265 research outputs found

    On (4,2)-Choosable Graphs

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    A graph GG is called (a,b)(a,b)-choosable if for any list assignment LL which assigns to each vertex vv a set L(v)L(v) of aa permissible colours, there is a bb-tuple LL-colouring of GG. An (a,1)(a,1)-choosable graph is also called aa-choosable. In the pioneering paper on list colouring of graphs by Erd\H{o}s, Rubin and Taylor, 22-choosable graphs are characterized. Confirming a special case of a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s--Rubin--Taylor, Tuza and Voigt proved that 22-choosable graphs are (2m,m)(2m,m)-choosable for any positive integer mm. On the other hand, Voigt proved that if mm is an odd integer, then these are the only (2m,m)(2m,m)-choosable graphs; however, when mm is even, there are (2m,m)(2m,m)-choosable graphs that are not 22-choosable. A graph is called 33-choosable-critical if it is not 22-choosable, but all its proper subgraphs are 22-choosable. Voigt conjectured that for every positive integer mm, all bipartite 33-choosable-critical graphs are (4m,2m)(4m,2m)-choosable. In this paper, we determine which 33-choosable-critical graphs are (4,2)(4,2)-choosable, refuting Voigt's conjecture in the process. Nevertheless, a weaker version of the conjecture is true: we prove that there is an even integer kk such that for any positive integer mm, every bipartite 33-choosable-critical graph is (2km,km)(2km,km)-choosable. Moving beyond 33-choosable-critical graphs, we present an infinite family of non-33-choosable-critical graphs which have been shown by computer analysis to be (4,2)(4,2)-choosable. This shows that the family of all (4,2)(4,2)-choosable graphs has rich structure.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Now includes source code in ancillary file

    Complexity of choosability with a small palette of colors

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    A graph is β„“\ell-choosable if, for any choice of lists of β„“\ell colors for each vertex, there is a list coloring, which is a coloring where each vertex receives a color from its list. We study complexity issues of choosability of graphs when the number kk of colors is limited. We get results which differ surprisingly from the usual case where kk is implicit and which extend known results for the usual case. We also exhibit some classes of graphs (defined by structural properties of their blocks) which are choosable.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Total weight choosability of d-degenerate graphs

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    A graph GG is (k,kβ€²)(k,k')-choosable if the following holds: For any list assignment LL which assigns to each vertex vv a set L(v)L(v) of kk real numbers, and assigns to each edge ee a set L(e)L(e) of kβ€²k' real numbers, there is a total weighting Ο•:V(G)βˆͺE(G)β†’R\phi: V(G) \cup E(G) \to R such that Ο•(z)∈L(z)\phi(z) \in L(z) for z∈VβˆͺEz \in V \cup E, and βˆ‘e∈E(u)Ο•(e)+Ο•(u)β‰ βˆ‘e∈E(v)Ο•(e)+Ο•(v)\sum_{e \in E(u)}\phi(e)+\phi(u) \ne \sum_{e \in E(v)}\phi(e)+\phi(v) for every edge uvuv. This paper proves the following results: (1) If GG is a connected dd-degenerate graph, and k>dk>d is a prime number, and GG is either non-bipartite or has two non-adjacent vertices u,vu,v with d(u)+d(v)<kd(u)+d(v) < k, then GG is (1,k)(1,k)-choosable. As a consequence, every planar graph with no isolated edges is (1,7)(1,7)-choosable, and every connected 22-degenerate non-bipartite graph other than K2K_2 is (1,3)(1,3)-choosable. (2) If d+1d+1 is a prime number, v1,v2,…,vnv_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n is an ordering of the vertices of GG such that each vertex viv_i has back degree dβˆ’(vi)≀dd^-(v_i) \le d, then there is a graph Gβ€²G' obtained from GG by adding at most dβˆ’dβˆ’(vi)d-d^-(v_i) leaf neighbours to viv_i (for each ii) and Gβ€²G' is (1,2)(1,2)-choosable. (3) If GG is dd-degenerate and d+1d+1 a prime, then GG is (d,2)(d,2)-choosable. In particular, 22-degenerate graphs are (2,2)(2,2)-choosable. (4) Every graph is (⌈mad(G)2βŒ‰+1,2)(\lceil\frac{{\rm mad}(G)}{2}\rceil+1, 2) -choosable. In particular, planar graphs are (4,2)(4,2)-choosable, planar bipartite graphs are (3,2)(3,2)-choosable.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figures

    List edge-colouring and total colouring in graphs of low treewidth

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    We prove that the list chromatic index of a graph of maximum degree Ξ”\Delta and treewidth ≀2Ξ”βˆ’3\leq \sqrt{2\Delta} -3 is Ξ”\Delta; and that the total chromatic number of a graph of maximum degree Ξ”\Delta and treewidth ≀Δ/3+1\leq \Delta/3 +1 is Ξ”+1\Delta +1. This improves results by Meeks and Scott.Comment: 10 page

    A Characterization of (4,2)(4,2)-Choosable Graphs

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    A graph GG is \emph{(a,b)(a,b)-choosable} if given any list assignment LL with ∣L(v)∣=a|L(v)|=a for each v∈V(G)v\in V(G) there exists a function Ο†\varphi such that Ο†(v)∈L(v)\varphi(v)\in L(v) and βˆ£Ο†(v)∣=b|\varphi(v)|=b for all v∈V(G)v\in V(G), and whenever vertices xx and yy are adjacent Ο†(x)βˆ©Ο†(y)=βˆ…\varphi(x)\cap \varphi(y)=\emptyset. Meng, Puleo, and Zhu conjectured a characterization of (4,2)-choosable graphs. We prove their conjecture.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures; version 3 incorporates reviewer feedback: completely rewrote Section 5 to correct an error, omitted many tedious details of showing that certain graphs are not (4,2)-choosable, removed open question and conjecture; to appear in J. Graph Theor

