14 research outputs found

    On a conjecture about a class of permutation trinomials

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    We prove a conjecture by Tu, Zeng, Li, and Helleseth concerning trinomials fΞ±,Ξ²(x)=x+Ξ±xq(qβˆ’1)+1+Ξ²x2(qβˆ’1)+1∈Fq2[x]f_{\alpha,\beta}(x)= x + \alpha x^{q(q-1)+1} + \beta x^{2(q-1)+1} \in \mathbb{F}_{q^2}[x], Ξ±Ξ²β‰ 0\alpha\beta \neq 0, qq even, characterizing all the pairs (Ξ±,Ξ²)∈Fq22(\alpha,\beta)\in \mathbb{F}_{q^2}^2 for which fΞ±,Ξ²(x)f_{\alpha,\beta}(x) is a permutation of Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}

    On inverses of some permutation polynomials over finite fields of characteristic three

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    By using the piecewise method, Lagrange interpolation formula and Lucas' theorem, we determine explicit expressions of the inverses of a class of reversed Dickson permutation polynomials and some classes of generalized cyclotomic mapping permutation polynomials over finite fields of characteristic three

    On a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic 2

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    Recently, Tu, Zeng, Li, and Helleseth considered trinomials of the form f(X)=X+aXq(qβˆ’1)+1+bX2(qβˆ’1)+1∈Fq2[X]f(X)=X+aX^{q(q-1)+1}+bX^{2(q-1)+1}\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X], where qq is even and a,b∈Fq2βˆ—a,b\in\Bbb F_{q^2}^*. They found sufficient conditions on a,ba,b for ff to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} and they conjectured that the sufficient conditions are also necessary. The conjecture has been confirmed by Bartoli using the Hasse-Weil bound. In this paper, we give an alternative solution to the question. We also use the Hasse-Weil bound, but in a different way. Moreover, the necessity and sufficiency of the conditions are proved by the same approach

    Permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} from rational functions

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    Let ΞΌq+1\mu_{q+1} denote the set of (q+1)(q+1)-th roots of unity in Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2 }. We construct permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} by using rational functions of any degree that induce bijections either on ΞΌq+1\mu_{q+1} or between ΞΌq+1\mu_{q+1} and Fqβˆͺ{∞}\mathbb{F}_q \cup \{\infty\}. In particular, we generalize results from Zieve

    Permutation trinomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}

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    We consider four classes of polynomials over the fields Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}, q=phq=p^h, p>3p>3, f1(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq2βˆ’q+1+Bxf_1(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^2-q+1}+Bx, f2(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq3βˆ’q2+q+Bxf_2(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^3-q^2+q}+Bx, f3(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq2βˆ’Bxf_3(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^2}-Bx, f4(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axqβˆ’Bxf_4(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q}-Bx, where A,B∈FqA,B \in \mathbb{F}_q. We determine conditions on the pairs (A,B)(A,B) and we give lower bounds on the number of pairs (A,B)(A,B) for which these polynomials permute Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}

    on a conjecture on permutation rational functions over finite fields

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    Let pp be a prime and nn be a positive integer, and consider fb(X)=X+(Xpβˆ’X+b)βˆ’1∈Fp(X)f_b(X)=X+(X^p-X+b)^{-1}\in \Bbb F_p(X), where b∈Fpnb\in\Bbb F_{p^n} is such that Trpn/p(b)β‰ 0\text{Tr}_{p^n/p}(b)\ne 0. It is known that (i) fbf_b permutes Fpn\Bbb F_{p^n} for p=2,3p=2,3 and all nβ‰₯1n\ge 1; (ii) for p>3p>3 and n=2n=2, fbf_b permutes Fp2\Bbb F_{p^2} if and only if Trp2/p(b)=Β±1\text{Tr}_{p^2/p}(b)=\pm 1; and (iii) for p>3p>3 and nβ‰₯5n\ge 5, fbf_b does not permute Fpn\Bbb F_{p^n}. It has been conjectured that for p>3p>3 and n=3,4n=3,4, fbf_b does not permute Fpn\Bbb F_{p^n}. We prove this conjecture for sufficiently large pp.Comment: 13 page

    A family of permutation trinomials in Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}

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    Let p>3p>3 and consider a prime power q=phq=p^h. We completely characterize permutation polynomials of Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} of the type fa,b(X)=X(1+aXq(qβˆ’1)+bX2(qβˆ’1))∈Fq2[X]f_{a,b}(X) = X(1 + aX^{q(q-1)} + bX^{2(q-1)}) \in \mathbb{F}_{q^2}[X]. In particular, using connections with algebraic curves over finite fields, we show that the already known sufficient conditions are also necessary

    On a conjecture about a class of permutation quadrinomials

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    Very recently, Tu et al. presented a sufficient condition about (a1,a2,a3)(a_1,a_2,a_3), see Theorem 1.1, such that f(x)=x3β‹…2m+a1x2m+1+1+a2x2m+2+a3x3f(x) = x^{3\cdot 2^m} + a_1 x^{2^{m+1}+1}+ a_2 x^{2^m+2} + a_3 x^3 is a class of permutation polynomials over \gf_{2^{n}} with n=2mn=2m and mm odd. In this present paper, we prove that the sufficient condition is also necessary

    Determination of a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic Three

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    Let f(X)=X(1+aXq(qβˆ’1)+bX2(qβˆ’1))∈Fq2[X]f(X)=X(1+aX^{q(q-1)}+bX^{2(q-1)})\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X], where a,b∈Fq2βˆ—a,b\in\Bbb F_{q^2}^*. In a series of recent papers by several authors, sufficient conditions on aa and bb were found for ff to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} and, in characteristic 22, the sufficient conditions were shown to be necessary. In the present paper, we confirm that in characteristic 3, the sufficient conditions are also necessary. More precisely, we show that when char Fq=3\text{char}\,\Bbb F_q=3, ff is a PP of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} if and only if (ab)q=a(bq+1βˆ’aq+1)(ab)^q=a(b^{q+1}-a^{q+1}) and 1βˆ’(b/a)q+11-(b/a)^{q+1} is a square in Fqβˆ—\Bbb F_q^*.Comment: 31 page

    Permutation polynomials and complete permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^{3}}

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    Motivated by many recent constructions of permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}, we study permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3} in terms of their coefficients. Based on the multivariate method and resultant elimination, we construct several new classes of sparse permutation polynomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}, q=pkq=p^{k}, pβ‰₯3p\geq3. Some of them are complete mappings.Comment: 31 page