6,158 research outputs found

    On visualizing continuous turbulence scales

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    Turbulent flows are multiā€scale with vortices spanning a wide range of scales continuously. Due to such complexities, turbulence scales are particularly difficult to analyse and visualize. In this work, we present a novel and efficient optimizationā€based method for continuousā€scale turbulence structure visualization with scale decomposition directly in the Kolmogorov energy spectrum. To achieve this, we first derive a new analytical objective function based on integration approximation. Using this new formulation, we can significantly improve the efficiency of the underlying optimization process and obtain the desired filter in the Kolmogorov energy spectrum for scale decomposition. More importantly, such a decomposition allows a ā€˜continuousā€scale visualizationā€™ that enables us to efficiently explore the decomposed turbulence scales and further analyse the turbulence structures in a continuous manner. With our approach, we can present scale visualizations of direct numerical simulation data sets continuously over the scale domain for both isotropic and boundary layer turbulent flows. Compared with previous works on multiā€scale turbulence analysis and visualization, our method is highly flexible and efficient in generating scale decomposition and visualization results. The application of the proposed technique to both isotropic and boundary layer turbulence data sets verifies the capability of our technique to produce desirable scale visualization results

    Automatic active acoustic target detection in turbulent aquatic environments

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    This work is funded by the Environment and Food Security theme Ph.D. studentship from the University of Aberdeen, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra grant NE/J004308/1), and the Marine Collaboration Research Forum (MarCRF). We would like to gratefully acknowledge the support from colleagues at Marine Scotland Science.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Visualizing the geometry of state space in plane Couette flow

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    Motivated by recent experimental and numerical studies of coherent structures in wall-bounded shear flows, we initiate a systematic exploration of the hierarchy of unstable invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. We construct a dynamical, 10^5-dimensional state-space representation of plane Couette flow at Re = 400 in a small, periodic cell and offer a new method of visualizing invariant manifolds embedded in such high dimensions. We compute a new equilibrium solution of plane Couette flow and the leading eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of known equilibria at this Reynolds number and cell size. What emerges from global continuations of their unstable manifolds is a surprisingly elegant dynamical-systems visualization of moderate-Reynolds turbulence. The invariant manifolds tessellate the region of state space explored by transiently turbulent dynamics with a rigid web of continuous and discrete symmetry-induced heteroclinic connections.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Relaminarisation of Re_{\tau} = 100 channel flow with globally stabilising linear feedback control

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    The problems of nonlinearity and high dimension have so far prevented a complete solution of the control of turbulent flow. Addressing the problem of nonlinearity, we propose a flow control strategy which ensures that the energy of any perturbation to the target profile decays monotonically. The controller's estimate of the flow state is similarly guaranteed to converge to the true value. We present a one-time off-line synthesis procedure, which generalises to accommodate more restrictive actuation and sensing arrangements, with conditions for existence for the controller given in this case. The control is tested in turbulent channel flow (ReĻ„=100Re_\tau=100) using full-domain sensing and actuation on the wall-normal velocity. Concentrated at the point of maximum inflection in the mean profile, the control directly counters the supply of turbulence energy arising from the interaction of the wall-normal perturbations with the flow shear. It is found that the control is only required for the larger-scale motions, specifically those above the scale of the mean streak spacing. Minimal control effort is required once laminar flow is achieved. The response of the near-wall flow is examined in detail, with particular emphasis on the pressure and wall-normal velocity fields, in the context of Landahl's theory of sheared turbulence

    A dynamical approach to the spatiotemporal aspects of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: Chaos,turbulence and band propagation

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    Experimental time series obtained from single and poly-crystals subjected to a constant strain rate tests report an intriguing dynamical crossover from a low dimensional chaotic state at medium strain rates to an infinite dimensional power law state of stress drops at high strain rates. We present results of an extensive study of all aspects of the PLC effect within the context a model that reproduces this crossover. A study of the distribution of the Lyapunov exponents as a function of strain rate shows that it changes from a small set of positive exponents in the chaotic regime to a dense set of null exponents in the scaling regime. As the latter feature is similar to the GOY shell model for turbulence, we compare our results with the GOY model. Interestingly, the null exponents in our model themselves obey a power law. The configuration of dislocations is visualized through the slow manifold analysis. This shows that while a large proportion of dislocations are in the pinned state in the chaotic regime, most of them are at the threshold of unpinning in the scaling regime. The model qualitatively reproduces the different types of deformation bands seen in experiments. At high strain rates where propagating bands are seen, the model equations are reduced to the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation for propagative fronts. This shows that the velocity of the bands varies linearly with the strain rate and inversely with the dislocation density, consistent with the known experimental results. Thus, this simple dynamical model captures the complex spatio-temporal features of the PLC effect.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure
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