1 research outputs found

    MvA '92 IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications Dec. 7-9-1992, Tokyo ON A BASIC CONSIDERATION OF THE WARP MODEL OF HOUGH TRANSFORM

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    fie Warp Model of Lhe Hough transform is pm-posed la provide the ezlended Fiotigh lrawform func-tiow(EHT). The Warp Model is a skewed pammeler space (p, [), u~htch IS homeomofphic to the original (p,B) pornmeter spore. R i.7 imporfont tho! fo inlmduce the skewness of the pururneler space is io define [he ongular and posilional sensibiIily lo detecl lines. In this paper, the Hough transjormlunction is extended at firsi by introducing three Junctional conditions lo ensure the horn ~omorphic relation betuleen (p,;I) and (p, 8) parameter spaces. APer proving lhese conditi0n.r to he feasible, a procedvre lo deritw ihe transfirm lunclion is pres~nled by using the Warp Mod~l so that the given angular and posiannl sensibility could be rrolrzed. 1