362,470 research outputs found

    Topological steps toward the Homflypt skein module of the lens spaces L(p,1)L(p,1) via braids

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    In this paper we work toward the Homflypt skein module of the lens spaces L(p,1)L(p,1), S(L(p,1))\mathcal{S}(L(p,1)), using braids. In particular, we establish the connection between S(ST)\mathcal{S}({\rm ST}), the Homflypt skein module of the solid torus ST, and S(L(p,1))\mathcal{S}(L(p,1)) and arrive at an infinite system, whose solution corresponds to the computation of S(L(p,1))\mathcal{S}(L(p,1)). We start from the Lambropoulou invariant XX for knots and links in ST, the universal analogue of the Homflypt polynomial in ST, and a new basis, Ξ›\Lambda, of S(ST)\mathcal{S}({\rm ST}) presented in \cite{DL1}. We show that S(L(p,1))\mathcal{S}(L(p,1)) is obtained from S(ST)\mathcal{S}({\rm ST}) by considering relations coming from the performance of braid band moves (bbm) on elements in the basis Ξ›\Lambda, where the braid band moves are performed on any moving strand of each element in Ξ›\Lambda. We do that by proving that the system of equations obtained from diagrams in ST by performing bbm on any moving strand is equivalent to the system obtained if we only consider elements in the basic set Ξ›\Lambda. The importance of our approach is that it can shed light to the problem of computing skein modules of arbitrary c.c.o. 33-manifolds, since any 33-manifold can be obtained by surgery on S3S^3 along unknotted closed curves. The main difficulty of the problem lies in selecting from the infinitum of band moves some basic ones and solving the infinite system of equations.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1412.364

    Spectral problem on graphs and L-functions

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    The scattering process on multiloop infinite p+1-valent graphs (generalized trees) is studied. These graphs are discrete spaces being quotients of the uniform tree over free acting discrete subgroups of the projective group PGL(2,Qp)PGL(2, {\bf Q}_p). As the homogeneous spaces, they are, in fact, identical to p-adic multiloop surfaces. The Ihara-Selberg L-function is associated with the finite subgraph-the reduced graph containing all loops of the generalized tree. We study the spectral problem on these graphs, for which we introduce the notion of spherical functions-eigenfunctions of a discrete Laplace operator acting on the graph. We define the S-matrix and prove its unitarity. We present a proof of the Hashimoto-Bass theorem expressing L-function of any finite (reduced) graph via determinant of a local operator Ξ”(u)\Delta(u) acting on this graph and relate the S-matrix determinant to this L-function thus obtaining the analogue of the Selberg trace formula. The discrete spectrum points are also determined and classified by the L-function. Numerous examples of L-function calculations are presented.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Russ. Math. Sur

    Canonical rings of Q-divisors on P^1

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    The canonical ring SD=⨁dβ‰₯0H0(X,⌊dDβŒ‹)S_D = \bigoplus_{d \geq 0} H^0(X, \lfloor dD \rfloor) of a divisor D on a curve X is a natural object of study; when D is a Q-divisor, it has connections to projective embeddings of stacky curves and rings of modular forms. We study the generators and relations of S_D for the simplest curve X = P^1. When D contains at most two points, we give a complete description of S_D; for general D, we give bounds on the generators and relations. We also show that the generators (for at most five points) and a Groebner basis of relations between them (for at most four points) depend only on the coefficients in the divisor D, not its points or the characteristic of the ground field; we conjecture that the minimal system of relations varies in a similar way. Although stated in terms of algebraic geometry, our results are proved by translating to the combinatorics of lattice points in simplices and cones.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    An integrability result for LpL^p-vectorfields in the plane

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    We prove that if p>1p>1 then the divergence of a LpL^p-vectorfield VV on a 2-dimensional domain Ξ©\Omega is the boundary of an integral 1-current, if and only if VV can be represented as the rotated gradient βˆ‡βŠ₯u\nabla^\perp u for a W1,pW^{1,p}-map u:Ξ©β†’S1u:\Omega\to S^1. Such result extends to exponents p>1p>1 the result on distributional Jacobians of Alberti, Baldo, Orlandi.Comment: 16 pages, some typing errors fixe
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