    On the list chromatic index of graphs of tree-width 3 and maximum degree at least 7

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    Among other results, it is shown that 3-trees are Ξ”\Delta-edge-choosable and that graphs of tree-width 3 and maximum degree at least 7 are Ξ”\Delta-edge-choosable

    List colouring with a bounded palette

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    Kr\'al' and Sgall (2005) introduced a refinement of list colouring where every colour list must be subset to one predetermined palette of colours. We call this (k,β„“)(k,\ell)-choosability when the palette is of size at most β„“\ell and the lists must be of size at least kk. They showed that, for any integer kβ‰₯2k\ge 2, there is an integer C=C(k,2kβˆ’1)C=C(k,2k-1), satisfying C=O(16kln⁑k)C = O(16^{k}\ln k) as kβ†’βˆžk\to \infty, such that, if a graph is (k,2kβˆ’1)(k,2k-1)-choosable, then it is CC-choosable, and asked if CC is required to be exponential in kk. We demonstrate it must satisfy C=Ξ©(4k/k)C = \Omega(4^k/\sqrt{k}). For an integer β„“β‰₯2kβˆ’1\ell \ge 2k-1, if C(k,β„“)C(k,\ell) is the least integer such that a graph is C(k,β„“)C(k,\ell)-choosable if it is (k,β„“)(k,\ell)-choosable, then we more generally supply a lower bound on C(k,β„“)C(k,\ell), one that is super-polynomial in kk if β„“=o(k2/ln⁑k)\ell = o(k^2/\ln k), by relation to an extremal set theoretic property. By the use of containers, we also give upper bounds on C(k,β„“)C(k,\ell) that improve on earlier bounds if β„“β‰₯2.75k\ell \ge 2.75 k.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; to appear in Journal of Graph Theor

    Total weight choosability for Halin graphs

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    A proper total weighting of a graph GG is a mapping Ο•\phi which assigns to each vertex and each edge of GG a real number as its weight so that for any edge uvuv of GG, βˆ‘e∈E(v)Ο•(e)+Ο•(v)β‰ βˆ‘e∈E(u)Ο•(e)+Ο•(u)\sum_{e \in E(v)}\phi(e)+\phi(v) \ne \sum_{e \in E(u)}\phi(e)+\phi(u). A (k,kβ€²)(k,k')-list assignment of GG is a mapping LL which assigns to each vertex vv a set L(v)L(v) of kk permissible weights and to each edge ee a set L(e)L(e) of kβ€²k' permissible weights. An LL-total weighting is a total weighting Ο•\phi with Ο•(z)∈L(z)\phi(z) \in L(z) for each z∈V(G)βˆͺE(G)z \in V(G) \cup E(G). A graph GG is called (k,kβ€²)(k,k')-choosable if for every (k,kβ€²)(k,k')-list assignment LL of GG, there exists a proper LL-total weighting. As a strenghtening of the well-known 1-2-3 conjecture, it was conjectured in [ Wong and Zhu, Total weight choosability of graphs, J. Graph Theory 66 (2011), 198-212] that every graph without isolated edge is (1,3)(1,3)-choosable. It is easy to verified this conjecture for trees, however, to prove it for wheels seemed to be quite non-trivial. In this paper, we develop some tools and techniques which enable us to prove this conjecture for generalized Halin graphs

    Proportional Choosability of Complete Bipartite Graphs

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    Proportional choosability is a list analogue of equitable coloring that was introduced in 2019. The smallest kk for which a graph GG is proportionally kk-choosable is the proportional choice number of GG, and it is denoted Ο‡pc(G)\chi_{pc}(G). In the first ever paper on proportional choosability, it was shown that when 2≀n≀m2 \leq n \leq m, max⁑{n+1,1+⌈m/2βŒ‰}≀χpc(Kn,m)≀n+mβˆ’1 \max\{ n + 1, 1 + \lceil m / 2 \rceil\} \leq \chi_{pc}(K_{n,m}) \leq n + m - 1. In this note we improve on this result by showing that max⁑{n+1,⌈n/2βŒ‰+⌈m/2βŒ‰}≀χpc(Kn,m)≀n+mβˆ’1βˆ’βŒŠm/3βŒ‹ \max\{ n + 1, \lceil n / 2 \rceil + \lceil m / 2 \rceil\} \leq \chi_{pc}(K_{n,m}) \leq n + m -1- \lfloor m/3 \rfloor. In the process, we prove some new lower bounds on the proportional choice number of complete multipartite graphs. We also present several interesting open questions.Comment: 11 page

    List Coloring and nn-monophilic graphs

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    In 1990, Kostochka and Sidorenko proposed studying the smallest number of list-colorings of a graph GG among all assignments of lists of a given size nn to its vertices. We say a graph GG is nn-monophilic if this number is minimized when identical nn-color lists are assigned to all vertices of GG. Kostochka and Sidorenko observed that all chordal graphs are nn-monophilic for all nn. Donner (1992) showed that every graph is nn-monophilic for all sufficiently large nn. We prove that all cycles are nn-monophilic for all nn; we give a complete characterization of 2-monophilic graphs (which turns out to be similar to the characterization of 2-choosable graphs given by Erdos, Rubin, and Taylor in 1980); and for every nn we construct a graph that is nn-choosable but not nn-monophilic
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