1 research outputs found

    On Quotients of Formal Power Series

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    Quotient is a basic operation of formal languages, which plays a key role in the construction of minimal deterministic finite automata (DFA) and the universal automata. In this paper, we extend this operation to formal power series and systemically investigate its implications in the study of weighted automata. In particular, we define two quotient operations for formal power series that coincide when calculated by a word. We term the first operation as (left or right) \emph{quotient}, and the second as (left or right) \emph{residual}. To support the definitions of quotients and residuals, the underlying semiring is restricted to complete semirings or complete c-semirings. Algebraical properties that are similar to the classical case are obtained in the formal power series case. Moreover, we show closure properties, under quotients and residuals, of regular series and weighted context-free series are similar as in formal languages. Using these operations, we define for each formal power series AA two weighted automata MA{\cal M}_A and UA{\cal U}_A. Both weighted automata accepts AA, and MA{\cal M}_A is the minimal deterministic weighted automaton of AA. The universality of UA{\cal U}_A is justified and, in particular, we show that MA{\cal M}_A is a sub-automaton of UA{\cal U}_A. Last but not least, an effective method to construct the universal automaton is also presented in this paper.Comment: 48 pages, 3 figures, 30 conference