5,602 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for tuple domination on co-biconvex graphs and web graphs

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    A vertex in a graph dominates itself and each of its adjacent vertices. The kk-tuple domination problem, for a fixed positive integer kk, is to find a minimum sized vertex subset in a given graph such that every vertex is dominated by at least k vertices of this set. From the computational point of view, this problem is NP-hard. For a general circular-arc graph and k=1k=1, efficient algorithms are known to solve it (Hsu et al., 1991 & Chang, 1998) but its complexity remains open for k≥2k\geq 2. A 0,10,1-matrix has the consecutive 0's (circular 1's) property for columns if there is a permutation of its rows that places the 0's (1's) consecutively (circularly) in every column. Co-biconvex (concave-round) graphs are exactly those graphs whose augmented adjacency matrix has the consecutive 0's (circular 1's) property for columns. Due to A. Tucker (1971), concave-round graphs are circular-arc. In this work, we develop a study of the kk-tuple domination problem on co-biconvex graphs and on web graphs which are not comparable and, in particular, all of them concave-round graphs. On the one side, we present an O(n2)O(n^2)-time algorithm for solving it for each 2≤k≤∣U∣+32\leq k\leq |U|+3, where UU is the set of universal vertices and nn the total number of vertices of the input co-biconvex graph. On the other side, the study of this problem on web graphs was already started by Argiroffo et al. (2010) and solved from a polyhedral point of view only for the cases k=2k=2 and k=d(G)k=d(G), where d(G)d(G) equals the degree of each vertex of the input web graph GG. We complete this study for web graphs from an algorithmic point of view, by designing a linear time algorithm based on the modular arithmetic for integer numbers. The algorithms presented in this work are independent but both exploit the circular properties of the augmented adjacency matrices of each studied graph class.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Keywords: kk-tuple dominating sets, augmented adjacency matrices, stable sets, modular arithmeti

    Linear-Time Algorithms for Finding Tucker Submatrices and Lekkerkerker-Boland Subgraphs

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    Lekkerkerker and Boland characterized the minimal forbidden induced subgraphs for the class of interval graphs. We give a linear-time algorithm to find one in any graph that is not an interval graph. Tucker characterized the minimal forbidden submatrices of binary matrices that do not have the consecutive-ones property. We give a linear-time algorithm to find one in any binary matrix that does not have the consecutive-ones property.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in WG13: 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Scienc

    Some Triangulated Surfaces without Balanced Splitting

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    Let G be the graph of a triangulated surface Σ\Sigma of genus g≥2g\geq 2. A cycle of G is splitting if it cuts Σ\Sigma into two components, neither of which is homeomorphic to a disk. A splitting cycle has type k if the corresponding components have genera k and g-k. It was conjectured that G contains a splitting cycle (Barnette '1982). We confirm this conjecture for an infinite family of triangulations by complete graphs but give counter-examples to a stronger conjecture (Mohar and Thomassen '2001) claiming that G should contain splitting cycles of every possible type.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure
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