called [Bosonic loop measures]. This provides a natural probabilistic definition of [Bosonic loop measures]. These novel loop measures have similarities with the standard Markovian loop measures only that they give weights to loops of certain lengths, namely any length which is multiple of a given length β>0 \beta> 0 which serves as an additional parameter. We complement our study with generalised versions of Dynkin's isomorphism theorem (including a version for the whole complex field) as well as Symanzik's moment formulae for complex Gaussian measures. Due to the lacking symmetry of our space-time random walks, the distributions of the occupation time fields are given in terms of complex Gaussian measures over complex-valued random fields ([B92,BIS09]. Our space-time setting allows obtaining quantum correlation functions as torus limits of space-time correlation functions.Comment: 3 figure