6 research outputs found

    On Neural Networks with Minimal Weights

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    Linear threshold elements are the basic building blocks of artificial neural networks. A linear threshold element computes a function that is a sign of a weighted sum of the input variables. The weights are arbitrary integers: actually, they can be very big integers- exponential in the number of the input variables. However, in practice, it is difficult to implement big weights. In the present literature a distinction is made between the two extreme cases: linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights as opposed to those with exponential-size weights. The main contribution of this paper is to fill up the gap by further refining that separation. Namely, we prove that the class of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights can be divided into subclasses according to the degree of the polynomial. In fact we prove a more general result-that there exists a minimal weight linear threshold function for any arbitrary number of inputs and any weight size. To prove those results we have developed a novel technique for constructing linear threshold functions with minimal weights

    Programmable neural logic

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    Circuits of threshold elements (Boolean input, Boolean output neurons) have been shown to be surprisingly powerful. Useful functions such as XOR, ADD and MULTIPLY can be implemented by such circuits more efficiently than by traditional AND/OR circuits. In view of that, we have designed and built a programmable threshold element. The weights are stored on polysilicon floating gates, providing long-term retention without refresh. The weight value is increased using tunneling and decreased via hot electron injection. A weight is stored on a single transistor allowing the development of dense arrays of threshold elements. A 16-input programmable neuron was fabricated in the standard 2 Ī¼m double-poly, analog process available from MOSIS. We also designed and fabricated the multiple threshold element introduced in [5]. It presents the advantage of reducing the area of the layout from O(n^2) to O(n); (n being the number of variables) for a broad class of Boolean functions, in particular symmetric Boolean functions such as PARITY. A long term goal of this research is to incorporate programmable single/multiple threshold elements, as building blocks in field programmable gate arrays

    Multiple Threshold Neural Logic

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    We introduce a new Boolean computing element related to the Linear Threshold element, which is the Boolean version of the neuron. Instead of the sign function, it computes an arbitrary (with polynomialy many transitions) Boolean function of the weighted sum of its inputs. We call the new computing element an LT M element, which stands for Linear Threshold with Multiple transitions. The paper consists of the following main contributions related to our study of LTM circuits: (i) the creation of efficient designs of LTM circuits for the addition of a multiple number of integers and the product of two integers. In particular, we show how to compute the addition of m integers with a single layer of LT M elements. (ii) a proof that the area of the VLSI layout is reduced from O(n^2) in LT circuits to O(n) in LTM circuits, for n inputs symmetric Boolean functions, and (iii) the characterization of the computing power of LT M relative to LT circuits

    Programmable neural logic

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    Algebraic techniques for constructing minimal weight threshold functions

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    A linear threshold element computes a function that is a sign of a weighted sum of the input variables. The best known lower bounds on the size of threshold circuits are for depth-2 circuits with small (polynomial-size) weights. However, in general, the weights are arbitrary integers and can be of exponential size in the number of input variables. Namely, obtaining progress in lower bounds for threshold circuits seems to be related to understanding the role of large weights. In the present literature, a distinction is made between the two extreme cases of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights, as opposed to those with exponential-size weights. Our main contributions are in devising two novel methods for constructing threshold functions with minimal weights and filling up the gap between polynomial and exponential weight growth by further refining the separation. Namely, we prove that the class of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights can be divided into subclasses according to the degree of the polynomial. In fact, we prove a more general result ā€” that there exists a minimal weight linear threshold function for any arbitrary number of inputs and any weight size

    Applying integer programming techniques to find minimum integer weights of voting games

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-76).Using concepts from computer science and mathematics I develop three algorithms to find the minimum integer weights for voting games. Games with up to at least 17 players can be solved in a reasonable amount of time. First, coalitions are mapped to constraints, reducing the problem to constraint optimization. The optimization techniques used are Gomory's all-integer simplex algorithm and a variant of the popular integer programming method branch and bound. Theoretical results include that minimum integer weights are not unique and a confirmation of a prior result that minimum integer weights are proportional to a priori seat share. Thus, these algorithms can be useful for researchers evaluating the differences between proportional bargaining models and formateur models. The running times of the different algorithms are contrasted and analyzed for potential improvements.by Aaron B. Strauss.M.Eng