3 research outputs found

    On Using Active Learning and Self-Training when Mining Performance Discussions on Stack Overflow

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    Abundant data is the key to successful machine learning. However, supervised learning requires annotated data that are often hard to obtain. In a classification task with limited resources, Active Learning (AL) promises to guide annotators to examples that bring the most value for a classifier. AL can be successfully combined with self-training, i.e., extending a training set with the unlabelled examples for which a classifier is the most certain. We report our experiences on using AL in a systematic manner to train an SVM classifier for Stack Overflow posts discussing performance of software components. We show that the training examples deemed as the most valuable to the classifier are also the most difficult for humans to annotate. Despite carefully evolved annotation criteria, we report low inter-rater agreement, but we also propose mitigation strategies. Finally, based on one annotator's work, we show that self-training can improve the classification accuracy. We conclude the paper by discussing implication for future text miners aspiring to use AL and self-training.Comment: Preprint of paper accepted for the Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 201

    Enabling Image Recognition on Constrained Devices Using Neural Network Pruning and a CycleGAN

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    Smart cameras are increasingly used in surveillance solutions in public spaces. Contemporary computer vision applications can be used to recognize events that require intervention by emergency services. Smart cameras can be mounted in locations where citizens feel particularly unsafe, e.g., pathways and underpasses with a history of incidents. One promising approach for smart cameras is edge AI, i.e., deploying AI technology on IoT devices. However, implementing resource-demanding technology such as image recognition using deep neural networks (DNN) on constrained devices is a substantial challenge. In this paper, we explore two approaches to reduce the need for compute in contemporary image recognition in an underpass. First, we showcase successful neural network pruning, i.e., we retain comparable classification accuracy with only 1.1% of the neurons remaining from the state-of-the-art DNN architecture. Second, we demonstrate how a CycleGAN can be used to transform out-of-distribution images to the operational design domain. We posit that both pruning and CycleGANs are promising enablers for efficient edge AI in smart cameras