895 research outputs found

    PAC Reinforcement Learning with Rich Observations

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    We propose and study a new model for reinforcement learning with rich observations, generalizing contextual bandits to sequential decision making. These models require an agent to take actions based on observations (features) with the goal of achieving long-term performance competitive with a large set of policies. To avoid barriers to sample-efficient learning associated with large observation spaces and general POMDPs, we focus on problems that can be summarized by a small number of hidden states and have long-term rewards that are predictable by a reactive function class. In this setting, we design and analyze a new reinforcement learning algorithm, Least Squares Value Elimination by Exploration. We prove that the algorithm learns near optimal behavior after a number of episodes that is polynomial in all relevant parameters, logarithmic in the number of policies, and independent of the size of the observation space. Our result provides theoretical justification for reinforcement learning with function approximation

    Is Long Horizon Reinforcement Learning More Difficult Than Short Horizon Reinforcement Learning?

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    Learning to plan for long horizons is a central challenge in episodic reinforcement learning problems. A fundamental question is to understand how the difficulty of the problem scales as the horizon increases. Here the natural measure of sample complexity is a normalized one: we are interested in the number of episodes it takes to provably discover a policy whose value is ε\varepsilon near to that of the optimal value, where the value is measured by the normalized cumulative reward in each episode. In a COLT 2018 open problem, Jiang and Agarwal conjectured that, for tabular, episodic reinforcement learning problems, there exists a sample complexity lower bound which exhibits a polynomial dependence on the horizon -- a conjecture which is consistent with all known sample complexity upper bounds. This work refutes this conjecture, proving that tabular, episodic reinforcement learning is possible with a sample complexity that scales only logarithmically with the planning horizon. In other words, when the values are appropriately normalized (to lie in the unit interval), this results shows that long horizon RL is no more difficult than short horizon RL, at least in a minimax sense. Our analysis introduces two ideas: (i) the construction of an ε\varepsilon-net for optimal policies whose log-covering number scales only logarithmically with the planning horizon, and (ii) the Online Trajectory Synthesis algorithm, which adaptively evaluates all policies in a given policy class using sample complexity that scales with the log-covering number of the given policy class. Both may be of independent interest

    EX2: Exploration with Exemplar Models for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have been shown to learn complex tasks using highly general policy classes. However, sparse reward problems remain a significant challenge. Exploration methods based on novelty detection have been particularly successful in such settings but typically require generative or predictive models of the observations, which can be difficult to train when the observations are very high-dimensional and complex, as in the case of raw images. We propose a novelty detection algorithm for exploration that is based entirely on discriminatively trained exemplar models, where classifiers are trained to discriminate each visited state against all others. Intuitively, novel states are easier to distinguish against other states seen during training. We show that this kind of discriminative modeling corresponds to implicit density estimation, and that it can be combined with count-based exploration to produce competitive results on a range of popular benchmark tasks, including state-of-the-art results on challenging egocentric observations in the vizDoom benchmark

    PAC-Bayes Control: Learning Policies that Provably Generalize to Novel Environments

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    Our goal is to learn control policies for robots that provably generalize well to novel environments given a dataset of example environments. The key technical idea behind our approach is to leverage tools from generalization theory in machine learning by exploiting a precise analogy (which we present in the form of a reduction) between generalization of control policies to novel environments and generalization of hypotheses in the supervised learning setting. In particular, we utilize the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC)-Bayes framework, which allows us to obtain upper bounds that hold with high probability on the expected cost of (stochastic) control policies across novel environments. We propose policy learning algorithms that explicitly seek to minimize this upper bound. The corresponding optimization problem can be solved using convex optimization (Relative Entropy Programming in particular) in the setting where we are optimizing over a finite policy space. In the more general setting of continuously parameterized policies (e.g., neural network policies), we minimize this upper bound using stochastic gradient descent. We present simulated results of our approach applied to learning (1) reactive obstacle avoidance policies and (2) neural network-based grasping policies. We also present hardware results for the Parrot Swing drone navigating through different obstacle environments. Our examples demonstrate the potential of our approach to provide strong generalization guarantees for robotic systems with continuous state and action spaces, complicated (e.g., nonlinear) dynamics, rich sensory inputs (e.g., depth images), and neural network-based policies.Comment: Extended version of paper presented at the 2018 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL

