43 research outputs found

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue President\u27s Message From the ACUTA CEO Transforming an lT organization to a Service organization: lt\u27s About the People Beating the odds: lmplementation of a University Portal Journey to the Cloud Near Field Technology Opens Doors Legal Considerations in DAS Deployment Managing BYOD and Mobile Devices in a University Environment One-Size-Fits-All Websites Don\u27t Always Fit lnstitutional Excellence Award: Sewanee: The University of the Sout

    A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet: State of the art and Research Directions

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    The Internet has made several giant leaps over the years, from a fixed to a mobile Internet, then to the Internet of Things, and now to a Tactile Internet. The Tactile Internet goes far beyond data, audio and video delivery over fixed and mobile networks, and even beyond allowing communication and collaboration among things. It is expected to enable haptic communication and allow skill set delivery over networks. Some examples of potential applications are tele-surgery, vehicle fleets, augmented reality and industrial process automation. Several papers already cover many of the Tactile Internet-related concepts and technologies, such as haptic codecs, applications, and supporting technologies. However, none of them offers a comprehensive survey of the Tactile Internet, including its architectures and algorithms. Furthermore, none of them provides a systematic and critical review of the existing solutions. To address these lacunae, we provide a comprehensive survey of the architectures and algorithms proposed to date for the Tactile Internet. In addition, we critically review them using a well-defined set of requirements and discuss some of the lessons learned as well as the most promising research directions

    Using attitudes and green consciousness as a determinant of travel behaviour and market segmentation

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    Small business innovation research. Abstracts of completed 1987 phase 1 projects

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    Non-proprietary summaries of Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects supported by NASA in the 1987 program year are given. Work in the areas of aeronautical propulsion, aerodynamics, acoustics, aircraft systems, materials and structures, teleoperators and robotics, computer sciences, information systems, spacecraft systems, spacecraft power supplies, spacecraft propulsion, bioastronautics, satellite communication, and space processing are covered

    Aeronautics and Space Report of the President - Fiscal Year 2008 Activities

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 directed the annual Aeronautics and Space Report to include a "comprehensive description of the programmed activities and the accomplishments of all agencies of the United States in the field of aeronautics and space activities during the preceding calendar year." In recent years, the reports have been prepared on a fiscal-year basis, consistent with the budgetary period now used in programs of the Federal Government. This year's report covers activities that took place from October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008

    Learning probabilistic interaction models

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    We live in a multi-modal world; therefore it comes as no surprise that the human brain is tailored for the integration of multi-sensory input. Inspired by the human brain, the multi-sensory data is used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching different concepts to computers. Autonomous Agents (AAs) are AI systems that sense and act autonomously in complex dynamic environments. Such agents can build up Self-Awareness (SA) by describing their experiences through multi-sensorial information with appropriate models and correlating them incrementally with the currently perceived situation to continuously expand their knowledge. This thesis proposes methods to learn such awareness models for AAs. These models include SA and situational awareness models in order to perceive and understand itself (self variables) and its surrounding environment (external variables) at the same time. An agent is considered self-aware when it can dynamically observe and understand itself and its surrounding through different proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors which facilitate learning and maintaining a contextual representation by processing the observed multi-sensorial data. We proposed a probabilistic framework for generative and descriptive dynamic models that can lead to a computationally efficient SA system. In general, generative models facilitate the prediction of future states while descriptive models enable to select the representation that best fits the current observation. The proposed framework employs a Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) such as Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) that represent a set of variables and their conditional dependencies. Once we obtain this probabilistic representation, the latter allows the agent to model interactions between itself, as observed through proprioceptive sensors, and the environment, as observed through exteroceptive sensors. In order to develop an awareness system, not only an agent needs to recognize the normal states and perform predictions accordingly, but also it is necessary to detect the abnormal states with respect to its previously learned knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to measure anomalies or irregularities in an observed situation. In this case, the agent should be aware that an abnormality (i.e., a non-stationary condition) never experienced before, is currently present. Due to our specific way of representation, which makes it possible to model multi-sensorial data into a uniform interaction model, the proposed work not only improves predictions of future events but also can be potentially used to effectuate a transfer learning process where information related to the learned model can be moved and interpreted by another body

    NASA Pocket Statistics: 1997 Edition

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    POCKET STATISTICS is published by the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA). Included in each edition is Administrative and Organizational information, summaries of Space Flight Activity including the NASA Major Launch Record, Aeronautics and Space Transportation and NASA Procurement, Financial and Workforce data. The NASA Major Launch Record includes all launches of Scout class and larger vehicles. Vehicle and spacecraft development flights are also included in the Major Launch Record. Shuttle missions are counted as one launch and one payload, where free flying payloads are not involved. All Satellites deployed from the cargo bay of the Shuttle and placed in a separate orbit or trajectory are counted as an additional payload

    PRINCIPLES OF METADESIGN Processes and Levels of Co-Creation in the New Design Space

