9,574 research outputs found

    Conjunctions of Among Constraints

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    Many existing global constraints can be encoded as a conjunction of among constraints. An among constraint holds if the number of the variables in its scope whose value belongs to a prespecified set, which we call its range, is within some given bounds. It is known that domain filtering algorithms can benefit from reasoning about the interaction of among constraints so that values can be filtered out taking into consideration several among constraints simultaneously. The present pa- per embarks into a systematic investigation on the circumstances under which it is possible to obtain efficient and complete domain filtering algorithms for conjunctions of among constraints. We start by observing that restrictions on both the scope and the range of the among constraints are necessary to obtain meaningful results. Then, we derive a domain flow-based filtering algorithm and present several applications. In particular, it is shown that the algorithm unifies and generalizes several previous existing results.Comment: 15 pages plus appendi

    Global SPACING Constraint (Technical Report)

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    We propose a new global SPACING constraint that is useful in modeling events that are distributed over time, like learning units scheduled over a study program or repeated patterns in music compositions. First, we investigate theoretical properties of the constraint and identify tractable special cases. We propose efficient DC filtering algorithms for these cases. Then, we experimentally evaluate performance of the proposed algorithms on a music composition problem and demonstrate that our filtering algorithms outperform the state-of-the-art approach for solving this problem

    Tractable Optimization Problems through Hypergraph-Based Structural Restrictions

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    Several variants of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem have been proposed and investigated in the literature for modelling those scenarios where solutions are associated with some given costs. Within these frameworks computing an optimal solution is an NP-hard problem in general; yet, when restricted over classes of instances whose constraint interactions can be modelled via (nearly-)acyclic graphs, this problem is known to be solvable in polynomial time. In this paper, larger classes of tractable instances are singled out, by discussing solution approaches based on exploiting hypergraph acyclicity and, more generally, structural decomposition methods, such as (hyper)tree decompositions

    Rhythmic firing patterns in SCN: The role of circuit interactions

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    The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is believed to contain the main generator of circadian rhythmicity in mammals. In order to obtain further functional details of this, electrophysiological extracellular measurements in vitro were made. By means of an interspike interval distribution analysis, it is shown that there is a novel kind of neuronal firing pattern: the harmonic pattern. From these observations, we have developed a theoretical model based on possible filtering processes occurring during synaptic transmission. The model suffices to infer that regular ultradian oscillators could be an emergent property of circuit interactions of cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus

    Model Checking Parse Trees

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    Parse trees are fundamental syntactic structures in both computational linguistics and compilers construction. We argue in this paper that, in both fields, there are good incentives for model-checking sets of parse trees for some word according to a context-free grammar. We put forward the adequacy of propositional dynamic logic (PDL) on trees in these applications, and study as a sanity check the complexity of the corresponding model-checking problem: although complete for exponential time in the general case, we find natural restrictions on grammars for our applications and establish complexities ranging from nondeterministic polynomial time to polynomial space in the relevant cases.Comment: 21 + x page

    Probabilistic Methodology and Techniques for Artefact Conception and Development

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    The purpose of this paper is to make a state of the art on probabilistic methodology and techniques for artefact conception and development. It is the 8th deliverable of the BIBA (Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artefacts) project. We first present the incompletness problem as the central difficulty that both living creatures and artefacts have to face: how can they perceive, infer, decide and act efficiently with incomplete and uncertain knowledge?. We then introduce a generic probabilistic formalism called Bayesian Programming. This formalism is then used to review the main probabilistic methodology and techniques. This review is organized in 3 parts: first the probabilistic models from Bayesian networks to Kalman filters and from sensor fusion to CAD systems, second the inference techniques and finally the learning and model acquisition and comparison methodologies. We conclude with the perspectives of the BIBA project as they rise from this state of the art
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