46 research outputs found

    On Unifying Deep Generative Models

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    Deep generative models have achieved impressive success in recent years. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), as emerging families for generative model learning, have largely been considered as two distinct paradigms and received extensive independent studies respectively. This paper aims to establish formal connections between GANs and VAEs through a new formulation of them. We interpret sample generation in GANs as performing posterior inference, and show that GANs and VAEs involve minimizing KL divergences of respective posterior and inference distributions with opposite directions, extending the two learning phases of classic wake-sleep algorithm, respectively. The unified view provides a powerful tool to analyze a diverse set of existing model variants, and enables to transfer techniques across research lines in a principled way. For example, we apply the importance weighting method in VAE literatures for improved GAN learning, and enhance VAEs with an adversarial mechanism that leverages generated samples. Experiments show generality and effectiveness of the transferred techniques.Comment: Polished and extended content over the ICLR conference version: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rylSzl-R

    Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Weights

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    The impressive success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is often overshadowed by the difficulties in their training. Despite the continuous efforts and improvements, there are still open issues regarding their convergence properties. In this paper, we propose a simple training variation where suitable weights are defined and assist the training of the Generator. We provide theoretical arguments why the proposed algorithm is better than the baseline training in the sense of speeding up the training process and of creating a stronger Generator. Performance results showed that the new algorithm is more accurate in both synthetic and image datasets resulting in improvements ranging between 5% and 50%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Icassp201

    GLSR-VAE: Geodesic Latent Space Regularization for Variational AutoEncoder Architectures

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    VAEs (Variational AutoEncoders) have proved to be powerful in the context of density modeling and have been used in a variety of contexts for creative purposes. In many settings, the data we model possesses continuous attributes that we would like to take into account at generation time. We propose in this paper GLSR-VAE, a Geodesic Latent Space Regularization for the Variational AutoEncoder architecture and its generalizations which allows a fine control on the embedding of the data into the latent space. When augmenting the VAE loss with this regularization, changes in the learned latent space reflects changes of the attributes of the data. This deeper understanding of the VAE latent space structure offers the possibility to modulate the attributes of the generated data in a continuous way. We demonstrate its efficiency on a monophonic music generation task where we manage to generate variations of discrete sequences in an intended and playful way.Comment: 11 page

    Concept-Oriented Deep Learning: Generative Concept Representations

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    Generative concept representations have three major advantages over discriminative ones: they can represent uncertainty, they support integration of learning and reasoning, and they are good for unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. We discuss probabilistic and generative deep learning, which generative concept representations are based on, and the use of variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks for learning generative concept representations, particularly for concepts whose data are sequences, structured data or graphs

    Nonparametric Variational Auto-encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning

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    The recently developed variational autoencoders (VAEs) have proved to be an effective confluence of the rich representational power of neural networks with Bayesian methods. However, most work on VAEs use a rather simple prior over the latent variables such as standard normal distribution, thereby restricting its applications to relatively simple phenomena. In this work, we propose hierarchical nonparametric variational autoencoders, which combines tree-structured Bayesian nonparametric priors with VAEs, to enable infinite flexibility of the latent representation space. Both the neural parameters and Bayesian priors are learned jointly using tailored variational inference. The resulting model induces a hierarchical structure of latent semantic concepts underlying the data corpus, and infers accurate representations of data instances. We apply our model in video representation learning. Our method is able to discover highly interpretable activity hierarchies, and obtain improved clustering accuracy and generalization capacity based on the learned rich representations.Comment: Accepted in ICCV 201

    Deep Generative Models with Learnable Knowledge Constraints

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    The broad set of deep generative models (DGMs) has achieved remarkable advances. However, it is often difficult to incorporate rich structured domain knowledge with the end-to-end DGMs. Posterior regularization (PR) offers a principled framework to impose structured constraints on probabilistic models, but has limited applicability to the diverse DGMs that can lack a Bayesian formulation or even explicit density evaluation. PR also requires constraints to be fully specified a priori, which is impractical or suboptimal for complex knowledge with learnable uncertain parts. In this paper, we establish mathematical correspondence between PR and reinforcement learning (RL), and, based on the connection, expand PR to learn constraints as the extrinsic reward in RL. The resulting algorithm is model-agnostic to apply to any DGMs, and is flexible to adapt arbitrary constraints with the model jointly. Experiments on human image generation and templated sentence generation show models with learned knowledge constraints by our algorithm greatly improve over base generative models.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 201

