6 research outputs found

    Divisibility of Weil Sums of Binomials

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    Consider the Weil sum WF,d(u)=∑x∈Fψ(xd+ux)W_{F,d}(u)=\sum_{x \in F} \psi(x^d+u x), where FF is a finite field of characteristic pp, ψ\psi is the canonical additive character of FF, dd is coprime to ∣F∗∣|F^*|, and u∈F∗u \in F^*. We say that WF,d(u)W_{F,d}(u) is three-valued when it assumes precisely three distinct values as uu runs through F∗F^*: this is the minimum number of distinct values in the nondegenerate case, and three-valued WF,dW_{F,d} are rare and desirable. When WF,dW_{F,d} is three-valued, we give a lower bound on the pp-adic valuation of the values. This enables us to prove the characteristic 33 case of a 1976 conjecture of Helleseth: when p=3p=3 and [F:F3][F:{\mathbb F}_3] is a power of 22, we show that WF,dW_{F,d} cannot be three-valued.Comment: 11 page

    Cyclic codes with few weights and Niho exponents

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    AbstractThis paper studies the values of the sums Sk(a)=∑x∈F2m(-1)Tr(xk+ax),a∈F2m,where Tr is the trace function on F2m, m=2t and gcd(2m-1,k)=1. We mainly prove that when k≡2j(mod2t-1), for some j, then Sk(a) takes at least four values when a runs through F2m. This result, and other derived properties, can be viewed in the study of weights of some cyclic codes and of crosscorrelation function of m-sequences

    On maximal period linear sequences and their crosscorrelation functions /

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    For an nth order linear recurring sequence over the finite field Fp. the largest possible period is pn --- 1. When such a sequence attains this upper bound as its period, it is called a maximal period linear sequence, or m-sequence in short. Interest in such sequences originated from applications. Indeed, there is an interaction between m-sequences, coding theory and cryptography via the relation with cyclic codes.Boolean functions, etc. One of the main goals is to construct a pair of binary m-sequences whose crosscorrelation takes few values, preferably with small magnitude. By a theorem of Helleseth. the crosscorrelation function takes at least three values.Hence, existence and construction of sequences with 3-valued crosscorrelation is of particular interest. This is also the main theme of our work. The aim of this thesis is to introduce foundational material on m-sequences, explain the relations with other topics mentioned above, and to present proofs of three conjectures on the existence/nonexistence of 3-valued crosscorrelation functions for binary m-sequences. These conjectures are due to Sarwate-Pursley, Helleseth and Welch and were proved by McGuire-Calderbank. Calderank-MeGnire-Poonen-Rubinstein and. Canteaut-Charpin-Dobbertin respectively