30 research outputs found

    HILA5: On Reliability, Reconciliation, and Error Correction for Ring-LWE Encryption

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    We describe a new reconciliation method for Ring-LWE that has a significantly smaller failure rate than previous proposals while reducing ciphertext size and the amount of randomness required. It is based on a simple, deterministic variant of Peikert\u27s reconciliation that works with our new ``safe bits\u27\u27 selection and constant-time error correction techniques. The new method does not need randomized smoothing to achieve non-biased secrets. When used with the very efficient ``New Hope\u27\u27 Ring-LWE parametrization we achieve a decryption failure rate well below 21282^{-128} (compared to 2602^{-60} of the original), making the scheme suitable for public key encryption in addition to key exchange protocols; the reconciliation approach saves about 40%40 \% in ciphertext size when compared to the common LP11 Ring-LWE encryption scheme. We perform a combinatorial failure analysis using full probability convolutions, leading to a precise understanding of decryption failure conditions on bit level. Even with additional implementation security and safety measures the new scheme is still essentially as fast as the New Hope but has slightly shorter messages. The new techniques have been instantiated and implemented as a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and public key encryption scheme designed to meet the requirements of NIST\u27s Post-Quantum Cryptography effort at very high security level

    Enhancing the security of classical communication with post-quantum authenticated-encryption schemes for the quantum key distribution

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    This research aims to establish a secure system for key exchange by using post-quantum cryptography (PQC) schemes in the classic channel of quantum key distribution (QKD). Modern cryptography faces significant threats from quantum computers, which can solve classical problems rapidly. PQC schemes address critical security challenges in QKD, particularly in authentication and encryption, to ensure the reliable communication across quantum and classical channels. The other objective of this study is to balance security and communication speed among various PQC algorithms in different security levels, specifically CRYSTALS-Kyber, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, and Falcon, which are finalists in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization project. The quantum channel of QKD is simulated with Qiskit, which is a comprehensive and well-supported tool in the field of quantum computing. By providing a detailed analysis of the performance of these three algorithms with Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA), the results will guide companies and organizations in selecting an optimal combination for their QKD systems to achieve a reliable balance between efficiency and security. Our findings demonstrate that the implemented PQC schemes effectively address security challenges posed by quantum computers, while keeping the the performance similar to RSA

    LAC: Practical Ring-LWE Based Public-Key Encryption with Byte-Level Modulus

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    We propose an instantiation of public key encryption scheme based on the ring learning with error problem, where the modulus is at a byte level and the noise is at a bit level, achieving one of the most compact lattice based schemes in the literature. The main technical challenges are a) the decryption error rates increases and needs to be handled elegantly, and b) we cannot use the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) technique to speed up the implementation. We overcome those limitations with some customized parameter sets and heavy error correction codes. We give a treatment of the concrete security of the proposed parameter set, with regards to the recent advance in lattice based cryptanalysis. We present an optimized implementation taking advantage of our byte level modulus and bit level noise. In addition, a byte level modulus allows for high parallelization and the bit level noise avoids the modulus reduction during multiplication. Our result shows that \LAC~is more compact than most of the existing (Ring-)LWE based solutions, while achieving a similar level of efficiency, compared with popular solutions in this domain, such as Kyber

    LizarMong: Excellent Key Encapsulation Mechanism based on RLWE and RLWR

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    The RLWE family algorithms submitted to the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process have each merit in terms of security, correctness, performance, and bandwidth. However, there is no splendid algorithm in all respects. Besides, various recent studies have been published that affect security and correctness, such as side-channel attacks and error dependencies. To date, though, no algorithm has fully considered all the aspects. We propose a novel Key Encapsulation Mechanism scheme called LizarMong, which is based on RLizard. LizarMong combines the merit of each algorithm and state-of-the-art studies. As a result, it achieves up to 85% smaller bandwidth and 3.3 times faster performance compared to RLizard. Compared to the NIST\u27s candidate algorithms with a similar security, the bandwidth is about 5-42% smaller, and the performance is about 1.2-4.1 times faster. Also, our scheme resists the known side-channel attacks

    Lattice Codes for Lattice-Based PKE

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    Existing error correction mechanisms in lattice-based public key encryption (PKE) rely on either trivial modulation or its concatenation with error correction codes (ECC). This paper demonstrates that lattice coding, as a combined ECC and modulation technique, can replace trivial modulation in current lattice-based PKEs, resulting in improved error correction performance. We model the FrodoPKE protocol as a noisy point-to-point communication system, where the communication channel resembles an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. To utilize lattice codes for this specific channel with hypercube shaping, we propose an efficient labeling function that converts binary information bits to lattice codewords and vice versa. The parameter sets of FrodoPKE are enhanced to achieve higher security levels or smaller ciphertext sizes. For instance, the proposed Frodo-1344-E8_\text{8} offers a 10-bit classical security improvement over Frodo-1344. The code for reproducing our main experiments is available at https://github.com/shx-lyu/lattice-codes-for-pke

