2,039 research outputs found

    Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Network with Energy Causality

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    In this paper, we consider a wireless communication network with a full-duplex hybrid access point (HAP) and a set of wireless users with energy harvesting capabilities. The HAP implements the full-duplex through two antennas: one for broadcasting wireless energy to users in the downlink and one for receiving independent information from users via time-division-multiple-access (TDMA) in the uplink at the same time. All users can continuously harvest wireless power from the HAP until its transmission slot, i.e., the energy causality constraint is modeled by assuming that energy harvested in the future cannot be used for tranmission. Hence, latter users' energy harvesting time is coupled with the transmission time of previous users. Under this setup, we investigate the sum-throughput maximization (STM) problem and the total-time minimization (TTM) problem for the proposed multi-user full-duplex wireless-powered network. The STM problem is proved to be a convex optimization problem. The optimal solution strategy is then obtained in closed-form expression, which can be computed with linear complexity. It is also shown that the sum throughput is non-decreasing with increasing of the number of users. For the TTM problem, by exploiting the properties of the coupling constraints, we propose a two-step algorithm to obtain an optimal solution. Then, for each problem, two suboptimal solutions are proposed and investigated. Finally, the effect of user scheduling on STM and TTM are investigated through simulations. It is also shown that different user scheduling strategies should be used for STM and TTM.Comment: Energy Harvesting, Wireless Power Transfer, Full-Duplex, Optimal Resource Allocation, Optimizatio

    End-to-end Throughput Maximization for Underlay Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks with RF Energy Harvesting

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    This paper studies a green paradigm for the underlay coexistence of primary users (PUs) and secondary users (SUs) in energy harvesting cognitive radio networks (EH-CRNs), wherein battery-free SUs capture both the spectrum and the energy of PUs to enhance spectrum efficiency and green energy utilization. To lower the transmit powers of SUs, we employ multi-hop transmission with time division multiple access, by which SUs first harvest energy from the RF signals of PUs and then transmit data in the allocated time concurrently with PUs, all in the licensed spectrum. In this way, the available transmit energy of each SU mainly depends on the harvested energy before the turn to transmit, namely energy causality. Meanwhile, the transmit powers of SUs must be strictly controlled to protect PUs from harmful interference. Thus, subject to the energy causality constraint and the interference power constraint, we study the end-to-end throughput maximization problem for optimal time and power allocation. To solve this nonconvex problem, we first equivalently transform it into a convex optimization problem and then propose the joint optimal time and power allocation (JOTPA) algorithm that iteratively solves a series of feasibility problems until convergence. Extensive simulations evaluate the performance of EH-CRNs with JOTPA in three typical deployment scenarios and validate the superiority of JOTPA by making comparisons with two other resource allocation algorithms

    Wireless Powered Communications with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access

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    We study a wireless-powered uplink communication system with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), consisting of one base station and multiple energy harvesting users. More specifically, we focus on the individual data rate optimization and fairness improvement and we show that the formulated problems can be optimally and efficiently solved by either linear programming or convex optimization. In the provided analysis, two types of decoding order strategies are considered, namely fixed decoding order and time- sharing. Furthermore, we propose an efficient greedy algorithm, which is suitable for the practical implementation of the time-sharing strategy. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the baseline orthogonal multiple access scheme. More specifically, it is shown that NOMA offers a considerable improvement in throughput, fairness, and energy efficiency. Also, the dependence among system throughput, minimum individual data rate, and harvested energy is revealed, as well as an interesting trade-off between rates and energy efficiency. Finally, the convergence speed of the proposed greedy algorithm is evaluated, and it is shown that the required number of iterations is linear with respect to the number of users.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    NOMA-based Energy-Efficient Wireless Powered Communications