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    In the tight of the material and cultural conditions of the present world and within the context of current design theories, this research aims to provide an understanding of Metadesign as emerging design cutture, and to integrate and advance its conceptual framework and principles through a tra nsdisci pli nary dialogue with the aesthetics and practice of Net Art. By rejecting the notion of Metadesign as an established design approach and practice, the creation of an etymological hypothesis based on the meanings of the prefix "-meta" (behind, together, between) becomes possible. Following this historical and cultural path, the research describes theories, frameworks and practices of Metadesign that have occurred in art, culture and media since the 1980s, in fields, such as, graphic design, industrial design, software engineering, information design, interaction design, biotechnotogical design, telecommunication art, experimental aesthetics, and architecture. The comparison and integration of all these approaches and viewpoints attows the identification of some design trends. More significantly, however, such an analysis enables the deconstruction of clusters of concepts and the production of a map of coherent etements. The anticipatory, participatory and sociotechnical issues raised 4 by the emerging and interconnected concepts that underlie Metadesign can be articulated and summarized in a three-fotd path based on the initial epistemological hypothesis. This can be characterized by three specific terms: 1) behind (designing design); 2) with (designing together); 3) betweenlamon3 (designing the "inbetween "). Interactive Art practitioners and theorists, both at an aesthetic and practical level, also share concerns about interaction, participation and co-creation. Compared to more financially oriented fields, Interactive Art, and collaborative practices of Net Art specificalty, have been We to answer to the new materiat and existentiat condition outlined by interconnectivity with a more dismantling experimentalism. The insights and advances they have produced in relation to the embodied and intersubjective dimension of human experience and creativity are stilt to be fully explored. Such insights can significantly fortify the three-fold path elaborated by this research, particutarty the third fo(d, which is concerned with the design of the 0rinbetween ". Focusing on collaborative systems for graphical interaction, as more suitable to the goal of understanding basic embodied and intersubjective processes of co-creation, the research identifies and analyses three projects of Net Art as case studies (GL&n6rateur Po*i 6tique, Open Studio, SITO Synergy Gridcosm). The results of these case studies provide an understanding of the experience of co-creation, a grasp of motivationat paths to co-creation, and a description of the features of the computationat environment which can sustain co-creation

    Robotic manipulators for in situ inspections of jet engines

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    Jet engines need to be inspected periodically and, in some instances, repaired. Currently, some of these maintenance operations require the engine to be removed from the wing and dismantled, which has a significant associated cost. The capability of performing some of these inspections and repairs while the engine is on-wing could lead to important cost savings. However, existing technology for on-wing operations is limited, and does not suffice to satisfy some of the needs. In this work, the problem of performing on-wing operations such as inspection and repair is analysed, and after an extensive literature review, a novel robotic system for the on-wing insertion and deployment of probes or other tools is proposed. The system consists of a fine-positioner, which is a miniature and dexterous robotic manipulator; a gross-positioner, which is a device to insert the fine-positioner to the engine region of interest; an end-effector, such as a probe; a deployment mechanism, which is a passive device to ensure correct contact between probe and component; and a feedback system that provides information about the robot state for control. The research and development work conducted to address the main challenges to create this robotic system is presented in this thesis. The work is focussed on the fine-positioner, as it is the most relevant and complex part of the system. After a literature review of relevant work, and as part of the exploration of potential robot concepts for the system, the kinematic capabilities of concentric tube robots (CTRs) are first investigated. The complete set of stable trajectories that can be traced in follow-the-leader motion is discovered. A case study involving simulations and an experiment is then presented to showcase and verify the work. The research findings indicate that CTRs are not suitable for the fine-positioner. However, they show that CTRs with non-annular cross section can be used for the gross-positioner. In addition, the new trajectories discovered show promise in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Soft robotic manipulators with fluidic actuation are then selected as the most suitable concept for the fine-positioner. The design of soft robotic manipulators with fluidic actuation is investigated from a general perspective. A general framework for the design of these devices is proposed, and a set of design principles are derived. These principles are first applied in a MIS case study to illustrate and verify the work. Finite element (FE) simulations are then reported to perform design optimisation, and thus complete the case study. The design study is then applied to determine the most suitable design for the fine-positioner. An additional analytical derivation is developed, followed by FE simulations, which extend those of the case study. Eventually, this work yields a final design of the fine-positioner. The final design found is different from existing ones, and is shown to provide an important performance improvement with respect to existing soft robots in terms of wrenches it can support. The control of soft and continuum robots relevant to the fine-positioner is also studied. The full kinematics of continuum robots with constant curvature bending and extending capabilities are first investigated, which correspond to a preliminary design concept conceived for the fine-positioner. Closed-form solutions are derived, closing an open problem. These kinematics, however, do not exactly match the final fine-positioner design selected. Thus, an alternative control approach based on closed-loop control laws is then adopted. For this, a mechanical model is first developed. Closed-loop control laws are then derived based on this mechanical model for planar operation of a segment of the fine-positioner. The control laws obtained represent the foundation for the subsequent development of control laws for a full fine-positioner operating in 3D. Furthermore, work on path planning for nonholonomic systems is also reported, and a new algorithm is presented, which can be applied for the insertion of the overall robotic system. Solutions to the other parts of the robotic system for on-wing operations are also reported. A gross-positioner consisting of a non-annular CTR is proposed. Solutions for a deployment mechanism are also presented. Potential feedback systems are outlined. In addition, methods for the fabrication of the systems are reported, and the electronics and systems required for the assembly of the different parts are described. Finally, the use of the robotic system to perform on-wing inspections in a representative case study is studied to determine the viability. Inspection strategies are shortlisted, and simulations and experiments are used to study them. The results, however, indicate that inspection is not viable since the signal to noise ratio is excessively low. Nonetheless, the robotic system proposed, and the research conducted, are still expected to be useful to perform a range of on-wing operations that require the insertion and deployment of a probe or other end-effector. In addition, the trajectories discovered for CTRs, the design found for the fine-positioner, and the advances on control, also have significant potential in MIS, where there is an important need for miniature robotic manipulators and similar devices.Open Acces