1,741 research outputs found

    Modeling and Analysis of an Energy-Efficient Mobility Management Scheme in IP-Based Wireless Networks†

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    An energy-efficient mobility management scheme in IP-based wireless networks is proposed to reduce the battery power consumption of mobile hosts (MHs). The proposed scheme manages seven MH states, including transmitting, receiving, attention/cell-connected, attention/paging area(PA)-connected, idle, off/attached, and detached states, to efficiently manage battery power, radio resources, and network load. We derive the stationary probabilities and steady state probabilities of the seven MH states for the proposed scheme in IP-based wireless networks in compact form. The effects of various input parameters on MH steady state probabilities and power consumption are investigated in the proposed scheme compared to the conventional scheme. Network costs such as cell updates, PA updates, binding-lifetime-based registrations, and paging messages are analyzed in the proposed and conventional schemes. The optimal values of PA size and registration interval are derived to minimize the network cost of the proposed scheme. The combined network and power costs are investigated for the proposed and conventional schemes. The results provide guidelines to select the proper system parameters in IP-based wireless networks

    Supporting IP/LEO satellite networks by handover-independent IP mobility management

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:14380172・基盤研究(B)(2) ・H14~H15/研究代表者:根元, 義章/トラヒックパターンの時系列解析に基づく次世代広域不正アクセス自動追跡システム

    A Data Mining Approach for Location Management in 4G Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

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    A report submitted by Sherif Rashad to the Research and Creative Productions Committee in 2008 on the problem of location management. in the fourth generation (4G) of wireless mobile networks

    On secure communication in integrated internet and heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks.

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    Integration of the Internet with a Cellular Network, WMAN, WLAN, and MANET presents an exceptional promise by having co-existence of conventional WWANs/WMANs/WLANs with wireless ad hoc networks to provide ubiquitous communication. We call such integrated networks providing internet accessibility for mobile users as heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks where the Internet and wireless infrastructure such as WLAN access points (APs) and base stations (BSs) constitute the backbone for various emerging wireless networks (e.g., multi-hop WLAN and ad hoc networks. Earlier approaches for the Internet connectivity either provide only unidirectional connectivity for ad hoc hosts or cause high overhead as well as delay for providing full bi-directional connections. In this dissertation, a new protocol is proposed for integrated Internet and ad hoc networks for supporting bi-directional global connectivity for ad hoc hosts. In order to provide efficient mobility management for mobile users in an integrated network, a mobility management protocol called multi-hop cellular IP (MCIP) has been proposed to provide a micro-mobility management framework for heterogeneous multi-hop network. The micro-mobility is achieved by differentiating the local domain from the global domain. At the same time, the MCIP protocol extends Mobile IP protocol for providing macro-mobility support between local domains either for single hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the MCIP protocol, new location and mobility management approaches are developed for tracking mobile stations, paging, and handoff management. This dissertation also provides a security protocol for integrated Internet and MANET to establish distributed trust relationships amongst mobile infrastructures. This protocol protects communication between two mobile stations against the attacks either from the Internet side or from wireless side. Moreover, a secure macro/micro-mobility protocol (SM3P) have been introduced and evaluated for preventing mobility-related attacks either for single-hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the proposed SM3P, mobile IP security has been extended for supporting macro-mobility across local domains through the process of multi-hop registration and authentication. In a local domain, a certificate-based authentication achieves the effective routing and micro-mobility protection from a range of potential security threats