    Polar Coding for Ring-LWE-Based Public Key Encryption

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    Cryptographic constructions based on ring learning with errors\textit{ring learning with errors} (RLWE) have emerged as one of the front runners for the standardization of post quantum public key cryptography. As the standardization process continues, optimizing specific parts of proposed schemes becomes a worthwhile endeavor. In this work we focus on using error correcting codes to alleviate a natural trade-off present in most schemes; namely, we would like a wider error distribution to increase security, but a wider error distribution comes at the cost of an increased probability of decryption error. The motivation of this work is to improve the security level of RLWE-based public key encryption (PKE) while keeping the target decryption failure rate (DFR) achievable using error-correcting codes. Specifically, we explore how to implement a family member of error correcting codes, known as polar codes, in RLWE-based PKE schemes in order to effectively lower the DFR. The dependency existing in the additive noise term is handled by mapping every error term (e.g., e,t,s,e1,e2e,t,s,e_1,e_2) under canonical embedding to the space HH where a product in the number field KK gives rise to a coordinate-wise product in HH. An attempt has been made to make the modulation constellation (message basis) fit in with the canonical basis. Furthermore, we exploit the actuality of some error terms known by the decoder to further lower the DFR. Using our method, the DFR is expected to be as low as 22982^{-298} for code rate 0.25, n=1024,q=12289n=1024,q=12289 and binomial parameter k=8k=8 as is exactly the setting of the post-quantum scheme NewHope; DFR is 21562^{-156} for code rate 0.25, n=1024,q=12289,k=16n=1024,q=12289,k=16. This new DFR margin enables us to improve the security level by 9.4%9.4\% compared with NewHope. Moreover, polar encoding and decoding have quasi-linear complexity O(NlogN)O(N\log N) and they can be implemented in constant time

    Analysis of Error-Correcting Codes for Lattice-Based Key Exchange

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    Lattice problems allow the construction of very efficient key exchange and public-key encryption schemes. When using the Learning with Errors (LWE) or Ring-LWE (RLWE) problem such schemes exhibit an interesting trade-off between decryption error rate and security. The reason is that secret and error distributions with a larger standard deviation lead to better security but also increase the chance of decryption failures. As a consequence, various message/key encoding or reconciliation techniques have been proposed that usually encode one payload bit into several coefficients. In this work, we analyze how error-correcting codes can be used to enhance the error resilience of protocols like NewHope, Frodo, or Kyber. For our case study, we focus on the recently introduced NewHope Simple and propose and analyze four different options for error correction: i) BCH code; ii) combination of BCH code and additive threshold encoding; iii) LDPC code; and iv) combination of BCH and LDPC code. We show that lattice-based cryptography can profit from classical and modern codes by combining BCH and LDPC codes. This way we achieve quasi-error-free communication and an increase of the estimated post-quantum bit-security level by 20.39% and a decrease of the communication overhead by 12.8%

    Lattice-based Key Sharing Schemes - A Survey

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    Public key cryptography is an indispensable component used in almost all of our present day digital infrastructure. However, most if not all of it is predominantly built upon hardness guarantees of number theoretic problems that can be broken by large scale quantum computers in the future. Sensing the imminent threat from continued advances in quantum computing, NIST has recently initiated a global level standardization process for quantum resistant public-key cryptographic primitives such as public key encryption, digital signatures and key encapsulation mechanisms. While the process received proposals from various categories of post-quantum cryptography, lattice-based cryptography features most prominently among all the submissions. Lattice-based cryptography offers a very attractive alternative to traditional public-key cryptography mainly due to the variety of lattice-based schemes offering varying flavors of security and efficiency guarantees. In this paper, we survey the evolution of lattice-based key sharing schemes (public key encryption and key encapsulation schemes) and cover various aspects ranging from theoretical security guarantees, general algorithmic frameworks, practical implementation aspects and physical attack security, with special focus on lattice-based key sharing schemes competing in the NIST\u27s standardization process. Please note that our work is focussed on the results available from the second round of the NIST\u27s standardization process while the standardization process has progressed to the third and final round at the time of publishing this document

    TiGER: Tiny bandwidth key encapsulation mechanism for easy miGration based on RLWE(R)

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    The quantum resistance Key Encapsulation Mechanism (PQC-KEM) design aims to replace cryptography in legacy security protocols. It would be nice if PQC-KEM were faster and lighter than ECDH or DH for easy migration to legacy security protocols. However, it seems impossible due to the temperament of the secure underlying problems in a quantum environment. Therefore, it makes reason to determine the threshold of the scheme by analyzing the maximum bandwidth the legacy security protocol can adapt. We specified the bandwidth threshold at 1,244 bytes based on IKEv2 (RFC7296), a security protocol with strict constraints on payload size in the initial exchange for secret key sharing. We propose TiGER that is an IND-CCA secure KEM based on RLWE(R). TiGER has a ciphertext (1,152bytes) and a public key (928 bytes) smaller than 1,244 bytes, even at the AES256 security level. To our knowledge, TiGER is the only scheme with such an achievement. Also, TiGER satisfies security levels 1, 3, and 5 of NIST competition. Based on reference implementation, TiGER is 1.7-2.6x faster than Kyber and 2.2-4.4x faster than LAC