31 research outputs found

    Asymptotic normality of the size of the giant component via a random walk

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    In this paper we give a simple new proof of a result of Pittel and Wormald concerning the asymptotic value and (suitably rescaled) limiting distribution of the number of vertices in the giant component of G(n,p)G(n,p) above the scaling window of the phase transition. Nachmias and Peres used martingale arguments to study Karp's exploration process, obtaining a simple proof of a weak form of this result. We use slightly different martingale arguments to obtain a much sharper result with little extra work.Comment: 11 pages; slightly expanded, reference adde

    Between 2- and 3-colorability

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    We consider the question of the existence of homomorphisms between Gn,pG_{n,p} and odd cycles when p=c/n,1<c4p=c/n,\,1<c\leq 4. We show that for any positive integer \ell, there exists ϵ=ϵ()\epsilon=\epsilon(\ell) such that if c=1+ϵc=1+\epsilon then w.h.p. Gn,pG_{n,p} has a homomorphism from Gn,pG_{n,p} to C2+1C_{2\ell+1} so long as its odd-girth is at least 2+12\ell+1. On the other hand, we show that if c=4c=4 then w.h.p. there is no homomorphism from Gn,pG_{n,p} to C5C_5. Note that in our range of interest, χ(Gn,p)=3\chi(G_{n,p})=3 w.h.p., implying that there is a homomorphism from Gn,pG_{n,p} to C3C_3

    Essential edges in Poisson random hypergraphs

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    Consider a random hypergraph on a set of N vertices in which, for k between 1 and N, a Poisson(N beta_k) number of hyperedges is scattered randomly over all subsets of size k. We collapse the hypergraph by running the following algorithm to exhaustion: pick a vertex having a 1-edge and remove it; collapse the hyperedges over that vertex onto their remaining vertices; repeat until there are no 1-edges left. We call the vertices removed in this process "identifiable". Also any hyperedge all of whose vertices are removed is called "identifiable". We say that a hyperedge is "essential" if its removal prior to collapse would have reduced the number of identifiable vertices. The limiting proportions, as N tends to infinity, of identifiable vertices and hyperedges were obtained by Darling and Norris. In this paper, we establish the limiting proportion of essential hyperedges. We also discuss, in the case of a random graph, the relation of essential edges to the 2-core of the graph, the maximal sub-graph with minimal vertex degree 2.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Revised version with minor corrections/clarifications and slightly expanded introductio

    Monotonicity, asymptotic normality and vertex degrees in random graphs

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    We exploit a result by Nerman which shows that conditional limit theorems hold when a certain monotonicity condition is satisfied. Our main result is an application to vertex degrees in random graphs, where we obtain asymptotic normality for the number of vertices with a given degree in the random graph G(n,m){G(n,m)} with a fixed number of edges from the corresponding result for the random graph G(n,p){G(n,p)} with independent edges. We also give some simple applications to random allocations and to spacings. Finally, inspired by these results, but logically independent of them, we investigate whether a one-sided version of the Cram\'{e}r--Wold theorem holds. We show that such a version holds under a weak supplementary condition, but not without it.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ6103 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    The Peculiar Phase Structure of Random Graph Bisection

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    The mincut graph bisection problem involves partitioning the n vertices of a graph into disjoint subsets, each containing exactly n/2 vertices, while minimizing the number of "cut" edges with an endpoint in each subset. When considered over sparse random graphs, the phase structure of the graph bisection problem displays certain familiar properties, but also some surprises. It is known that when the mean degree is below the critical value of 2 log 2, the cutsize is zero with high probability. We study how the minimum cutsize increases with mean degree above this critical threshold, finding a new analytical upper bound that improves considerably upon previous bounds. Combined with recent results on expander graphs, our bound suggests the unusual scenario that random graph bisection is replica symmetric up to and beyond the critical threshold, with a replica symmetry breaking transition possibly taking place above the threshold. An intriguing algorithmic consequence is that although the problem is NP-hard, we can find near-optimal cutsizes (whose ratio to the optimal value approaches 1 asymptotically) in polynomial time for typical instances near the phase transition.Comment: substantially revised section 2, changed figures 3, 4 and 6, made minor stylistic changes and added reference

    On the non-Gaussian fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random recursive trees

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    We consider a Bernoulli bond percolation on a random recursive tree of size n1n\gg 1, with supercritical parameter pn=1c/lnnp_n=1-c/\ln n for some c>0c>0 fixed. It is known that with high probability, there exists then a unique giant cluster of size G_n\sim \e^{-c}, and it follows from a recent result of Schweinsberg \cite{Sch} that GnG_n has non-gaussian fluctuations. We provide an explanation of this by analyzing the effect of percolation on different phases of the growth of recursive trees. This alternative approach may be useful for studying percolation on other classes of trees, such as for instance regular trees

    Finding paths in sparse random graphs requires many queries

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    We discuss a new algorithmic type of problem in random graphs studying the minimum number of queries one has to ask about adjacency between pairs of vertices of a random graph GG(n,p)G\sim {\mathcal G}(n,p) in order to find a subgraph which possesses some target property with high probability. In this paper we focus on finding long paths in GG(n,p)G\sim \mathcal G(n,p) when p=1+εnp=\frac{1+\varepsilon}{n} for some fixed constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. This random graph is known to have typically linearly long paths. To have \ell edges with high probability in GG(n,p)G\sim \mathcal G(n,p) one clearly needs to query at least Ω(p)\Omega\left(\frac{\ell}{p}\right) pairs of vertices. Can we find a path of length \ell economically, i.e., by querying roughly that many pairs? We argue that this is not possible and one needs to query significantly more pairs. We prove that any randomised algorithm which finds a path of length =Ω(log(1ε)ε)\ell=\Omega\left(\frac{\log\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\right)}{\varepsilon}\right) with at least constant probability in GG(n,p)G\sim \mathcal G(n,p) with p=1+εnp=\frac{1+\varepsilon}{n} must query at least Ω(pεlog(1ε))\Omega\left(\frac{\ell}{p\varepsilon \log\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\right)}\right) pairs of vertices. This is tight up to the log(1ε)\log\left(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\right) factor.Comment: 14 page