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    In this paper, we study the performance of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes in wireless powered communication networks (WPCN) focusing on the system energy efficiency (EE). We consider multiple energy harvesting user equipments (UEs) that operate based on harvest-then-transmit protocol. The uplink information transfer is carried out by using power-domain multiplexing, and the receiver decodes each UE's data in such a way that the UE with the best channel gain is decoded without interference. In order to determine optimal resource allocation strategies, we formulate optimization problems considering two models, namely half-duplex and asynchronous transmission, based on how downlink and uplink operations are coordinated. In both cases, we have concave-linear fractional problems, and hence Dinkelbach's method can be applied to obtain the globally optimal solutions. Thus, we first derive analytical expressions for the harvesting interval, and then we provide an algorithm to describe the complete procedure. Furthermore, we incorporate delay-limited sources and investigate the impact of statistical queuing constraints on the energy-efficient allocation of operating intervals. We formulate an optimization problem that maximizes the system effective-EE while UEs are applying NOMA scheme for uplink information transfer. Since the problem satisfies pseudo-concavity, we provide an iterative algorithm using bisection method to determine the unique solution. In the numerical results, we observe that broadcasting at higher power level is more energy efficient for WPCN with uplink NOMA. Additionally, exponential decay QoS parameter has considerable impact on the optimal solution, and in the presence of strict constraints, more time is allocated for downlink interval under half-duplex operation with uplink TDMA mode.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, to appear on IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networkin

    Resource Allocation and Fairness in Wireless Powered Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks

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    We integrate a wireless powered communication network with a cooperative cognitive radio network, where multiple secondary users (SUs) powered wirelessly by a hybrid access point (HAP) help a primary user relay the data. As a reward for the cooperation, the secondary network gains the spectrum access where SUs transmit to HAP using time division multiple access. To maximize the sum-throughput of SUs, we present a secondary sum-throughput optimal resource allocation (STORA) scheme. Under the constraint of meeting target primary rate, the STORA scheme chooses the optimal set of relaying SUs and jointly performs the time and energy allocation for SUs. Specifically, by exploiting the structure of the optimal solution, we find the order in which SUs are prioritized to relay primary data. Since the STORA scheme focuses on the sum-throughput, it becomes inconsiderate towards individual SU throughput, resulting in low fairness. To enhance fairness, we investigate three resource allocation schemes, which are (i) equal time allocation, (ii) minimum throughput maximization, and (iii) proportional time allocation. Simulation results reveal the trade-off between sum-throughput and fairness. The minimum throughput maximization scheme is the fairest one as each SU gets the same throughput, but yields the least SU sum-throughput.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Throughput Maximization for Two-way Relay Channels with Energy Harvesting Nodes: The Impact of Relaying Strategies

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    In this paper, we study the two-way relay channel with energy harvesting nodes. In particular, we find transmission policies that maximize the sum-throughput for two-way relay channels when the relay does not employ a data buffer. The relay can perform decode-and-forward, compress-and-forward, compute-and-forward or amplify-and-forward relaying. Furthermore, we consider throughput improvement by dynamically choosing relaying strategies, resulting in hybrid relaying strategies. We show that an iterative generalized directional water-filling algorithm solves the offline throughput maximization problem, with the achievable sum-rate from an individual or hybrid relaying scheme. In addition to the optimum offline policy, we obtain the optimum online policy via dynamic programming. We provide numerical results for each relaying scheme to support the analytic findings, pointing out to the advantage of adapting the instantaneous relaying strategy to the available harvested energy.Comment: accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 19, 201

    Joint Beamforming Design and Time Allocation for Wireless Powered Communication Networks

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    This paper investigates a multi-input single-output (MISO) wireless powered communication network (WPCN) under the protocol of harvest-then-transmit. The power station (PS) with reliable power supply can replenish the passive user nodes by wireless power transfer (WPT) in the downlink (DL), then each user node transmits independent information to the sink by a time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme in the uplink (UL). We consider the joint time allocation and beamforming design to maximize the system sum-throughput. The semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique is applied to solve the nonconvex design problem. The tightness of SDR approximation, thus the global optimality, is proved. This implies that only one single energy beamformer is required at the PS. Then a fast semiclosed form solution is proposed by exploiting the inherent structure. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms from the perspectives of time complexity and information throughput.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to IEEE Communications Letter