    Provably efficient RL with Rich Observations via Latent State Decoding

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    We study the exploration problem in episodic MDPs with rich observations generated from a small number of latent states. Under certain identifiability assumptions, we demonstrate how to estimate a mapping from the observations to latent states inductively through a sequence of regression and clustering steps---where previously decoded latent states provide labels for later regression problems---and use it to construct good exploration policies. We provide finite-sample guarantees on the quality of the learned state decoding function and exploration policies, and complement our theory with an empirical evaluation on a class of hard exploration problems. Our method exponentially improves over QQ-learning with na\"ive exploration, even when QQ-learning has cheating access to latent states.Comment: ICML 201

    Information-Theoretic Considerations in Batch Reinforcement Learning

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    Value-function approximation methods that operate in batch mode have foundational importance to reinforcement learning (RL). Finite sample guarantees for these methods often crucially rely on two types of assumptions: (1) mild distribution shift, and (2) representation conditions that are stronger than realizability. However, the necessity ("why do we need them?") and the naturalness ("when do they hold?") of such assumptions have largely eluded the literature. In this paper, we revisit these assumptions and provide theoretical results towards answering the above questions, and make steps towards a deeper understanding of value-function approximation.Comment: Published in ICML 201

    Markov Decision Processes with Continuous Side Information

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    We consider a reinforcement learning (RL) setting in which the agent interacts with a sequence of episodic MDPs. At the start of each episode the agent has access to some side-information or context that determines the dynamics of the MDP for that episode. Our setting is motivated by applications in healthcare where baseline measurements of a patient at the start of a treatment episode form the context that may provide information about how the patient might respond to treatment decisions. We propose algorithms for learning in such Contextual Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs) under an assumption that the unobserved MDP parameters vary smoothly with the observed context. We also give lower and upper PAC bounds under the smoothness assumption. Because our lower bound has an exponential dependence on the dimension, we consider a tractable linear setting where the context is used to create linear combinations of a finite set of MDPs. For the linear setting, we give a PAC learning algorithm based on KWIK learning techniques

    Provably Efficient Exploration for Reinforcement Learning Using Unsupervised Learning

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    Motivated by the prevailing paradigm of using unsupervised learning for efficient exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) problems [tang2017exploration,bellemare2016unifying], we investigate when this paradigm is provably efficient. We study episodic Markov decision processes with rich observations generated from a small number of latent states. We present a general algorithmic framework that is built upon two components: an unsupervised learning algorithm and a no-regret tabular RL algorithm. Theoretically, we prove that as long as the unsupervised learning algorithm enjoys a polynomial sample complexity guarantee, we can find a near-optimal policy with sample complexity polynomial in the number of latent states, which is significantly smaller than the number of observations. Empirically, we instantiate our framework on a class of hard exploration problems to demonstrate the practicality of our theory

    On Oracle-Efficient PAC RL with Rich Observations

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    We study the computational tractability of PAC reinforcement learning with rich observations. We present new provably sample-efficient algorithms for environments with deterministic hidden state dynamics and stochastic rich observations. These methods operate in an oracle model of computation -- accessing policy and value function classes exclusively through standard optimization primitives -- and therefore represent computationally efficient alternatives to prior algorithms that require enumeration. With stochastic hidden state dynamics, we prove that the only known sample-efficient algorithm, OLIVE, cannot be implemented in the oracle model. We also present several examples that illustrate fundamental challenges of tractable PAC reinforcement learning in such general settings.Comment: appeared at NeurIPS 18; full paper including appendix; updated style fil

    Provably Efficient QQ-learning with Function Approximation via Distribution Shift Error Checking Oracle

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    QQ-learning with function approximation is one of the most popular methods in reinforcement learning. Though the idea of using function approximation was proposed at least 60 years ago, even in the simplest setup, i.e, approximating QQ-functions with linear functions, it is still an open problem on how to design a provably efficient algorithm that learns a near-optimal policy. The key challenges are how to efficiently explore the state space and how to decide when to stop exploring in conjunction with the function approximation scheme. The current paper presents a provably efficient algorithm for QQ-learning with linear function approximation. Under certain regularity assumptions, our algorithm, Difference Maximization QQ-learning (DMQ), combined with linear function approximation, returns a near-optimal policy using a polynomial number of trajectories. Our algorithm introduces a new notion, the Distribution Shift Error Checking (DSEC) oracle. This oracle tests whether there exists a function in the function class that predicts well on a distribution D1\mathcal{D}_1, but predicts poorly on another distribution D2\mathcal{D}_2, where D1\mathcal{D}_1 and D2\mathcal{D}_2 are distributions over states induced by two different exploration policies. For the linear function class, this oracle is equivalent to solving a top eigenvalue problem. We believe our algorithmic insights, especially the DSEC oracle, are also useful in designing and analyzing reinforcement learning algorithms with general function approximation.Comment: In NeurIPS 201
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