244,664 research outputs found

    On Perfect Privacy

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    The problem of private data disclosure is studied from an information theoretic perspective. Considering a pair of dependent random variables (X, Y), where X and Y denote the private and useful data, respectively, the following problem is addressed: What is the maximum information that can be revealed about Y, measured by mutual information I(Y; U), in which U denotes the revealed data, while disclosing no information about X, captured by the condition of statistical independence, i.e., X ⊥ U, and henceforth called perfect privacy)? We analyze the supremization of utility, i.e., I(Y; U) under the condition of perfect privacy for two scenarios: output perturbation and full data observation models, which correspond to the cases where a Markov kernel, called privacy-preserving mapping, applies to Y and the pair (X, Y), respectively. When both X and Y have a finite alphabet, the linear algebraic analysis involved in the solution provides some interesting results, such as upper/lower bounds on the size of the released alphabet and the maximum utility. Afterwards, it is shown that for the jointly Gaussian (X, Y), perfect privacy is not possible in the output perturbation model in contrast to the full data observation model. Finally, an asymptotic analysis is provided to obtain the rate of released information when a sufficiently small leakage is allowed. In particular, in the context of output perturbation model, it is shown that this rate is always finite when perfect privacy is not feasible, and two lower bounds are provided for it; When perfect privacy is feasible, it is shown that under mild conditions, this rate becomes unbounded

    How to Securely Compute the Modulo-Two Sum of Binary Sources

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    In secure multiparty computation, mutually distrusting users in a network want to collaborate to compute functions of data which is distributed among the users. The users should not learn any additional information about the data of others than what they may infer from their own data and the functions they are computing. Previous works have mostly considered the worst case context (i.e., without assuming any distribution for the data); Lee and Abbe (2014) is a notable exception. Here, we study the average case (i.e., we work with a distribution on the data) where correctness and privacy is only desired asymptotically. For concreteness and simplicity, we consider a secure version of the function computation problem of K\"orner and Marton (1979) where two users observe a doubly symmetric binary source with parameter p and the third user wants to compute the XOR. We show that the amount of communication and randomness resources required depends on the level of correctness desired. When zero-error and perfect privacy are required, the results of Data et al. (2014) show that it can be achieved if and only if a total rate of 1 bit is communicated between every pair of users and private randomness at the rate of 1 is used up. In contrast, we show here that, if we only want the probability of error to vanish asymptotically in block length, it can be achieved by a lower rate (binary entropy of p) for all the links and for private randomness; this also guarantees perfect privacy. We also show that no smaller rates are possible even if privacy is only required asymptotically.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, extended version of submission to IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 201

    Settling for limited privacy: how much does it help?

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    This thesis explores practical and theoretical aspects of several privacy-providing technologies, including tools for anonymous web-browsing, verifiable electronic voting schemes, and private information retrieval from databases. State-of-art privacy-providing schemes are frequently impractical for implementational reasons or for sheer information-theoretical reasons due to the amount of information that needs to be transmitted. We have been researching the question of whether relaxing the requirements on such schemes, in particular settling for imperfect but sufficient in real-world situations privacy, as opposed to perfect privacy, may be helpful in producing more practical or more efficient schemes. This thesis presents three results. The first result is the introduction of caching as a technique for providing anonymous web-browsing at the cost of sacrificing some functionality provided by anonymizing systems that do not use caching. The second result is a coercion-resistant electronic voting scheme with nearly perfect privacy and nearly perfect voter verifiability. The third result consists of some lower bounds and some simple upper bounds on the amount of communication in nearly private information retrieval schemes; our work is the first in-depth exploration of private information schemes with imperfect privacy
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