    Cognitive Wireless Powered Network: Spectrum Sharing Models and Throughput Maximization

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    The recent advance in radio-frequency (RF) wireless energy transfer (WET) has motivated the study of wireless powered communication network (WPCN), in which distributed wireless devices are powered via dedicated WET by the hybrid access-point (H-AP) in the downlink (DL) for uplink (UL) wireless information transmission (WIT). In this paper, by exploiting the cognitive radio (CR) technique, we study a new type of CR enabled secondary WPCN, called cognitive WPCN, under spectrum sharing with the primary wireless communication system. In particular, we consider a cognitive WPCN, consisting of one single H-AP with constant power supply and distributed users, shares the same spectrum for its DL WET and UL WIT with an existing primary communication link, where the WPCN's WET/WIT and the primary link's WIT may interfere with each other. Under this new setup, we propose two coexisting models for spectrum sharing of the two systems, namely underlay and overlay based cognitive WPCNs, depending on different types of knowledge on the primary user transmission available at the cognitive WPCN. For each model, we maximize the sum-throughput of the cognitive WPCN by optimizing its transmission under different constraints applied to protect the primary user transmission. Analysis and simulation results are provided to compare the sum-throughput of the cognitive WPCN versus the achievable rate of the primary user in two coexisting models. It is shown that the overlay based cognitive WPCN outperforms the underlay based counterpart, thanks to its fully cooperative WET/WIT design with the primary WIT, while it also requires higher complexity for implementation.Comment: This is the longer version of a paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkin

    Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in Multi-Antenna Interference Channel

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    This paper considers the transmitter design for wireless information and energy transfer (WIET) in a multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IFC). The design problem is to maximize the system throughput (i.e., the weighted sum rate) subject to individual energy harvesting constraints and power constraints. Different from the conventional IFCs without energy harvesting, the cross-link signals in the considered scenario play two opposite roles in information detection (ID) and energy harvesting (EH). It is observed that the ideal scheme, where the receivers can simultaneously perform ID and EH from the received signal, may not always achieve the best tradeoff between information transfer and energy harvesting, but simple practical schemes based on time splitting may perform better. We therefore propose two practical time splitting schemes, namely time division mode switching (TDMS) and time division multiple access (TDMA), in addition to a power splitting (PS) scheme which separates the received signal into two parts for ID and EH, respectively. In the two-user scenario, we show that beamforming is optimal to all the schemes. Moreover, the design problems associated with the TDMS and TDMA schemes admit semi-analytical solutions. In the general K-user scenario, a successive convex approximation method is proposed to handle the WIET problems associated with the ideal scheme and the PS scheme, which are known to be NP-hard in general. The K-user TDMS and TDMA schemes are shown efficiently solvable as convex problems. Simulation results show that stronger cross-link channel powers actually improve the information sum rate under energy harvesting constraints. Moreover, none of the schemes under consideration can dominate another in terms of the sum rate performance.Comment: 13 pages, 10 pt, two columns, 11 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processin

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Powered Communication Networks

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    This paper considers a wireless powered communication network (WPCN), where multiple users harvest energy from a dedicated power station and then communicate with an information receiving station. Our goal is to investigate the maximum achievable energy efficiency (EE) of the network via joint time allocation and power control while taking into account the initial battery energy of each user. We first study the EE maximization problem in the WPCN without any system throughput requirement. We show that the EE maximization problem for the WPCN can be cast into EE maximization problems for two simplified networks via exploiting its special structure. For each problem, we derive the optimal solution and provide the corresponding physical interpretation, despite the non-convexity of the problems. Subsequently, we study the EE maximization problem under a minimum system throughput constraint. Exploiting fractional programming theory, we transform the resulting non-convex problem into a standard convex optimization problem. This allows us to characterize the optimal solution structure of joint time allocation and power control and to derive an efficient iterative algorithm for obtaining the optimal solution. Simulation results verify our theoretical findings and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed joint time and power optimization.Comment: Transactions on Wireless Communication
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