    Texar: A Modularized, Versatile, and Extensible Toolkit for Text Generation

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    We introduce Texar, an open-source toolkit aiming to support the broad set of text generation tasks that transform any inputs into natural language, such as machine translation, summarization, dialog, content manipulation, and so forth. With the design goals of modularity, versatility, and extensibility in mind, Texar extracts common patterns underlying the diverse tasks and methodologies, creates a library of highly reusable modules, and allows arbitrary model architectures and algorithmic paradigms. In Texar, model architecture, inference, and learning processes are properly decomposed. Modules at a high concept level can be freely assembled and plugged in/swapped out. The toolkit also supports a rich set of large-scale pretrained models. Texar is thus particularly suitable for researchers and practitioners to do fast prototyping and experimentation. The versatile toolkit also fosters technique sharing across different text generation tasks. Texar supports both TensorFlow and PyTorch, and is released under Apache License 2.0 at https://www.texar.io.Comment: ACL 2019 demo, expanded versio

    Generative Latent Flow

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    In this work, we propose the Generative Latent Flow (GLF), an algorithm for generative modeling of the data distribution. GLF uses an Auto-encoder (AE) to learn latent representations of the data, and a normalizing flow to map the distribution of the latent variables to that of simple i.i.d noise. In contrast to some other Auto-encoder based generative models, which use various regularizers that encourage the encoded latent distribution to match the prior distribution, our model explicitly constructs a mapping between these two distributions, leading to better density matching while avoiding over regularizing the latent variables. We compare our model with several related techniques, and show that it has many relative advantages including fast convergence, single stage training and minimal reconstruction trade-off. We also study the relationship between our model and its stochastic counterpart, and show that our model can be viewed as a vanishing noise limit of VAEs with flow prior. Quantitatively, under standardized evaluations, our method achieves state-of-the-art sample quality among AE based models on commonly used datasets, and is competitive with GANs' benchmarks

    Toward Controlled Generation of Text

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    Generic generation and manipulation of text is challenging and has limited success compared to recent deep generative modeling in visual domain. This paper aims at generating plausible natural language sentences, whose attributes are dynamically controlled by learning disentangled latent representations with designated semantics. We propose a new neural generative model which combines variational auto-encoders and holistic attribute discriminators for effective imposition of semantic structures. With differentiable approximation to discrete text samples, explicit constraints on independent attribute controls, and efficient collaborative learning of generator and discriminators, our model learns highly interpretable representations from even only word annotations, and produces realistic sentences with desired attributes. Quantitative evaluation validates the accuracy of sentence and attribute generation.Comment: Code adapted for text style transfer is released at: https://github.com/asyml/texar/tree/master/examples/text_style_transfe

    Constrained Generation of Semantically Valid Graphs via Regularizing Variational Autoencoders

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    Deep generative models have achieved remarkable success in various data domains, including images, time series, and natural languages. There remain, however, substantial challenges for combinatorial structures, including graphs. One of the key challenges lies in the difficulty of ensuring semantic validity in context. For examples, in molecular graphs, the number of bonding-electron pairs must not exceed the valence of an atom; whereas in protein interaction networks, two proteins may be connected only when they belong to the same or correlated gene ontology terms. These constraints are not easy to be incorporated into a generative model. In this work, we propose a regularization framework for variational autoencoders as a step toward semantic validity. We focus on the matrix representation of graphs and formulate penalty terms that regularize the output distribution of the decoder to encourage the satisfaction of validity constraints. Experimental results confirm a much higher likelihood of sampling valid graphs in our approach, compared with others reported in the literature.Comment: NIPS 201