10,373 research outputs found

    Querying Incomplete Data : Complexity and Tractability via Datalog and First-Order Rewritings

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    To answer database queries over incomplete data the gold standard is finding certain answers: those that are true regardless of how incomplete data is interpreted. Such answers can be found efficiently for conjunctive queries and their unions, even in the presence of constraints. With negation added, the problem becomes intractable however. We concentrate on the complexity of certain answers under constraints, and on effficiently answering queries outside the usual classes of (unions) of conjunctive queries by means of rewriting as Datalog and first-order queries. We first notice that there are three different ways in which query answering can be cast as a decision problem. We complete the existing picture and provide precise complexity bounds on all versions of the decision problem, for certain and best answers. We then study a well-behaved class of queries that extends unions of conjunctive queries with a mild form of negation. We show that for them, certain answers can be expressed in Datalog with negation, even in the presence of functional dependencies, thus making them tractable in data complexity. We show that in general Datalog cannot be replaced by first-order logic, but without constraints such a rewriting can be done in first-order. The paper is under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data

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    Many data management applications must deal with data which is uncertain, incomplete, or noisy. However, on existing uncertain data representations, we cannot tractably perform the important query evaluation tasks of determining query possibility, certainty, or probability: these problems are hard on arbitrary uncertain input instances. We thus ask whether we could restrict the structure of uncertain data so as to guarantee the tractability of exact query evaluation. We present our tractability results for tree and tree-like uncertain data, and a vision for probabilistic rule reasoning. We also study uncertainty about order, proposing a suitable representation, and study uncertain data conditioned by additional observations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. To appear in SIGMOD/PODS PhD Symposium 201

    Query-Answer Causality in Databases: Abductive Diagnosis and View-Updates

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    Causality has been recently introduced in databases, to model, characterize and possibly compute causes for query results (answers). Connections between query causality and consistency-based diagnosis and database repairs (wrt. integrity constrain violations) have been established in the literature. In this work we establish connections between query causality and abductive diagnosis and the view-update problem. The unveiled relationships allow us to obtain new complexity results for query causality -the main focus of our work- and also for the two other areas.Comment: To appear in Proc. UAI Causal Inference Workshop, 2015. One example was fixe

    Tractable Optimization Problems through Hypergraph-Based Structural Restrictions

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    Several variants of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem have been proposed and investigated in the literature for modelling those scenarios where solutions are associated with some given costs. Within these frameworks computing an optimal solution is an NP-hard problem in general; yet, when restricted over classes of instances whose constraint interactions can be modelled via (nearly-)acyclic graphs, this problem is known to be solvable in polynomial time. In this paper, larger classes of tractable instances are singled out, by discussing solution approaches based on exploiting hypergraph acyclicity and, more generally, structural decomposition methods, such as (hyper)tree decompositions
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