3 research outputs found

    Assessing dynamic postural control during exergaming in older adults:A probabilistic approach

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    Digital games controlled by body movements (exergames) have been proposed as a way to improve postural control among older adults. Exergames are meant to be played at home in an unsupervised way. However, only few studies have investigated the effect of unsupervised home-exergaming on postural control. Moreover, suitable methods to dynamically assess postural control during exergaming are still scarce. Dynamic postural control (DPC) assessment could be used to provide both meaningful feedback and automatic adjustment of exergame difficulty. These features could potentially foster unsupervised exergaming at home and improve the effectiveness of exergames as tools to improve balance control. The main aim of this study is to investigate the effect of six weeks of unsupervised home-exergaming on DPC as assessed by a recently developed probabilistic model. High probability values suggest 'deteriorated' postural control, whereas low probability values suggest 'good' postural control. In a pilot study, ten healthy older adults (average 77.9, SD 7.2 years) played an iceskating exergame at home half an hour per day, three times a week during six weeks. The intervention effect on DPC was assessed using exergaming trials recorded by Kinect at baseline and every other week. Visualization of the results suggests that the probabilistic model is suitable for real-time DPC assessment. Moreover, linear mixed model analysis and parametric bootstrapping suggest a significant intervention effect on DPC. In conclusion, these results suggest that unsupervised exergaming for improving DPC among older adults is indeed feasible and that probabilistic models could be a new approach to assess DPC

    Trajectory analysis using point distribution models:algorithms, performance evaluation, and experimental validation using mobile robots

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    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the trajectories of a mobile agent. It presents different techniques to acquire a quantitative measure of the difference between two trajectories or two trajectory datasets. A novel approach is presented here, based on the Point Distribution Model (PDM). This model was developed by computer vision scientists to compare deformable shapes. This thesis presents the mathematical reformulation of the PDM to fit spatiotemporal data, such as trajectory information. The behavior of a mobile agent can rarely be represented by a unique trajectory, as its stochastic component will not be taken into account. Thus, the PDM focuses on the comparison of trajectory datasets. If the difference between datasets is greater than the variation within each dataset, it will be observable in the first few dimensions of the PDM. Moreover, this difference can also be quantified using the inter-cluster distance defined in this thesis. The resulting measure is much more efficient than visual comparisons of trajectories, as are often made in existing scientific literature. This thesis also compares the PDM with standard techniques, such as statistical tests, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) or Correlated Random Walk (CRW) models. As a PDM is a linear transformation of space, it is much simpler to comprehend. Moreover, spatial representations of the deformation modes can easily be constructed in order to make the model more intuitive. This thesis also presents the limits of the PDM and offers other solutions when it is not adequate. From the different results obtained, it can be pointed out that no universal solution exists for the analysis of trajectories, however, solutions were found and described for all of the problems presented in this thesis. As the PDM requires that all the trajectories consist of the same number of points, techniques of resampling were studied. The main solution was developed for trajectories generated on a track, such as the trajectory of a car on a road or the trajectory of a pedestrian in a hallway. The different resampling techniques presented in this thesis provide solutions to all the experimental setups studied, and can easily be modified to fit other scenarios. It is however very important to understand how they work and to tune their parameters according to the characteristics of the experimental setup. The main principle of this thesis is that analysis techniques and data representations must be appropriately selected with respect to the fundamental goal. Even a simple tool such as the t-test can occasionally be sufficient to measure trajectory differences. However, if no dissimilarity can be observed, it does not necessarily mean that the trajectories are equal – it merely indicates that the analyzed feature is similar. Alternatively, other more complex methods could be used to highlight differences. Ultimately, two trajectories are equal if and only if they consist of the exact same sequence of points. Otherwise, a difference can always be found. Thus, it is important to know which trajectory features have to be compared. Finally, the diverse techniques used in this thesis offer a complete methodology to analyze trajectories