732 research outputs found

    A Recursive Construction of Permutation Polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} with Odd Characteristic from R\'{e}dei Functions

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    In this paper, we construct two classes of permutation polynomials over Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} with odd characteristic from rational R\'{e}dei functions. A complete characterization of their compositional inverses is also given. These permutation polynomials can be generated recursively. As a consequence, we can generate recursively permutation polynomials with arbitrary number of terms. More importantly, the conditions of these polynomials being permutations are very easy to characterize. For wide applications in practice, several classes of permutation binomials and trinomials are given. With the help of a computer, we find that the number of permutation polynomials of these types is very large

    Cyclotomy and permutation polynomials of large indices

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    We use cyclotomy to design new classes of permutation polynomials over finite fields. This allows us to generate many classes of permutation polynomials in an algorithmic way. Many of them are permutation polynomials of large indices
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