1,554 research outputs found

    A component-based middleware framework for configurable and reconfigurable Grid computing

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    Significant progress has been made in the design and development of Grid middleware which, in its present form, is founded on Web services technologies. However, we argue that present-day Grid middleware is severely limited in supporting projected next-generation applications which will involve pervasive and heterogeneous networked infrastructures, and advanced services such as collaborative distributed visualization. In this paper we discuss a new Grid middleware framework that features (i) support for advanced network services based on the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks, (ii) an architectural framework for constructing bespoke Grid middleware platforms in terms of 'middleware domains' such as extensible interaction types and resource discovery. We believe that such features will become increasingly essential with the emergence of next-generation e-Science applications. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    A metaobject architecture for fault-tolerant distributed systems : the FRIENDS approach

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    The FRIENDS system developed at LAAS-CNRS is a metalevel architecture providing libraries of metaobjects for fault tolerance, secure communication, and group-based distributed applications. The use of metaobjects provides a nice separation of concerns between mechanisms and applications. Metaobjects can be used transparently by applications and can be composed according to the needs of a given application, a given architecture, and its underlying properties. In FRIENDS, metaobjects are used recursively to add new properties to applications. They are designed using an object oriented design method and implemented on top of basic system services. This paper describes the FRIENDS software-based architecture, the object-oriented development of metaobjects, the experiments that we have done, and summarizes the advantages and drawbacks of a metaobject approach for building fault-tolerant system

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    AO-OpenCom: an AO-Middleware architecture supporting flexible dynamic reconfiguration

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    Middleware has emerged as a key technology in the construction of distributed systems. As a consequence, middleware is increasingly required to be highly modular and configurable, to support separation of concerns between services, and, crucially, to support dynamic reconfiguration: i.e. to be capable of being changed while running. Aspect-oriented middleware is a promising technology for the realisation of distributed reconfiguration in distributed systems. In this paper we propose an aspect-oriented middleware platform called AO-OpenCom that builds AO-based reconfiguration on top of a dynamic component approach to middleware system composition. The goal is to support extremely flexible dynamic reconfiguration that can be applied at all levels of the system and uniformly across the distributed environment. We evaluate our platform by the capability in meeting flexible reconfiguration and the impact of these overheads

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Programming distributed and adaptable autonomous components--the GCM/ProActive framework

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    International audienceComponent-oriented software has become a useful tool to build larger and more complex systems by describing the application in terms of encapsulated, loosely coupled entities called components. At the same time, asynchronous programming patterns allow for the development of efficient distributed applications. While several component models and frameworks have been proposed, most of them tightly integrate the component model with the middleware they run upon. This intertwining is generally implicit and not discussed, leading to entangled, hard to maintain code. This article describes our efforts in the development of the GCM/ProActive framework for providing distributed and adaptable autonomous components. GCM/ProActive integrates a component model designed for execution on large-scale environments, with a programming model based on active objects allowing a high degree of distribution and concurrency. This new integrated model provides a more powerful development, composition, and execution environment than other distributed component frameworks. We illustrate that GCM/ProActive is particularly adapted to the programming of autonomic component systems, and to the integration into a service-oriented environment

    Plug-and-Participate for Limited Devices in the Field of Industrial Automation

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    Ausgangspunkt und gleichzeitig Motivation dieser Arbeit ist die heutige Marktsituation: Starke KundenbedĂŒrfnisse nach individuellen GĂŒtern stehen oftmals eher auf Massenproduktion ausgerichteten Planungs- und Automatisierungssystemen gegenĂŒber - die Befriedigung individueller KundenbedĂŒrfnisse setzt aber FlexibilitĂ€t und AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit voraus. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, einen Beitrag zu leisten, der es Unternehmen ermöglichen soll, auf diese individuellen BedĂŒrfnisse flexibel reagieren zu können. Hierbei kann es im Rahmen der Dissertation natĂŒrlich nicht um eine Revolutionierung der gesamten Automatisierungs- und Planungslandschaft gehen; vielmehr ist die Lösung, die der Autor der Arbeit prĂ€sentiert, ein integraler Bestandteil eines Automatisierungskonzeptes, das im Rahmen des PABADIS Projektes entwickelt wurde: WĂ€hrend PABADIS das gesamte Spektrum von Planung und Maschineninfrastruktur zum Inhalt hat, bezieht sich der Kern dieser Arbeit weitestgehend auf den letztgenannten Punkt - Maschineninfrastruktur. Ziel war es, generische MaschinenfunktionalitĂ€t in einem Netzwerk anzubieten, durch das FertigungsauftrĂ€ge selbststĂ€ndig navigieren. Als Lösung prĂ€sentiert diese Dissertation ein Plug-and-Participate basiertes Konzept, welches beliebige Automatisierungsfunktionen in einer spontanen Gemeinschaft bereitstellt. Basis ist ein generisches Interface, in dem die generellen Anforderungen solcher ad-hoc Infrastrukturen aggregiert sind. Die Implementierung dieses Interfaces in der PABADIS Referenzimplementierung sowie die GegenĂŒberstellung der Systemanforderungen und Systemvoraussetzungen zeigte, das klassische Plug-and-Participate Technologien wie Jini und UPnP aufgrund ihrer Anforderungen nicht geeignet sind - AutomatisierungsgerĂ€te stellen oftmals nur eingeschrĂ€nkte Ressourcen bereit. Daher wurde als zweites Ergebnis neben dem Plug-and-Participate basierten Automatisierungskonzept eine Plug-and-Participate Technologie entwickelt - Pini - die den Gegebenheiten der Automatisierungswelt gerecht wird und schließlich eine Anwendung von PABADIS auf heutigen Automatisierungsanlagen erlaubt. Grundlegende Konzepte von Pini, die dies ermöglichen, sind die gesamte Grundarchitektur auf Basis eines verteilten Lookup Service, die Art und Weise der DienstreprĂ€sentation sowie die effiziente Nutzung der angebotenen Dienste. Mit Pini und darauf aufbauenden Konzepten wie PLAP ist es nun insbesondere möglich, Automatisierungssysteme wie PABADIS auf heutigen Anlagen zu realisieren. Das wiederum ist ein Schritt in Richtung Kundenorientierung - solche Systeme sind mit Hinblick auf FlexibilitĂ€t und AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit gestaltet worden, um KundenbedĂŒrfnissen effizient gerecht zu werden

    Automatic Code Placement Alternatives for Ad-Hoc And Sensor Networks

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    Developing applications for ad-hoc and sensor networks poses significant challenges. Many interesting applications in these domains entail collaboration between components distributed throughout an ad-hoc network. Defining these components, optimally placing them on nodes in the ad-hoc network and relocating them in response to changes is a fundamental problem faced by such applications. Manual approaches to code and data migration are not only platform-dependent and error-prone, but also needlessly complicate application development. Further, locally optimal decisions made by applications that share the same network can lead to globally unstable and energy inefficient behavior. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a distributed operating system for ad-hoc and sensor networks whose goal is to enable power-aware, adaptive, and easy-to-develop ad-hoc networking applications. Our system achieves this goal by providing a single system image of a unified Java virtual machine to applications over an ad-hoc collection of heterogeneous nodes. It automatically and transparently partitions applications into components and dynamically finds a placement of these components on nodes within the ad-hoc network to reduce energy consumption and increase system longevity. This paper outlines the design of our system and evaluates two practical, power-aware, online algorithms for object placement that form the core of our system. We demonstrate that our algorithms can increase system longevity by a factor of four to five by effectively distributing energy consumption, and are suitable for use in an energy efficient operating system in which applications are distributed automatically and transparently
