11,064 research outputs found

    Fuchsian polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms

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    Let S be a compact surface of genus >1, and g be a metric on S of constant curvature K\in\{-1,0,1\} with conical singularities of negative singular curvature. When K=1 we add the condition that the lengths of the contractible geodesics are >2\pi. We prove that there exists a convex polyhedral surface P in the Lorentzian space-form of curvature K and a group G of isometries of this space such that the induced metric on the quotient P/G is isometric to (S,g). Moreover, the pair (P,G) is unique (up to global isometries) among a particular class of convex polyhedra, namely Fuchsian polyhedra. This extends theorems of A.D. Alexandrov and Rivin--Hodgson concerning the sphere to the higher genus cases, and it is also the polyhedral version of a theorem of Labourie--Schlenker

    Faces of highest weight modules and the universal Weyl polyhedron

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    Let VV be a highest weight module over a Kac-Moody algebra g\mathfrak{g}, and let conv VV denote the convex hull of its weights. We determine the combinatorial isomorphism type of conv VV, i.e. we completely classify the faces and their inclusions. In the special case where g\mathfrak{g} is semisimple, this brings closure to a question studied by Cellini-Marietti [IMRN 2015] for the adjoint representation, and by Khare [J. Algebra 2016; Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2017] for most modules. The determination of faces of finite-dimensional modules up to the Weyl group action and some of their inclusions also appears in previous work of Satake [Ann. of Math. 1960], Borel-Tits [IHES Publ. Math. 1965], Vinberg [Izv. Akad. Nauk 1990], and Casselman [Austral. Math. Soc. 1997]. For any subset of the simple roots, we introduce a remarkable convex cone which we call the universal Weyl polyhedron, which controls the convex hulls of all modules parabolically induced from the corresponding Levi factor. Namely, the combinatorial isomorphism type of the cone stores the classification of faces for all such highest weight modules, as well as how faces degenerate as the highest weight gets increasingly singular. To our knowledge, this cone is new in finite and infinite type. We further answer a question of Michel Brion, by showing that the localization of conv VV along a face is always the convex hull of the weights of a parabolically induced module. Finally, as we determine the inclusion relations between faces representation-theoretically from the set of weights, without recourse to convexity, we answer a similar question for highest weight modules over symmetrizable quantum groups.Comment: Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematics (42 pages, with similar margins; essentially no change in content from v2). We recall preliminaries and results from the companion paper arXiv:1606.0964

    Polyhedral realisation of hyperbolic metrics with conical singularities on compact surfaces

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    A Fuchsian polyhedron in hyperbolic space is a polyhedral surface invariant under the action of a Fuchsian group of isometries (i.e. a group of isometries leaving globally invariant a totally geodesic surface, on which it acts cocompactly). The induced metric on a convex Fuchsian polyhedron is isometric to a hyperbolic metric with conical singularities of positive singular curvature on a compact surface of genus greater than one. We prove that these metrics are actually realised by exactly one convex Fuchsian polyhedron (up to global isometries). This extends a famous theorem of A.D. Alexandrov.Comment: Some little corrections from the preceding version. To appear in Les Annales de l'Institut Fourie