5 research outputs found

    Mobile Formation Coordination and Tracking Control for Multiple Non-holonomic Vehicles

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    This paper addresses forward motion control for trajectory tracking and mobile formation coordination for a group of non-holonomic vehicles on SE(2). Firstly, by constructing an intermediate attitude variable which involves vehicles' position information and desired attitude, the translational and rotational control inputs are designed in two stages to solve the trajectory tracking problem. Secondly, the coordination relationships of relative positions and headings are explored thoroughly for a group of non-holonomic vehicles to maintain a mobile formation with rigid body motion constraints. We prove that, except for the cases of parallel formation and translational straight line formation, a mobile formation with strict rigid-body motion can be achieved if and only if the ratios of linear speed to angular speed for each individual vehicle are constants. Motion properties for mobile formation with weak rigid-body motion are also demonstrated. Thereafter, based on the proposed trajectory tracking approach, a distributed mobile formation control law is designed under a directed tree graph. The performance of the proposed controllers is validated by both numerical simulations and experiments

    Decentralized Autonomous Navigation Strategies for Multi-Robot Search and Rescue

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    In this report, we try to improve the performance of existing approaches for search operations in multi-robot context. We propose three novel algorithms that are using a triangular grid pattern, i.e., robots certainly go through the vertices of a triangular grid during the search procedure. The main advantage of using a triangular grid pattern is that it is asymptotically optimal in terms of the minimum number of robots required for the complete coverage of an arbitrary bounded area. We use a new topological map which is made and shared by robots during the search operation. We consider an area that is unknown to the robots a priori with an arbitrary shape, containing some obstacles. Unlike many current heuristic algorithms, we give mathematically proofs of convergence of the algorithms. The computer simulation results for the proposed algorithms are presented using a simulator of real robots and environment. We evaluate the performance of the algorithms via experiments with real robots. We compare the performance of our own algorithms with three existing algorithms from other researchers. The results demonstrate the merits of our proposed solution. A further study on formation building with obstacle avoidance for a team of mobile robots is presented in this report. We propose a decentralized formation building with obstacle avoidance algorithm for a group of mobile robots to move in a defined geometric configuration. Furthermore, we consider a more complicated formation problem with a group of anonymous robots; these robots are not aware of their position in the final configuration and need to reach a consensus during the formation process. We propose a randomized algorithm for the anonymous robots that achieves the convergence to a desired configuration with probability 1. We also propose a novel obstacle avoidance rule, used in the formation building algorithm.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.5188 by other author

    On a class of hierarchical formations of unicycles and their internal dynamics

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    This paper studies a class of hierarchical formations for an ordered set of n+1 unicycle robots: the first robot plays the role of the leader and the formation is induced through a constraint function F, so that the position and orientation of the i-th robot depends only on the pose of the preceding ones. We study the dynamics of the formation with respect to the leaders reference frame by introducing the concept of reduced internal dynamics, we characterize its equilibria and provide sufficient conditions for their existence. The discovered theoretical results are applied to the case in which the constraint F induces a formation where the i-th robot follows a convex combination of the positions of the previous i-1 vehicles. In this case, we prove in this case that if the curvature of the leaders trajectory is sufficiently small, the positions and orientations of the robots, relative to the leaders reference frame, are confined in a precise polyhedral region